wrongnessとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 横道
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wrongnessの学習レベル | レベル:26 |
該当件数 : 55件
correctness and wrongness発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
正しいことと誤ったこと - EDR日英対訳辞書
To confirm rightness or wrongness on final provision of distribution information to a user.例文帳に追加
配信情報の、利用者への最終的な提供の成否を確認できるようにする。 - 特許庁
To enable starting of an engine following a driver's intention and to reduce a feeling of wrongness for the driver.例文帳に追加
運転者の意図に沿ってエンジンを始動させることができ、運転者に与える違和感を少なくする。 - 特許庁
A rewriting speed of monochromatic images is matched with that of color images to ease a feeling of wrongness when monochromatic images and color images are included together.例文帳に追加
モノクロ画像の書換速度をカラー画像に合わせて混在時の違和感を緩和する。 - 特許庁
To stably support the head of an occupant by a headrest without giving the occupant a feeling of wrongness at a rear collision of a vehicle.例文帳に追加
車両の後突時に、乗員に違和感を与えることなく、ヘッドレストによって乗員の頭部を安定して支持できるようにする。 - 特許庁
To provide a liquid crystal display having wide visual field angle characteristics and high display quality and capable of performing display having no feeling of wrongness.例文帳に追加
広視野角特性を有し、違和感のない表示が可能な、表示品位の高い液晶表示装置を提供する。 - 特許庁
To acquire an observation image without giving a feeling of wrongness to an observer while performing fast operation as much as possible.例文帳に追加
できるだけ速い動作をしながら観察者に違和感を与えることなく観察画像を取得することを可能とする。 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「wrongness」の意味 |
From Middle English wrongnesse, equivalent to wrong + -ness.
wrongness (usually uncountable, 複数形 wrongnesses)
- The quality of being wrong; error or fault.
- Synonym: wrength
- 1917 April, Jack London, chapter IV, in Jerry of the Islands, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company, OCLC 775437, page 47:
- Often, on the plantation, he had seen the white men take drinks. But there was something somehow different in the manner of Borckman’s taking a drink. Jerry was aware, vaguely, that there was something surreptitious about it. What was wrong he did not know, yet he sensed the wrongness and watched suspiciously.
- 1961, C. S. Lewis, A Grief Observed, London: Faber & Faber, 1964, Chapter 3, p. 30,[1]
- It’s not true that I’m always thinking of H. Work and conversation make that impossible. But the times when I’m not are perhaps my worst. For then, though I have forgotten the reason, there is spread over everything a vague sense of wrongness, of something amiss.
- Wrong or reprehensible things or actions.
- 1905, [George] Bernard Shaw, “Major Barbara”, in John Bull’s Other Island and Major Barbara: Also How He Lied to Her Husband, London: Archibald Constable & Co., published 1907, OCLC 806325965, Act I, page 197:
- But your father didnt exactly do wrong things: he said them and thought them: that was what was so dreadful. He really had a sort of religion of wrongness. Just as one doesnt mind men practising immorality so long as they own that they are in the wrong by preaching morality; so I couldnt forgive Andrew for preaching immorality while he practised morality.
- 1937, Elizabeth Sparks, Interview transcribed in Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, Washington: Library of Congress, 1941, Volume 17, Virginia Narratives,[2]
該当件数 : 55件
To provide an image forming apparatus, a program and a method which form an image without a feeling of wrongness and with a natural feeling of glossiness.例文帳に追加
違和感がなく、自然な光沢感の画像を形成する画像形成装置、プログラム、及び方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
To inform a driver without imparting feeling of wrongness of a spot to which attention is to be aroused.例文帳に追加
運転者に対して違和感を持たせることなく注意喚起を行うべき地点を通知することができるようにする。 - 特許庁
To eliminate a feeling of wrongness in steering feeling during recovery from an abnormality of an electric controller in an electric power steering device.例文帳に追加
電動パワーステアリング装置において、電気制御装置の異常回復時における操舵フィーリングの違和感を解消する。 - 特許庁
To quickly erase an image displayed on a liquid crystal display device without applying a feeling of wrongness to a user having performed power-off operation.例文帳に追加
電源オフ操作を行ったユーザに違和感を与えることなく、速やかに液晶表示装置上の画像を消去する。 - 特許庁
To provide a connector device for a card in which a user can easily distinguish correctness or wrongness of the front and rear direction of a card inserted in a case.例文帳に追加
ケースに挿入されたカードの前後の向きの正誤を使用者が判別しやすいカード用コネクタ装置を提供すること。 - 特許庁
To stably maintain an occupant's posture by a seat belt without imparting the occupant a feeling of wrongness at a rear collision of a vehicle.例文帳に追加
車両の後突時に、車両の後突時に、乗員に違和感を与えることなく、シートベルトにより乗員の姿勢を安定して保持できるようにする。 - 特許庁
To prevent a feeling of wrongness from being given to a driver at the time of start and completion of motor control.例文帳に追加
モータの制御を開始する際及び終了する際に運転者に違和感を与えるのを防止することができようにする。 - 特許庁
To provide a time correction device or the like capable of determining surely and quickly correctness/wrongness of time information transmitted from a position information satellite.例文帳に追加
位置情報衛星から送信される時刻情報の正誤を確実に且つ迅速に判断することができる時刻修正装置等を提供すること。 - 特許庁
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