International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1920 1788

Presto - 1920 1788 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Publicity Is t h G u i d e t o ProsperityRead Presto Ads. Prints No News That Can Only Destroy 00 AMERICAN MUSIC TRADE WEEKLY u cent.; $2. EitabUihed 1S84 NUMBER presto Boosts Are Builders But Knocks Upset Published weekly hy Presto Publishing Dearborn St., Chicago. Til. 40? g C o JESSE FRENCH and LAGONDA OPTORFR , \JK* 1 KJtHl.t\ 1(\ 1Q9ft J U , 1V£,\) Kntered as second class matter Jan. 29, 1896, at p o s t Office. Chicago, under Act of Mar. 3. 1879. 37TH YEAR Y M H l GRAND?. PLAYERS and PIANOS '£ A name well known since £: 187544 years of square dealing. PIANOS AND ARTISTIC AND HIGH GRADE PtA.NO PLAYERS JESSE FRENCH President October 30th, 1920 MR. PIANO MERCHANT, U. S. A. - Dear Sir:-Almost every mail brings orders in which instructions are given to "ship at once". A little thought will satisfy you that this is often an impossibility. It has "been especially so of late, notwithstanding that it is the rule to meet the demands for JESSE FRENCH pianos as promptly as the consideration of "Quality First and First Quality" will permit. Have you thought that, in order to insure satisfactory shipments, it is best to get in your orders as early as possible? The Holiday trade promises to be good this year. The Old Year promises to go out with a record, and the New Year should be welcomed as bearing bright promises, also. Therefore get your orders to us as promptly as you can with a view to the future as well as to present needs. We will take care of you to the "limit11 and you may always depend upon the standard of JESSE FRENCH pianosthis you know. We are better prepared to serve you now than ever before. Very truly yours, JESSE FRENCH & SONS PIANO CO. JF,Sr.: MT President Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at A

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This publication is presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM).

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