Up until now in this series, we have been looking at different antisemitic philosophies and shown how they all seem to be consistent with supersessionism - the desire to replace the Jews with another people.
When is comes to Palestinianism, however, supersessionism is the entire point.
Palestinian nationalism was created for one reason only: to counter and defeat Jewish nationalism. Only when Zionism started gaining steam did the Palestinians begin to come up with their own competing, quite questionable, nationalism.
Early Palestinian nationalism was created almost exclusively by Christians in the region, who were more attuned to Western ideas than the Muslims. Most of the earliest theorists of Palestinian nationalism were Christian, and the dominant Christian sects in the Middle East were antisemitic and supersessionist, which undoubtedly influenced them. In general, throughout the 1910s, Christians preferred a separate Palestinian state while the Muslims were more interested in a pan-Arab state, Greater Syria.
After Western powers divided up the region at the San Remo conference, however, that dream evaporated. Proponents of the Greater Syria plan, like the infamous Jew-hater the Mufti of Jerusalem, switched gears towards the idea of an independent Palestinian Arab state instead of a Jewish homeland as written in the Balfour Declaration. If Zionism had never existed, neither would have the concept of a Palestinian people differentiated from the other Arabs of the Levant.
The Palestinian Arabs staged a series of riots and massacres against Jews throughout the 1920s and 1930s, all meant to pressure Great Britain to stop Jewish immigration to Palestine. The British caved to this terrorist blackmail, with the infamous 1939 White Paper to curtail almost all Jewish immigration on the eve of the Holocaust.
Before 1948, perhaps it is unfair to call this opposition to a Jewish state supersessionism. After the State of Israel was declared, it is impossible not to see it that way.
Palestinian nationalism quieted down for several years after 1948. Yasir Arafat's Fatah was formed in the 1950s, with its first terror attack in 1965.
Significantly, the original PLO charter written in 1964 explicitly excluded the West Bank and Gaza from lands that the Palestinians claimed as their own. Similarly, the Arab nations that claimed to support them didn't offer them a state in those areas. Jordan annexed the West Bank while Egypt paid a little more lip service to the idea of a Palestinian state while keeping all Palestinians in Gaza.
After Israel's victory in the Six Day War, the Palestinians suddenly began to claim those new territories controlled by Israel along with Israel itself. They didn't want a state on Arab land - only on Jewish land.
The 1974 PLO Ten Point Program, or Phased Plan, outlined a strategy to dismantle Israel incrementally. It called for establishing a “national authority” in any territory it gained control over as a step toward “complete liberation” of all Mandatory Palestine, rejecting any compromise short of total replacement of Israel, where the Jews would be expelled or relegated to second class citizenship, certainly with no ability to immigrate. It was intended to replace Israel with an Arab Palestine, and nothing short of that was acceptable.
Even after the Oslo Accords, Palestinian leaders admitted to their people that the Phased Plan for the elimination of Israel was still in force. The PLO pretended to amend its charter in front of Bill Clinton but it was all a show - the meeting was not an official PLO meeting under their bylaws, and they never issued a new charter since the 1968 version.
Within the framework of "peace," the PLO consistently demanded something that is utterly inconsistent with the desire for a state: the "Right of Return," where millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees from 1948 would have the right not to move to the Arab state but to the Jewish one. The goal of keeping the refugee issue alive even decades after the "nakba", which Arab leaders admitted, was to use these "refugees" as a way to ultimately destroy Israel, in this case demographically, and turn Israel into another Arab state.
From 1948 to today, every Palestinian decision has been consistent with the goal of ultimately destroying the Jewish state and taking over. This is, again, pure supersessionism.
This decades-long effort effort to replace Israel was not only in the political arena. Palestinianism also seeks to erase Jewish history and peoplehood through cultural supersessionism and history denial.
Palestinian leaders, including Mahmoud Abbas, have claimed Jesus—a Jew born in Judea around 4 BCE—as “the first Palestinian.” The PA’s media went further, calling Jesus “the first Palestinian martyr” This erases Jesus’s Jewishness, replacing it with a Palestinian identity to delegitimize Jewish ties to the land, mirroring Christian supersessionism but in a nationalist form.
This cultural erasure extends to archaeology. From 1996 to 1999, the Waqf administration excavated the Temple Mount, discarding tons of earth containing Second Temple artifacts, destroying evidence of Jewish history. Thousands of artifacts and important finds were recovered from the tons of debris carted to a trash dump. In Palestinian Authority-controlled areas they have done the same to other archeological sites of importance to Jews.
The PA also claimed the Dead Sea Scrolls—the oldest extant Jewish texts—as “Palestinian heritage.” They designated Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs as Palestinian sites, despite their Jewish significance. This dual strategy—destroying Jewish archaeology while claiming it as exclusively their own—constructs a false historical narrative, superseding Jewish history with a Palestinian one to justify replacing Israel.
The desire to erase and replace anything remotely Jewish about the region extends to absurd lengths. The cover of a seventh grade Palestinian textbook featured a stamp of British Mandate Palestine where they airbrushed out the Hebrew portion.
Even the most fundamental parts of Jewish history and identity are subject to erasure and replacement. Yasir Arafat famously told Bill Clinton that the Jewish Temples were not built in Jerusalem. The Waqf’s brochures on the Temple Mount do not mention any Jewish connection to Judaism's holiest spot. Palestinians are taught that there is no evidence of an ancient Jewish presence in Jerusalem to begin with, and that all archeological evidence is faked. At the same time they also claim to have been the Jebusites that David bought Jerusalem from - even when the only evidence that Jebusites ever existed was from the same scriptures that mention how central Jerusalem is to Jews.
The supersessionism was not only to replace the Jewish nation, not only to steal Jewish culture, not only to control the Jewish Holy Land, but also to murder and replace the Jewish people themselves.
Violence is a core tool of Palestinianism’s supersessionist agenda. The PLO Charter endorses “armed struggle” as the only way to "liberate" Palestine and the Fatah party platform endorses violence to this very day as a tactic for their goals. On the eve of the Six Day War, Ahmed Shukairy, the PLO chairman, was explicitly genocidal: “We shall destroy Israel and its inhabitants and as for the survivors – if there are any – the boats are ready to deport them.”
We haven't even mentioned Hamas yet. The terror group won the last election that the Palestinians ever had, not despite of but because of its explicitly genocidal agenda.
The Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023 were followed by numerous polls that showed a vast majority of Palestinians supported the most deadly attack on Jews since the Holocaust. Hamas was more popular in the Palestinian Authority controlled West Bank than in Hamas' own Gaza. The universal adoration that Hamas enjoyed among all Palestinians in the months following the orgy of burning families alive, raping and kidnapping and murdering Israelis proves that the genocidal goals of the Nazi corroborator Mufti never faded away.
Supersessionism isn't a feature of Palestinianism. It is the entire point.