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Wiktionary英語版での「tackle-house」の意味 |
tackle-house (複数形 tackle-houses)
- Alternative form of tacklehouse
- 1802, George Alexander Cooke, The modern British traveller, page 38:
- On the 25th of April, 1659, there happened a dreadful fire at Southwold, which, in the space of four hours, consumed the town-hall and market house, prison, granaries, warehouses, and 238 dwelling-houses, besides the fish-houses, tackle-houses, and other out-houses ; and the greatest part of the moveable goods, nets, and tackle of the inhabitants, with all their corp, fish, coals, and other commodities; the loss of which amounted to upwards of 40,000 £.
- 1913, The English Reports - Volume 134, page 282:
- An act of common council of the 15th of August 1579, which recited that certain parties had been appointed to give “ their opynions touchinge the establishinge of a certeyn order for the nomber of tackle-houses for porters, and chieflye shoulde consider whether it be necessarye that the companyes latelye erected shoulde so continue or not."
- 1968, Irish University Press Series of British Parliamentary Papers, page 347:
- In the Act of common council of 26 march 1607, the distinction betwen porter packers and street porters is still preserved, and it is provided that no one shall be admitted in any of the tackle-houses of the city, as a master or fellow porter, unless he be a freeman, and be admitted thereunto by the master, wardens and assistants of the company to which the tackle-house belongs;
tackle house
tackle house (複数形 tackle houses)
- A business that sells fishing equipment for angling such as rods, reels, lines, lures, etc.
- Alternative form of tacklehouse.
- 1796, House of Commons, Report from the committee appointed to enquire into the best mode of providing sufficient Accommodation for the increased trade and Shipping of the Port of London.:
- That no Person or Persons shall be admitted or allowed in any of the Tackle Houses in the said City as a Master or Fellow Porter, unless he be a Freeman of the said City, and admitted and allowed by the Master Wardens, and Court of Assistants of such Worshipful Company as shall have a Tackle House, or hath had usual Porters appertaining to a Tackle House.
- 1878, City of London (England). Corporation, Analytical Index, to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia (A.D. 1579-1664), page 499:
- Letter from the Lord Mayor to the Lords of the Council, enclosing a Petition from the Porters of the Tackle Houses of the City, praying assistance for the prevention of the inconvenience like to grow upon them through the erection of a new office, to be established for the lading and unlading within the Port of all merchants' goods not free of the twelve Companies of the City.
- 1960, Walter M. Stern, The Porters of London, page 138:
- In early 1796, Registers and Rulers of the Society of Tacklehouse and Ticket Porters on behalf of the latter, Masters of the Tackle Houses of the twelve superior Companies of the City of London and the Company of Vintners on behalf of their Wine Tackle Porters separately petitioned the House of Commons against the London Docks bill.
該当件数 : 2件
The tackle box was burned in the house, he never left a bottle unfinished and he never took that hat off his head.例文帳に追加
つり道具は家で焼けた ボトルは必ず空けた 帽子は決して脱がなかった - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
However, around 1893 onwards, the party started to take the hard-line policy to tackle with foreign affairs, along with Kokumin Kyokai (National Association), and this conflicted with the Liberal party, who had shifted its position to a realistic stance, to lead a full scale confrontation by both parties, over a non-confident vote to Toru HOSHI, the chairman of the House of Representative.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
だが、1893年頃から国民協会_(日本)と結んで対外硬路線を唱えて、現実路線に転じた自由党と対決姿勢を示し、星亨衆議院議長不信任問題で全面衝突に至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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