International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1928 2212

Presto - 1928 2212 - Page 3 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

December 22, 1928 PRESTO-TIMES BRINKERHOFF Becker Bros. Grands Manufacturer* of HIGH GRADE PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS KREITER - Reproducing Grands The Leading and Most Popular Pianos and Players Player-Pianos a n d Pianos Factory and Wareroom* 767-769 Tenth Avenue, New York Grands, Players, Uprights and Reproducing Pianos The Results of Over Forty Years' of Experience. The Line That Sells Easily and Satisfies Always STRICH & ZEIDLER, Inc. Kreiter Pianos Cover the Entire Line and no Piano Dealer who trie* these instruments would supplant them by any others. A trial will convince. Kreiter Mfg. Co., Inc. BRINKERHOFF PIANO CO. 310-312 W. Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. 711 Milwaukee Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. GRAND, UPRIGHT and PLAYER Factory: Marinette, Wis. AND HOMER PIANOS THE JEWETT PIANOS 740-742 East 136th Street NEW YORK Reliable Grand, Upright and Player Pianos JEWETT PIANO CO., Boston Factories: Leominster, Mass. CHRISTMAN PRESTO STUDIO PIANOS Buyers' Guide (Re*. U. S. Tat. Off.) Indispensable to dealers and salesmen Makers of the Famous STUDIO GRAND "The First Touch Tells" (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.) CHRISTMAN PIANO C0.,Inc. 597 East 137th St. It Is a reliable book of reference In determining the origin, make and standing of any instrument. The Presto Buyers' Guide is filled with the information which adds strength ' to a salesman's statement and removes all doubt of his sensible claims for the goods he sells. PRICE 50 CENTS. Musicians insist on RADLE F. RADLE, Inc. Est. 1850. 609-11 W. 36th St., New York City GOLDSMITH Players and Pianos An Investigation Will Prove It GOLDSMITH PIANO COMPANY -a 1223-1227 Miller Street. CHICAGO WILLIAM TONK & BRO., Inc. Tenth Ave. at Thirty-Sixth St. GRANDS. UPRIGHTS. PLATERS AND ELECTRIC REPRODUCERS NEW Y 0 R K GITY TWO TRADE WINNERS HARTFORD Whenever you hear the name RADLE you immediately think of a wonderful tone quality, durability and design. Have Every Advantage in Quality and Results to the Dealers A Leader at Home and Abroad IANO RADLE TONEThe Musician's Delight I CHURCHILL If you want Good Goods at Right Prices, here are two that will meet your requirementsPlayers and Pianos. RELIABLE FINE TONE - BEAUTIFUL Made By HARTFORD PIANO COMPANY 1223-122/ MILLER STREET. CHICAGO STARR PIANOS tarck Grand, Upright and Player-Pianos Strictly High Grade. Many Exclusive Selling Points. Attractive Proposition for Dealers. Send foi Catalog. R A . S f e l l x k P i a m r (Sn. manufacturers, CHiCAGO, ILL. New York Wanroomi: 112-114 West 42nd St. STARR PHONOGRAPHS GENNETT RECORDS Represent the HiqhertoAttainment in cMiwical (Worth 9£eSTAFJVPIANO COMPANY Established 1872 Richmond. Indiana Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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