International Arcade Museum Library


Issue: 1920 1760

Presto - 1920 1760 - Page 1 – Presented by the International Arcade Museum (IAM)

Advertisers Have Faith In Their ProductsRead Presto Ads. Write It Out and Let Us Print It EatablUhed 1884 ER -I7fin ER 1760. Presto THE AMERICAN MUSIC TRADE WEEKLY n cent.; Published weekly by Presto Publishing Chicago. 111. 407 s D e a r b o r n s t ( C o Bring All Doubts to Us for Solution JESSE FRENCH and LAGONDA CW1C&.CCI V*HIV*AV*\/, 17 1/, Entered as second class matter Jan. 29, 1896, at Post Office, Chicago, under Act of Mar. 3, 1879. 37TH YEAR * " " Yfc««- GRANDS, PLAYERS and PIANOS A name well known since | # 187544 years of square dealing. ARTISTIC AND HIGH GRADE JESSE FRENCH President April 17, 1920 MR. PIANO MERCHANT, U. S. A. Dear Sir:--Personally speaking, we imagine you were one of the "boys who liked to take Dad's clock apart and tinker with the spring and wheels--ara I right?and as the saying goes, "men at heart are only "boys grown tall", we take it for granted you have curiosity to know something about the "inside workings", the why and wherefores of the superior tonal qualities of the JESSE FRENCH PIANOS. All pianos look very much alike on the surface, "but the real heart of a piano is the tone. One important fundamental causing the great wealth of full, rich tonal resources of our piano hinges on the acoustic rim and the sounding board. The sounding "board and ribs are of the "best Vermont white spruce crowned "by a half acoustic rim. The rim itself is made of alternating rows of maple and walnut securely glued and pressed in bowlike form, whose chief function when placed on the sounding board is to shorten vibration and create a perfect tone volume. Beside its meritorious relation to the p"iano, its different layers lend an artistic value to the finished product and help in sales production. So securely is the rim made that it is proof against checking, splitting or breaking. Add to these advantageous features high grade material and superb workmanship which enter into the entires construction of our pianos and you have an idea of the "inside workings"--£s it any wonder that YOU, Mr. Piano Merchant, can bank on the JESSE FRENCH'dine to boost your piano business? Very truly yours, JESSE FRENCH & SONS PIANO CO. CBL/MT. - * - President Enhanced content © 2008-2009 and presented by MBSI - The Musical Box Society International ( and the International Arcade Museum ( All Rights Reserved. Digitized from the archives of the MBSI with support from NAMM - The International Music Products Association ( Additional enhancement, optimization, and distribution by the International Arcade Museum. An extensive collection of Presto can be found online at

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