International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1929 2241

Presto - 1929 2241 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

t? PRESTO TIMES NUMBER 9241 NUMBER 2241. s.tabtished 1884 i THE AMERICAN MUSIC TRADE JOURNAL-£**a6/«.w /««/ Published by Pr«ato Publishing Meond oltw m»tt«r J u . tl, l l l l , tt t Intend u PP o t oo ff ff l c e i Chlca*o. ID, 79 undw »ct of Mar. I. 1879 o 417 8. Dearborn St. r*ktc*ro, l i t A new note in Piano Design the Gulbransen Educational Model Minuet! Here in this Gulbransen is a sensational opportunity for greater piano sales. A delightful little piano, particularly suited to the child's piano study needs. Remarkably low in price, beautifully compact in size and richly glorious in tone. Dedicated to the movement now in progress to teach 25,000,000 children to play the piano. Nationally Priced at 295 IN WALNUT The Gulbransen Educational Model Minuet in mahogany or walnut with carved trusses and pilasters finished in DuPont Duco, 3 feet SVz inches high, full metal plate, copper bass strings, quick repeating piano action, good quality hammers, continuous fall board hinges, brass trimmings, three pedals, full 88 note keyboard. $299.00 The ideal piano for the small apartment, school, church or club. Easily movedfits most any cozy nook. Excellent musical qualities Abundant volume of tone Ability to stand hard usage Developed by Gulbransen to open up new fields of sales that are closed to the bulky grand and upright, at a price available to the average pocketbook. A truly modern piano for this modern agean example of a wideawake, progressive spirit of piano building and merchandising. TO THE DEALER who is anxious to make money selling pianos tie-up with Gulbransen. 1500 Gulbransen Dealers can testify to the value of Gulbransen Products and the soundness of Gulbransen merchandising plans. Write or wire today for complete details. The Gulbransen baby trademark the symbol of quality that has identified Gulbransen products for 25 years. Tune in the program of the Gulbransen Symphony Orchestra every Saturday night, 9:30 to 10 P. M., Eastern Standard Time, over the Columbia Broadcasting System. GULBRANSEN COMPANY Chicago, Kedzie, Sawyer and Spaulding Avenues CHICAGO, ILL. T H E W O R L D ' S L A R G E S T M A N U F A C T U R E R S O FF I N E P I A N O S Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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