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「slow march」の部分一致の例文検索結果
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a slow march to be played for funeral processions発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
葬列用に演奏されるゆっくりしたマーチ - 日本語WordNet
The pace of the story in Ko NAKAHIRA's films was extremely fast, but Nakahira said; 'My film is not too fast. The pace of other directors' films are slow' and that 'fast' or 'slow' pace depended on the nature of the whole film rather than the small cutting and editing ('Kinema Junpo' issued in early March, 1959).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
中平康の映画のテンポの速さは群を抜いているが、中平自身は「私は速すぎない。他の監督の映画が遅いのだ」と言い、しかし「速い」、「遅い」と言っても、それはカット割りの細かさや編集によるものだけでなく、もっと映画全体の性質のことであると語っている(「キネマ旬報」昭和34年(1959年)3月上旬号)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Germany's surplus increase in trade balance/current account balance due to the slow increase in investment/consumption is considered a factor for the widening trade balance/current account imbalance within the euro area, and, at a finance ministers meeting of the euro zone held in March 2010 - even though the name of the country was not directly mentioned - a report was compiled stating that any current account surplus country in the euro area had to promote structural reform for the strengthening of domestic demand.例文帳に追加
ドイツの投資・消費の伸び悩みによる貿易収支・経常収支黒字の増加はユーロ圏域内の貿易収支・経常収支不均衡拡大の要因の一つともされており、2010年3月に開催されたユーロ圏財務相会合では、直接国名には言及しないものの、ユーロ圏の経常黒字国は内需強化に向けた構造改革を進めるべきとのレポートをとりまとめている。 - 経済産業省
The following characteristics are made evident through the study of other months, in addition to November: (A) The production level of specific electronic parts rapidly deteriorated in October 2011,when the inundation of industrial estates started and the recovery of the production is still slow ( 50%compared with the same month a year ago, even as of March 2012); (B) The production of transportation machinery deteriorated more rapidly in October 2011 than the production of HDDs or electric products, but its production rapidly recovered recently*61 (as of March 2012, the production of the overall transportation machinery recovered to +14.7% compared with the same month a year ago, while that of HDDs and electric products showed 9.9% and 7.9%, respectively). (C) The level of production of some items, such as televisions and textile products (hereinafter referred to as "items subject to product adjustment"), was originally low due to the product cycles and other factors that are not directly associated with the floods. The magnitude of decline of these items was large compared with the same month a year ago.例文帳に追加
昨年11 月以外の月についても確認すると、①工業団地への浸水が始まった昨年10 月になって急速に特定電子部品の生産水準が悪化し、直近でも生産水準の回復が遅れている(今年3 月でも未だに前年同月比▲50%台)こと、②輸送用機械の方がHDD や電気製品よりも昨年10 月に突然急速に悪化し、直近では急速に生産を回復している*61(今年3 月の生産が、HDDは前年同月比▲ 9.9%・電気製品▲ 7.9%に対し、輸送用機械全体では同+14.7%まで回復)こと、③テレビや繊維製品等幾つかの品目(以下、生産調整品目という。)では、生産循環など洪水とは直接関係のない要因で既に洪水前から生産水準が低く、前年同月比のマイナス幅が大きかったことが特徴として確認できる。 - 経済産業省
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