



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 英和生命保険用語 > statutory surplusの意味・解説 

statutory surplusとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 法定サープラス

「statutory surplus」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 22


(2) The phrase "cases where it is appropriate to calculate the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger as those succeeding to the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital and accumulated profit, respectively, of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger" as used in the preceding paragraph means cases that fall under all of the following items:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項に規定する「吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金につき吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所における吸収合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐものとして計算することが適切である場合」とは、次のいずれにも該当する場合をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The phrase "cases where it is appropriate to calculate the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger as those succeeding to the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of all Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Consolidation-Type Merger" as used in the preceding paragraph means cases that fall under all of the following items:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 前項に規定する「新設合併設立会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金につき全部の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新設合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐものとして計算することが適切である場合」とは、次のいずれにも該当する場合をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 60-6 (1) In cases where it is appropriate to calculate the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger as those succeeding to the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital and accumulated profit, respectively, of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger, the amount set forth in the following items of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger shall be the amount specified in such items, respectively:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十条の六 吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金につき吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所における吸収合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐものとして計算することが適切である場合には、吸収合併後の吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の次の各号に掲げるものの額は、当該各号に定める額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 60-10 (1) In cases where it is appropriate to calculate the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger as those succeeding to the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of all Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Consolidation-Type Merger, the amounts set forth in the following items of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by a Consolidation-Type Merger shall be the amounts specified in such items, respectively:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十条の十 新設合併設立会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金につき全部の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新設合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐものとして計算することが適切である場合には、新設合併設立会員商品取引所の次の各号に掲げる額は、当該各号に定める額とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In the case of assigning a book value immediately prior to an Incorporation-Type Merger for all the Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger to the Property Subject to the Incorporation-Type Merger, where the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger shall inherit the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of all Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger, the amounts set forth in the following items of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger shall be the amounts specified in such items, respectively:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

新設合併対象財産に全部の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新設合併の直前の帳簿 価額を付すべき場合において、新設合併設立会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余 金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金についても全部の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新 設合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐべき ときは、新設合併設立会員商品取引所の次の各号に掲げる額は、当該各号に定める額とす る。 - 経済産業省

Article 60-8 With regard to the application of the provisions of Part II, Chapter II, Section 2, Subsection 1 and Subsection 2; and Chapter III, Section 4, Subsection 1 of the Ordinance on Accounting of Companies in the case of an Absorption-Type Merger of a Member Commodity Exchange and an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the phrase, "stated capital, capital surplus, and accumulated profit immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger" in Article 59 of the same Ordinance shall be deemed to be replaced with, "contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger"; the phrase, "amount of stated capital" shall be replaced with, "amount of contributions"; the phrase, "amount of capital reserve" shall be replaced with, "amount of membership fees"; the phrase, "other amount of capital surplus" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of capital surplus"; the phrase, "amount of earned reserve" shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of statutory capital"; and the phrase, "amount of other accumulated profits" shall be replaced with, "amount of accumulated profit," respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十条の八 会員商品取引所と株式会社商品取引所とが吸収合併をする場合における会社計算規則第二編第二章第二節第一款及び第二款並びに第三章第四節第一款の規定の適用については、同規則第五十九条中「吸収合併の直前の資本金、資本剰余金及び利益剰余金」とあるのは「吸収合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金」と、「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資金の額」と、「資本準備金の額」とあるのは「加入金の額」と、「その他資本剰余金の額」とあるのは「資本剰余金の額」と、「利益準備金の額」とあるのは「法定準備金の額」と、「その他利益剰余金の額」とあるのは「利益剰余金の額」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


With regard to the application of the provisions of Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 2, Subsection 1 and Subsection 2; and Chapter 3, Section 4, Subsection 1 of the Corporate Computation Rules in the case of an Absorption-Type Merger of a Member Commodity Exchange and an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the phrase, "stated capital, capital surplus, and accumulated profit immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger" in Article 61, paragraph 1 of the same Rule shall be deemed to be replaced with, "contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger"; the phrase, "amount of stated capital" shall be replaced with, "amount of contributions"; the phrase, "amount of capital reserve" shall be replaced with, "amount of membership fees"; the phrase, "other amount of capital surplus" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of capital surplus"; the phrase, "amount of earned reserve" shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of statutory capital"; and the phrase, "amount of other accumulated profits" shall be replaced with, "amount of accumulated profit," respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

会員商品取引所と株式会社商品取引所とが吸収合併をする場合における会社計算規則第 二編第二章第二節第一款及び第二款並びに第三章第四節第一款の規定の適用について は、同規則第六十一条第一項中「吸収合併の直前の資本金、資本剰余金及び利益剰余金」 とあるのは「吸収合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金」 と、「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資金の額」と、「資本準備金の額」とあるのは「加入金 の額」と、「その他資本剰余金の額」とあるのは「資本剰余金の額」と、「利益準備金の額」 とあるのは「法定準備金の額」と、「その他利益剰余金の額」とあるのは「利益剰余金の 額」とする。 - 経済産業省


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Weblio英和対訳辞書での「statutory surplus」の意味

statutory surplus


「statutory surplus」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 22


Article 60-12 With regard to the application of the provisions of Part II, Chapter II, Section 2, Subsection 1 and Subsection 5, and Chapter III, Section 6, Subsection 2 of the Ordinance on Accounting of Companies for the case of a Consolidation-Type Merger of a Member Commodity Exchange and an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the phrase, "amount of stated capital immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "contribution or amount of stated capital immediately prior to"; the term, "capital reserve immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "membership fee or capital reserve immediately prior to"; the phrase, "other Capital Surplus immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "Capital Surplus and other Capital Surplus immediately prior to"; the phrase, "earned reserve immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with "statutory capital or earned reserve immediately prior to"; the phrase, "other accumulated profit immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "accumulated profit or other accumulated profit immediately prior to"; the phrase, "amount of stated capital" in Article 77 of the same Ordinance shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of contributions or stated capital"; the phrase, "stated capital, Capital Surplus, and accumulated profit immediately prior to" in Article 78 shall be deemed to be replaced with, "contributions, stated capital, membership fees, Capital Surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit immediately prior to"; the phrase, "amount of stated capital" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of contributions or stated capital"; the phrase, "amount of capital reserve" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of membership fees or capital reserve"; the phrase, "amount of other Capital Surplus" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of Capital Surplus or other Capital Surplus"; and the phrase, "amount of earned reserve" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of statutory capital or earned reserve", and the phrase, "amount of other accumulated profit" shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of accumulated profit or other accumulated profit," respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十条の十二 会員商品取引所と株式会社商品取引所とが新設合併をする場合における会社計算規則第二編第二章第二節第一款及び第五款並びに第三章第六節第二款の規定の適用については、「直前の資本金の額」とあるのは「直前の出資金又は資本金の額」と、「直前の資本準備金」とあるのは「直前の加入金又は資本準備金」と、「直前のその他資本剰余金」とあるのは「直前の資本剰余金又はその他資本剰余金」と、「直前の利益準備金」とあるのは「直前の法定準備金又は利益準備金」と、「直前のその他利益剰余金」とあるのは「直前の利益剰余金又はその他利益剰余金」と、同規則第七十七条中「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資金又は資本金の額」と、第七十八条中「直前の資本金、資本剰余金及び利益剰余金」とあるのは「直前の出資金、資本金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金」と、「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資金又は資本金の額」と、「資本準備金の額」とあるのは「加入金又は資本準備金の額」と、「その他資本剰余金の額」とあるのは「資本剰余金又はその他資本剰余金の額」と、「利益準備金の額」とあるのは「法定準備金又は利益準備金の額」と、「その他利益剰余金の額」とあるのは「利益剰余金又はその他利益剰余金の額」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

With regard to the application of the provisions of Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 2, Subsection 1 and Subsection 5, and Chapter 3, Section 6, Subsection 2 of the Corporate Computation Rules for the case of an Incorporation-Type Merger of a Member Commodity Exchange and an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the phrase, "amount of stated capital immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "contribution or amount of stated capital immediately prior to"; the - 132 - term, "capital reserve immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "membership fee or capital reserve immediately prior to"; the phrase, "other Capital Surplus immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "Capital Surplus and other Capital Surplus immediately prior to"; the phrase, "earned reserve immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with "statutory capital or earned reserve immediately prior to"; the phrase, "other accumulated profit immediately prior to" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "accumulated profit or other accumulated profit immediately prior to"; the phrase, "amount of stated capital" in Article 77 of the same rule shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of contributions or stated capital"; the phrase, "stated capital, Capital Surplus, and accumulated profit immediately prior to" in Article 78 shall be deemed to be replaced with, "contributions, stated capital, membership fees, Capital Surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit immediately prior to"; the phrase, "amount of stated capital" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of contributions or stated capital"; the phrase, "amount of capital reserve" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of membership fees or capital reserve"; the phrase, "amount of other Capital Surplus" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of Capital Surplus or other Capital Surplus"; and the phrase, "amount of earned reserve" shall be deemed to be replaced with, "amount of statutory capital or earned reserve", and the phrase, "amount of other accumulated profit" shall be deemed to be replaced with "amount of accumulated profit or other accumulated profit,” respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

会員商品取引所と株式会社商品取引所とが新設合併をする場合における会社計算規則第 二編第二章第二節第一款及び第五款並びに第三章第六節第二款の規定の適用について は、「直前の資本金の額」とあるのは「直前の出資金又は資本金の額」と、「直前の資本準 備金」とあるのは「直前の加入金又は資本準備金」と、「直前のその他資本剰余金」とあ るのは「直前の資本剰余金又はその他資本剰余金」と、「直前の利益準備金」とあるのは 「直前の法定準備金又は利益準備金」と、「直前のその他利益剰余金」とあるのは「直前 の利益剰余金又はその他利益剰余金」と、同規則第七十七条中「資本金の額」とあるのは 「出資金又は資本金の額」と、第七十八条中「直前の資本金、資本剰余金及び利益剰余金」 とあるのは「直前の出資金、資本金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金」 と、「資本金の額」とあるのは「出資金又は資本金の額」と、「資本準備金の額」とあるの は「加入金又は資本準備金の額」と、「その他資本剰余金の額」とあるのは「資本剰余金 又はその他資本剰余金の額」と、「利益準備金の額」とあるのは「法定準備金又は利益準 備金の額」と、「その他利益剰余金の額」とあるのは「利益剰余金又はその他利益剰余金 の額」とする。 - 経済産業省

(3) In cases where a statutory deposit has been made under the provisions of paragraph (1), if there is only one obligee or in cases where there are two or more obligees and it is possible to fully perform the claims and execution costs of the respective obligees with the deposit money, a court clerk shall prepare a statement of delivery of the deposit money, and deliver payment money to the obligee(s) and deliver any surplus to the obligor.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第一項に規定する供託がされた場合において、債権者が一人であるとき、又は債権者が二人以上であつて供託金で各債権者の債権及び執行費用の全部を弁済することができるときは、裁判所書記官は、供託金の交付計算書を作成して、債権者に弁済金を交付し、剰余金を債務者に交付する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In cases prescribed by the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, where there are expenses pertaining to the Incorporation-Type Merger, the portion of said expenses related to the Incorporation-Type Merger shall also be included as a consideration of the Incorporation-Type Merger. In the case of assigning a book value immediately prior to an Incorporation-Type Merger for all the Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger to the Property Subject to the Incorporation-Type Merger, where the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger shall inherit the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of all Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger, the amounts set forth in the following items of the Member Commodity Exchange Established by an Incorporation-Type Merger shall be the amounts specified in such items, respectively: (i) the Amount of Contributions at Establishment: the sum total of the amounts of the contributions of each Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger; (ii) the Amount of Membership Fees at Establishment: the sum total of the amounts of membership fees of each Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger; (iii) the Amount of Capital Surplus at Establishment: the sum total of the amounts of capital surplus of each Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger; (iv) the Amount of Statutory Capital at Establishment: the sum total of the amounts of statutory capital of each Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger; (v) the Amount of Accumulated Profit at Establishment: the sum total of the amounts of accumulated profit of each Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Incorporation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Incorporation-Type Merger.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 前二項に規定する場合において、新設合併に係る費用があるときは、当該費用のうち 新設合併対価として考慮すべきものをも新設合併対価として考慮するものとする。新設合併対象財産に全部の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新設合併の直前の帳簿 価額を付すべき場合において、新設合併設立会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余 金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金についても全部の新設合併消滅会員商品取引所における新 設合併の直前の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐべき ときは、新設合併設立会員商品取引所の次の各号に掲げる額は、当該各号に定める額とす る。一設立時出資金額新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の出資金の額の 合計額 二設立時加入金額新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の加入金の額の 合計額 三設立時資本剰余金額新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の資本剰余 金の額の合計額 四設立時法定準備金額新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の法定準備 金の額の合計額 五設立時利益剰余金額新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の利益剰余 金の額の合計額 - 経済産業省

(2) In the case where a Member Commodity Exchange implements entity conversion, the amount of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange after Entity Conversion listed in the following items shall be the amount specified in said respective items:(i) the amount of the capital reserve: zero; (ii) the amount of the other capital surplus: the total amount of the membership fee and capital surplus of the Member Commodity Exchange immediately prior to the entity conversion; (iii) the amount of the profit reserve: zero; (iv) the amount of the other accumulated profits: the amount of the statutory capital and accumulated profits of the Member Commodity Exchange immediately prior to the entity conversion.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 会員商品取引所が組織変更をする場合には、組織変更後株式会社商品取引所の次の各 号に掲げる額は、当該各号に定める額とする。一資本準備金の額零 二その他資本剰余金の額組織変更の直前の会員商品取引所の加入金及び資本剰余金 の額の合計額 三利益準備金の額零 四その他利益剰余金の額組織変更の直前の会員商品取引所の法定準備金及び利益剰 余金の額 - 経済産業省

In the case of assigning a book value immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger to the Property Subject to the Absorption-Type Merger, where the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger are also to be calculated as the totals in succession with the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital and accumulated profit, respectively, of the - 118 - Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger, the amount set forth in the following items of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger shall be the amount specified in such items, respectively:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

吸収合併対象財産に吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所における吸収合併の直前の帳簿価額を 付すべき場合において、吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法 定準備金及び利益剰余金についても吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所における吸収合併の直前 の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐものとして計算す べきときは、吸収合併後の吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の次の各号に掲げるものの額は、 当該各号に定める額とする。 - 経済産業省

In the case of assigning a book value immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger to the Property Subject to the Absorption-Type Merger, where the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital, and accumulated profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger are also to be calculated as the totals in succession with the contributions, membership fees, capital surplus, statutory capital and accumulated profit, respectively, of the - 118 - Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger, the amount set forth in the following items of the Member Commodity Exchange Surviving an Absorption-Type Merger subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger shall be the amount specified in such items, respectively: (i) the Amount of Contributions subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger: the sum total of the amounts set forth in the following: (a) the Amount of Contributions immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (b) the Amount of Contributions of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (ii) the Membership Fees subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger: the sum total of the amounts set forth in the following: (a) the Membership Fees immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (b) the Amount of the Membership Fees of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (iii) the Capital Surplus subsequent to an Absorption-Type Merger: the sum total of the amounts set forth in the following: (a) the Capital Surplus immediately prior to an Absorption-Type Merger; (b) the Capital Surplus of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (iv) the amount of the Statutory Capital subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger: the sum total of the amounts set forth in the following: (a) the amount of the Statutory Capital immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (b) the amount of the Statutory Capital of the Member Commodity Exchange - 119 - Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (v) the amount of the Accumulated Profit subsequent to the Absorption-Type Merger: the sum total of the amounts set forth in the following: (a) the amount of the Accumulated Profit immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger; (b) the amount of the Accumulated Profit of the Member Commodity Exchange Dissolved in an Absorption-Type Merger immediately prior to the Absorption-Type Merger.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

吸収合併対象財産に吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所における吸収合併の直前の帳簿価額を 付すべき場合において、吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法 定準備金及び利益剰余金についても吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所における吸収合併の直前 の出資金、加入金、資本剰余金、法定準備金及び利益剰余金を引き継ぐものとして計算す べきときは、吸収合併後の吸収合併存続会員商品取引所の次の各号に掲げるものの額は、 当該各号に定める額とする。一吸収合併後出資金額次に掲げる額の合計額 イ吸収合併直前出資金額 ロ吸収合併の直前の吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の出資金の額 二吸収合併後加入金額次に掲げる額の合計額 イ吸収合併直前加入金額 ロ吸収合併の直前の吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の加入金の額 三吸収合併後資本剰余金額次に掲げる額の合計額 イ吸収合併直前資本剰余金額 ロ吸収合併の直前の吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の資本剰余金の額 四吸収合併後法定準備金額次に掲げる額の合計額 イ吸収合併直前法定準備金額 ロ吸収合併の直前の吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の法定準備金の額 五吸収合併後利益剰余金額次に掲げる額の合計額 イ吸収合併直前利益剰余金額 ロ吸収合併の直前の吸収合併消滅会員商品取引所の利益剰余金の額 - 経済産業省


(v) the Amount of Accumulated Surplus at Establishment: the sum total of the amounts of accumulated profit of the respective Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger immediately prior to the Consolidation-Type Merger (in cases where any of the Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger is a Dissolving Member Commodity Exchange with No Consideration to Deliver, the amount shall be the sum total of the amounts of accumulated profit of the respective Member Commodity Exchanges Dissolved in a Consolidation-Type Merger and the amounts of statutory capital of the respective Dissolving Member Commodity Exchanges with No Consideration to Deliver immediately prior to the Consolidation-Type Merger).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

五 設立時利益剰余金額 新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の利益剰余金の額の合計額(新設合併消滅会員商品取引所のうちに非対価交付消滅会員商品取引所がある場合にあっては、新設合併の直前の各新設合併消滅会員商品取引所の利益剰余金の額及び各非対価交付消滅会員商品取引所の法定準備金の額の合計額) - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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