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Wiktionary英語版での「tonically」の意味 |
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/12/24 11:07 UTC 版)
tonically (not comparable)
- in a tonic manner
1922, Chevalier Jackson, Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy[2]:
1913, Henry James, A Small Boy and Others[4]:
- The Bookstore, fondest of my father's resorts, though I remember no more of its public identity than that it further enriched the brave depth of Broadway, was overwhelmingly and irresistibly English, as not less tonically English was our principal host there, with whom we had moreover, my father and I, thanks to his office, such personal and genial relations that I recall seeing him grace our board at home, in company with his wife, whose vocal strain and complexion and coiffure and flounces I found none the less informing, none the less "racial," for my not being then versed in the language of analysis.
1891, W. S. B. Mathews, A Popular History of the Art of Music[5]:
- The preceding, for instance, proceeds regularly in the key of G in all respects but the very ending of each strain, which takes place in the key of C. Or to speak tonically, the melody and accompaniment after being written nearly all the way in the key of Do, suddenly diverge to the key of Fa, and there close.
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