該当件数 : 122件
The label body 22 has a plurality of short cutting lines 21A, and a plurality of short cutting lines 21B are placed on the protective film 23 as well. - 特許庁
The short cutting lines 21A and 21B tilt in the opposite directions, and cross each other. - 特許庁
Whether producing the time-shortening minor win or the non-time-shortening minor win may be notified of in some cases and when the non-time-shortening minor win is notified of, the player can prevent the production of the specific big win state without time-shortening state by stopping the shooting of the game ball. - 特許庁
To the upstream front end in the breaking direction of each linear break a, the short slant break b is connected, or the short slant break b and the short parallel break c are sequentially connected, and the breaks a, b, c are arranged in a row via the links d, respectively, to form the break line shape of the paper box. - 特許庁
fern of Europe and Asia Minor having short slender rhizome and densely tufted bright green fronds resembling parsley - 日本語WordNet
Consequently, the input resistive element withstanding against a high potential difference can be shortened in length. - 特許庁
In the meantime, costs are reduced by shortening a flexible printed wiring board and eliminating an attaching metal fitting. - 特許庁
To provide a device capable of smoothly transferring an extremely thin, short and small glass pane by holding it safely and with uniform pressure. - 特許庁
To provide a non-contact information communication device with a long communication range that can be miniaturized. - 特許庁
In an on-vehicle device 4, when the short and small track circuit control signal carried to the rail 2 from the ground device 1 is received by a receiving antenna, and it is confirmed that all frames set in the short and small track circuit control signal has properly received, the short and small track circuit control information set in the short frame is deciphered by decoding it. - 特許庁
In preparation for the ‘information age', Japanese companies have as their top priority a shift from a structure emphasising sheer scale, to one which emphasises compactness and flexibility. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
In those days, anything light, thin, short and small was favored and what was post-modern was seriously discussed. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a laser marker which can print laser marks in the surface of an IC package with high positioning accuracy even when the IC package is reduced in the size and weight. - 特許庁
A small diameter short projection 11a is provided to the leading end of the injection nozzle 1 and a first small diameter orifice 13a is formed to the projection. - 特許庁
To provide a biochip or the like capable of realizing a light, thin and short biosensing device of high capacity and low cost. - 特許庁
The pillow or the futon 3 uses a slip of paper 2 having a twisted structure formed by cutting a twisted string of paper 1 short as the wad. - 特許庁
To provide a light and small semiconductor device package by overcoming instability of bonding wires which occurs when lamination of plural semiconductor chips is carried out. - 特許庁
The pillow or the futon uses the slip of paper 2 having a corrugated shape formed by cutting short and untwisting the twisted string of paper 1 as the wad. - 特許庁
To provide a short variable power optical system for securing backfocus having a fixed length and having high aberration correction power. - 特許庁
The multilayered thin-film structure functions as a substrate for the semiconductor package, and the light, thin, short and small BGA package is embodied without a separate substrate. - 特許庁
To provide a small and light wiring board and its manufacturing method, as well as a manufacturing method of electronic components using the wiring board and its device. - 特許庁
To provide an antenna system for realizing length reduction and downsizing of an electronic apparatus connected to the antenna system while ensuring the antenna performance. - 特許庁
To provide a package for housing electronic component elements having a high airtight reliability in low price, capable of corresponding to reduction in weight and size of cell phones and such. - 特許庁
To provide a draw bar location detecting mechanism for a machine tool, in which a main shaft unit is shortened, a main shaft is rotated at high speed, and machining is achieved with high accuracy. - 特許庁
Therefore, a high-speed and large capacity memory device being downsized is ensured by the multi-chip BGA package. - 特許庁
To provide a motor which is even made short and small while making a commutator and a core long at the same time. - 特許庁
A plate-shaped rigid object 12 shorter and smaller than the width of the substrate 1 is attached to the reinforce plate 4 so as to freely swing. - 特許庁
To provide a wiring board which realizes a built-in passive function part and downsizing, to provide a method for manufacturing it, and to provide a multilayer interconnection board. - 特許庁
To provide a plastic micro bearing which can reduce cost with light weight and small size, and long durability. - 特許庁
To provide a projection type display device which has a high outgoing luminous flux by drawing out the cooling capacity of a cooling fan maximumly and making the device to be light in weight and thin and small in size. - 特許庁
To improve heat radiation characteristics of a light emitting device where a light-emitting element is fitted to a printed board, for improved light- emission efficiency and reduction in size. - 特許庁
To improve heat radiation characteristic of a light projecting device where a light-emitting element is fitted to a printed board, while light emission efficiency is improved and size and weight are reduced. - 特許庁
Further, the 'retrieval guidance term' may also well be separated from the 'short explanatory sentence concerning the retrieval target word' as an independent item to be arranged. - 特許庁
To provide a connector enabled to be low profile so as to meet the needs for lighter, thinner, shorter and more compact electronic equipment. - 特許庁
Next, as the treatment of an unnecessary blood vessel due to the effect of noise, or the like, the unification of the center line and the removal of a short branch line are performed. - 特許庁
To reduce the number of components by making small a lever type connector used for electrical connection between a motor and an inverter of an automobile. - 特許庁
To provide a razor holder and a short blade head for use in it, capable of mounting two short small blade heads used in shaving off the periphery of the eyebrow for women, shaving a narrow part of the face such as the brow, and treating or removing a mustache and a beard and performing refreshing skew-shaving. - 特許庁
Thus, while securing the detachment strength from the core wire, etc., the leading plug is reduced in length and in diameter. - 特許庁
Behind this was the atmosphere around the period of the bubble economy which favored anything light, thin, short and small and something like post modern with the rebound of anything heavy, thick, long and large in previous generation. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an electronic endoscope capable of detaching a miniaturized and shortened imaging unit from a distal end body and adjusting and repairing it without detaching a distal end cover. - 特許庁
To arrange control valves and structure for the operation of the control valves in the miniaturized, space-reduced and simplified manner in front of a driver's seat for a turning working machine. - 特許庁
The elongated part projecting from the edge is an unaltered version of a mask image laid over the transfer image and the shortening means reduction of the length of transfer image as compared with the mask image. - 特許庁
To provide a game ball shooting device which facilitates assembly and attachment by promoting size reductions by changing the attachment structure of a rotary solenoid. - 特許庁
To provide a circuit substrate which will not cause interlayer break away phenomenon and can be thinned and made compact, by manufacturing a rigid flexible printed circuit board through an all-layer process that uses a liquid crystal polymer. - 特許庁
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