International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1925 2053

Presto - 1925 2053 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Love of Music Demands the Instruments That Make ItRead Presto Ads Forget The Misses And Keep On Trying Ettabliihed 1884 Success That Lasts Is Slow In Coming THE AMERICAN MUSIC TRADE WEEKLY i# a** *.»« MIIMRFR ftvv; Entered as second class matter Jan. 29, 1896, at NUMBER 2053. p o | | t omo%t Chicago, under Act of Mar. 3. 1879. , NOVFMRFR IVKJVJL1V1DH.K 9& £0, Published weekly fey Presto Publishing Dearborn St., Chlcagorffl Co * 1 7 a T 41A 8T ADAM SCHAAF ESTABLISHED IN 1873 HIVE FOOT QRAIND A more valuable asset cannot be found for the dealer whose clientele demands a small grand of tonal beauty, mechanical perfection and lasting construction. These qualities, essential in fine piano building, and heretofore lacking in small grands, characterize this instrument in the highest degree. Know the sales appeal of the Adam Schaaf Line. Prepare for the New Year by writing today for complete information. ADAM SCHAAF 319=321 S o u t h W a b a s h Ave. Chicago, 111. Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

Future scanning projects are planned by the International Arcade Museum Library (IAML).