International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1925 2047

Presto - 1925 2047 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Oc H9'«! The Only Strictly Piano Trade Paper The World OverRead Presto Ads Work Will Cure What Ails You Established 1884 THE AMERICAN MUSIC TRADE WEEKLY NUMBER 2047 Entered as second class matter Jan. 29. 1X96. at N U M B E R 2O*r. p o f l t o f f l c e Chicago, under Act of Mar. 3. 1879. nPTORFR , UL1UDLK 17 1Q95 1 / , 1»D u cent.; S2.00 a Year PuDUshed weekly by Preato Publishing Co.. 417 S. Dearborn St.. Chicago. 5C 4 1 sS T STEINWAY The Instrument of the Immortals T HE Steinway is today and has been for more than half a century the foremost piano in the world. Its leadership is unquestioned. Foremost Living Pianists Prefer The Steinway Borowsky Grainger Cortot Friedman Ganz Hofmann Hutcheson Levitski Padereivshi Powell Rachmaninoff Schelling The Steinway is made in numerous styles and sizes to fit all homes and all acoustic conditions. They are sold at the lowest possible prices, as they have always been sold. Sold By Leading Dealers Everywhere 5TEINWAY & 5 0 N S 109-113 WEST 57TH STREET NEW YORK Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at YEAR YEAR

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

Future scanning projects are planned by the International Arcade Museum Library (IAML).