



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > armed forcesの意味・解説 > armed forcesに関連した英語シソーラス

armed forcesに関連する類語一覧

意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語


the military forces of a nation

armed services, military machine, war machine, military, armed forces



armed services, military machine, war machine, military, armed forces

軍旅、 軍勢、 軍隊

この場合の「armed services, military machine, war machine, military, armed forces」の意味

the military forces of a nation


「国家の軍事力」の意味で使われる「armed services, military machine, war machine, military, armed forces」の例文

their military is the largest in the region


the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker



force, personnel


military reserve, reserve


cadre, medic, medical officer


activated, armed, unarmed, armored, armoured, unarmoured, unarmored, accoutred, accoutered, expeditionary, operational, fighting, combat-ready, active, effective, inactive, nonoperational, regular, absence without leave, unauthorized absence, pullback, retreat, stand-down, standdown, pullout, disengagement, fallback, amphibious landing, gun, deactivation, inactivation, countermarch, fly-by, flyover, flypast, sortie, troop movement, war game, militainment, demonstration, national service, fatigue, fatigue duty, air cover, military censorship, umbrella, logistic assessment, drill, manual, manual of arms, military training, basic training, military drill, close-order drill, square-bashing, action, military action, battle, engagement, fight, conflict, encirclement, blockade, defensive measure, defense, defence, electronic warfare, ew, military operation, operation, combined operation, police action, resistance, maneuver, simulated military operation, manoeuvre, armed combat, combat, campaign, military campaign, expedition, military expedition, hostile expedition, military mission, mission, sally, support, reenforcement, reinforcement, attack, onslaught, onset, onrush, warfare, war, assault, blitzkrieg, blitz, infiltration, peacekeeping, peacekeeping operation, peacekeeping mission, amphibious operation, psyop, psychological operation, muster call, military ceremony, beleaguering, besieging, military blockade, siege, nuclear deterrence, countermine, military control, occupation, draft, muster, conscription, selective service, court-martial, logistic assistance, logistic support, inter-service support, air station, air base, armament, armoured car, armored car, armoured personnel carrier, armored personnel carrier, apc, armoury, armory, arsenal, assault rifle, assault gun, attack submarine, b-52, barrack, base, base of operations, battle dress, billet, bomber, boot camp, caisson, cantonment, bivouac, encampment, camp, command post, ghq, general headquarters, commissary, aid station, dressing station, dress uniform, emplacement, fatigues, field hospital, fighter aircraft, attack aircraft, fighter, fire control radar, fire control system, full-dress uniform, fort, garrison, gas shell, guardhouse, gun room, half track, hardware, hq, headquarters, military headquarters, hospital train, army hut, field hut, hut, hutment, latrine, equipage, materiel, mess, mess hall, military hospital, military installation, military post, post, military quarters, military uniform, military vehicle, minute gun, naval installation, shore station, naval shipyard, navy yard, olive drab, olive-drab uniform, outpost, personnel carrier, picket, platform, weapons platform, quartering, reconnaissance plane, reconnaissance vehicle, scout car, redoubt, regimentals, rocket base, silo, smokescreen, smoke screen, sniper rifle, precision rifle, tank, army tank, armored combat vehicle, armoured combat vehicle, transport ship, troop transport, troop carrier, wardroom, military plane, warplane, war vessel, warship, combat ship, wmd, weapon of mass destruction, w.m.d., weapons carrier, sea power, attention, military strength, posture, military capability, military posture, strength, firepower, generalship, military science, tactics, strategy, military commission, commission, muster roll, military greeting, salute, military intelligence, pass, liberty chit, taps, lights-out, reveille, wake-up signal, drumbeat, tattoo, insignia of rank, order, call up, briefing, strategic warning, tactical warning, warning of attack, warning of war, grade insignia, chevron, stripes, stripe, damage, equipment casualty, combat casualty, battle damage, operational damage, operational casualty, casualty, combat injury, injury, wound, personnel casualty, loss, collateral damage, trip wire, joint chiefs, joint chiefs of staff, command, task force, army unit, regular army, army, ground forces, naval unit, navy, naval forces, coastguard, marines, air unit, airforce, air force, armour, armor, armed service, military service, service, military force, force, military unit, military group, military reserve, reserve, pentagon, mp, military police, shore patrol, company, platoon, rearguard, wing, echelon, phalanx, military academy, naval academy, air force academy, drumhead court-martial, military court, provost court, dia, defense intelligence agency, artillery, artillery unit, musketry, battery, cavalry, horse cavalry, mechanized cavalry, foot, infantry, paratroops, militia, reserves, home guard, territorial, territorial reserve, home reserve, national guard, standing army, us army, usa, u. s. army, united states army, united states army rangers, us military academy, united states military academy, ai, army intelligence, army national guard, arng, troops, soldiery, military personnel, friendly, hostile, horse, rank, rank and file, commando, contingent, detail, general staff, headquarters staff, high command, supreme headquarters, spearhead, firing squad, firing party, military formation, open order, close order, extended order, sick parade, sick call, column, chow line, aviation, air power, martial law, military law, center, flank, head, rear, minefield, theater, theatre of operations, theatre, field of operations, theater of operations, field, line, line of battle, salient, battle line, position, military position, staging area, sector, combat area, combat zone, war zone, dropping zone, drop zone, west point, ensign, aide, adjutant, aide-de-camp, air attache, army attache, military engineer, army engineer, army officer, bandsman, brass hat, plebe, cadet, skipper, captain, chief of staff, chief petty officer, colonel, standard-bearer, color bearer, combat pilot, commander, commanding officer, commandant, ranger, commissioned officer, commissioned military officer, commissioned naval officer, commodore, defense contractor, defector, deserter, desk officer, conscript, draftee, inductee, drill instructor, drill master, foe, enemy, foeman, opposition, executive officer, field marshal, fo, field-grade officer, field officer, fighter pilot, flag officer, flanker, full general, general, general officer, inspector general, judge advocate, judge advocate general, lieutenant, light colonel, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant commander, lieutenant general, lieutenant junior grade, lieutenant jg, major, major-general, shipboard soldier, leatherneck, devil dog, marine, naval engineer, marine engineer, marshal, marshall, midshipman, military advisor, military adviser, padre, sky pilot, holy joe, military chaplain, military leader, officer, military officer, military policeman, naval attache, naval commander, naval officer, seal, navy seal, noncommissioned officer, enlisted officer, noncom, occupier, peacekeeper, provost marshal, reservist, sapper, section eight, man, military man, serviceman, slacker, shirker, sprog, spy, undercover agent, staff officer, striker, subaltern, volunteer, voluntary, military volunteer, warrant officer, weekend warrior, foreign aid, military issue, issue, government issue, readiness, preparedness, preparation, military rating, rating, military rank, paygrade, flag rank, spit and polish, compassionate leave, field day, break, detach, canton, quarter

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