1 | time flies |
2 | no pain no gain |
3 | don’t worry. be happy. |
4 | give and take |
5 | 覆水盆に返らず |
6 | a friend in need is a friend indeed |
7 | it is no use crying over spilt milk |
8 | waste not, want not. |
9 | 本末転倒 |
10 | 因果応報 |
11 | 光陰矢の如し |
12 | 継続は力なり |
13 | easy come, easy go |
14 | 一期一会 |
15 | when in rome do as the romans do. |
16 | 老兵は死なずただ消え去るのみ |
17 | 温故知新 |
18 | don't put all your eggs in one basket |
19 | practice makes perfect |
20 | 井の中の蛙大海を知らず |
21 | where there is a will, there is a way. |
22 | 早起きは三文の得 |
23 | every cloud has a silver lining |
24 | 自業自得 |
25 | tomorrow is another day |
26 | 嘘も方便 |
27 | 三つ子の魂百まで |
28 | fortune favors the bold |
29 | 塵も積もれば山となる |
30 | 漁夫の利 |
31 | 十人十色 |
32 | 明日は明日の風が吹く |
33 | 論より証拠 |
34 | 類は友を呼ぶ |
35 | 為せば成るなさねばならぬ何事も成らぬは人の為さぬなりけり |
36 | 急がば回れ |
37 | 早い者勝ち |
38 | なるようになる |
39 | 失敗は成功のもと |
40 | 笑う門には福来る |
41 | first-come-first-served |
42 | look before you leap |
43 | 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず |
44 | 後悔先に立たず |
45 | there is no accounting for tastes. |
46 | beauty is in the eye of the beholder |
47 | ペンは剣よりも強し |
48 | talk is cheap |
49 | it's a small world |
50 | 驕れる者久しからず |
2025年1月10日 15時39分更新(随時更新中)