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Wiktionary英語版での「titan-like」の意味 |
Titan-like (comparative more Titan-like, superlative most Titan-like)
Titanlike (comparative more Titanlike, superlative most Titanlike)
- Alternative form of Titan-like
- 1841 May, “Transcendental Theology”, in The Christian Examiner and General Review, number 104, Boston, Mass.: James Munroe and Company; New York, N.Y.: C. S. Francis; London: John Green, page 216:
- The countrymen and contemporaries of Fichte were all distinguished for the boldness of their philosophical inquiries; but he carried away the palm by a Titanlike audacity of speculation, which seemed to aim at scaling the heavens and prescribing limits to Omnipotence.
- 1959 spring, C. N. Stavrou, “Ambiguity in Faulkner’s Affirmation”, in The Personalist: An International Review of Philosophy, Religion, and Literature, volume XL, number 2, page 171:
該当件数 : 8件
The female titan knew what eren looked like from the start.例文帳に追加
女型の巨人は最初からエレンの顔知っていた - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The survey corps encountered a female titan thought to be human, like eren.例文帳に追加
エレンと同じく 人間が変化したと思われる女型の巨人と遭遇した - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The insulating films 4, 5 are, e.g., a plate-like member containing at least one of zinc-oxide(ZnO), strontium-titan-oxide(STO), and magnesium-oxide(MgO) as a main component.例文帳に追加
絶縁膜4,5は、例えば亜鉛・オキサイド(ZnO)、ストロンチウム・チタン・オキサイド(STO)、マグネシウム・オキサイド(MgO)のうち少なくとも1つを主成分とする平板状の部材である。 - 特許庁
Materials to form a porous body such as metal powder or metal wires are arranged on the surface of a metallic member (titan or stainless steel, or the like) which serves as a base material, and electric power is supplied directly to the materials.例文帳に追加
母材となる金属(チタン・ステンレス鋼など)の表面に金属粉末あるいは金属線等の多孔体となる材料を配置して、これらの材料に直接通電する。 - 特許庁
Seppo ruefully said "although Kagoshima had many talented people before the war, such people and talents all vanished like those trees disappeared and only bald hills remain here, I cannot stand even saying this; it takes a hundred years to raise a tree, and I think a titan like Saigo would appear only once in a hundred years or once in a thousand years, so, we can never see anyone like him."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
雪蓬、悵然之に謂て曰く『十年役前の鹿児島は、有用の人材輩出せしも、今や、禿山と一般、人才一空、復言ふに忍びざるなり。樹を植ゆるは、百年の計なり。想ふに西郷の如き巨人は、百年又は千年にして一たび出づるもの。而して、斯人再び見る可からず』と。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 8件
A jet powder consisting of titanium or titanium alloy is jetted onto the surface of a base material consisting of wire netting made of titanium or titanium alloy and the like to obtain the photocatalyst coating composition wherein the coating film of a titan oxide having an oxygen deficiency inclined structure is formed on the surface of the base material.例文帳に追加
チタン又はチタン合金製の金網等から成る基材の表面にチタン又はチタン合金から成る噴射粉体を噴射して、基材の表面に酸素欠乏傾斜構造を有する酸化チタンの被膜が形成された光触媒コーティング組成物を得る。 - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (8件) |
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