Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®


Issue: 1924 1982

Presto - 1924 1982 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

ivertised Pianos Meet a Demand Already CreatedRead Presto Ads Success Is The Builder Of Self Respect Talk That Sells Pianos Is Never Cheap Established IHH4 THE AMERICAN MUSIC TRADE WEEKLY » cent..- *2uo .,,,„,„ Entered as second class matter Jan. 29, 1896, at NUMBER 1982. p o s t Office, Chicago, under Act of Mar. 3, 1879. CHICAGO, JULY 19, 1924 Published weekly by Presto Publishing Co., 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicaeo, IlL M T W T H H llfrwi Cortot cub lus StEinuoau STEINWAY THE INSTRUMENT OF THE IMMORTALS Beneath his hands 'the most renowned pianos of the world' have voiced their greatest glory. His genius has tested every great piano-maker's work. Yet, for Alfred Cortot, there is but 'one perfect instrument, the Steinway.' You who are about to select a piano, do you not find conviction in the experience of this master? What need that you experiment? What guide more sure than this: that since Henry Steinway made his first piano the greatest artists have preferred above all others the instrument that bears his name ? Franz Liszt! Wagner! Rubinstein! The Steinway was their piano. It is played and oved by Paderewski, by Hofmann, by Rachmaninoff. Friedman and Levit:ki will have no other. Successively each generation of the Steinway family has preserved the purpose that its product shall be as truiv the piano of the home as it is the chosen instrument of the concert stage. The qualities that have endeared it to the masters are embodied in every Steinway that is made. For your home there is a Steinway, either grand or upright, which in tone and touch and action matches that which Cortot plays. Once you have set fingers to such an instrument, once you have known the beauty of its response, for you, thereafter, there can be ' but one perfect piano, the Steinway.' There is a Steinway dealer in your community or near you through whom you may purchase a new Steinway piano with a cash deposit of iy'7f, nnd the balance will be extended over a period of two years. Used pianos accepted in partial exchange. Prices: Uprights, $875 and up; Grands, $1425 and up; plus freight STEINWAY & SONS, STEINWAY HALL 107-109 East Fourteenth Street -:- NEW YORK REPRESENTED BY THE FOREMOST DEALERS EVERYWHERE Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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