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live in retirementとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 閑居する、隠栖する、隠遁生活を送る、隠遁する、引退している
「live in retirement」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 14件
live in retirement例文帳に追加
引退生活をしている - Eゲイト英和辞典
I'd like to live a quiet life in the country after retirement.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
退職後は田舎でのんびり暮したい。 - Tanaka Corpus
To provide a contract form of life insurance by which employees and executives can receive money to live on after retirement and condolence money, etc., without being affected by the operation conditions of a corporation in the case that the corporation joins life-and-death mixed insurance for the purpose of preparing the money to live on after retirement and the condolence money, etc., of the employees and the executives.例文帳に追加
法人が、従業員や役員の老後生活資金や弔慰金等の準備を目的として生死混合保険に加入する場合に、従業員や役員が老後生活資金や弔慰金等を、法人の経営状況に左右されずに、受け取ることのできる生命保険の契約形態とする。 - 特許庁
When the chief priest continues to live in the temple to educate a successive one after the retirement from the chief priest, even in the terms of the status, the apprentice (previous chief priest) in the temple would teach a chief priest.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
これは、住職を辞して後も引き続き寺院に居住して、後継の住職に対して指導・教育に当たるとき、身分上と言えども、寺院の徒弟(前住職)が住職に指導するということになってしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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「live in retirement」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 14件
Shinshichi KAWATAKE, a Kabuki writer, who became sick of the movement, declared his retirement from the Kabuki arena and changed his name to 'Mokuami KAWATAKE' (The word 'Moku' means 'quiet' in English) in 1881, with the satirical connotation of 'I will live in dumb silence' (However, he continued his creative activities afterwards).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
歌舞伎作者の河竹黙阿弥はこうした動きに嫌気して引退を宣言、「もう自分は黙る」という皮肉を込めて「河竹黙阿弥」と改名した(1881年、ただしその後も創作活動は続けた)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Thereafter, he did indeed rely on his connection to the Oda and Yuki families in order to serve Sadakatsu MATSUDAIRA, but left his service almost immediately, going to live in retirement in Nara; when he moved to Kyoto's Higashiyama district he took the tonsure and became a Buddhist monk, taking "Kian" as his Buddhist name.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
その後やはり小田家や結城家の縁を頼りに松平定勝に仕えたが、程なくして退去し、奈良にて隠居、京都東山に移る際に出家し、帰庵と号した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
His grandfather Tomotsuna, who was forgiven as well, became a priest and came to live in retirement in Oha of the Shimotsuke Province (present day Oha, Mashiko-machi, Haga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture), it is believed that at this time Yoritsuna succeeded to head of the Utsunomiya family.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
同じく赦免された祖父・朝綱は出家して下野国尾羽(現・栃木県芳賀郡益子町尾羽)にて隠居生活を送ることとなり、このとき頼綱が宇都宮家を継いだものと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Rumors have it that this will be kickass' farewell appearance that he will announce his retirement from crime fighting but as wordofmouth continues to spread, internet providers are predicting that it could be one of the most widely viewed live events in web history.例文帳に追加
どうやら犯罪との戦いからの引退を 発表するお別れの放送となりそうです しかしこの噂の広がり具合を鑑みた、プロバイダー各社は この放送はネット史に残る一大行事となると予想しています - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Tadaoki had his fourth son Tatsutaka HOSOKAWA live in the main keep of Yatsushiro Castle and seemed to desire him to inherit the retirement gratuity of 95,000 koku and establish his own domain, but he died young in May 1645 and Tadaoki followed him in January 18, 1646.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
忠興は四男の細川立孝を八代城本丸に住まわせ、いずれ自分の隠居料9万5千石を継がせて立藩させることを望んでいたようだが、正保2年(1645年)閏5月に立孝は若くして没し、忠興も同年12月2日に没した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The average household budget of workers' households is in the black, while elderly non-working households maintain their livelihood partly by dipping into financial assets. This fact indicates a lifestyle in which people secure income by working as long as they can work and, after retirement, live mainly on their pensions, while using their savings (Charts 2-3-3 and 2-3-5).例文帳に追加
勤労者世帯の家計収支は平均で見ると黒字だが、高齢無職世帯では一部金融資産の取り崩しで対応しており、働ける期間は働くことによって所得を確保し、引退後は年金を中心に貯蓄もいかしながら 生活するという姿がうかがえる(図表2-3-3、図表2-3-5)。 - 厚生労働省
In 1467 his father Rennyo was declared 'an enemy of Buddhism' by Enryaku-ji Temple and driven away from Kyoto; during the period Rennyo was depressed by Enryaku-ji Temple's persecution, he was forced to live in retirement, to disinherit his eldest sun Junnyo, and to transfer the family headship to Jitsunyo, who at that time was known as Mitsutanemaru (光養丸), but Rennyo regained his influence following the resurgence in Hongan-ji Temple's own power, which left the inheritance question up in the air, until eventually things went back to the way they had been, with Junnyo reinstalled as his successor.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
1467年(文正2年)延暦寺から「仏敵」とされ京都を追われた父・蓮如がやむなく延暦寺に屈した時に蓮如の隠居と長男順如の廃嫡、そして当時光養丸と呼ばれていた実如への家督継承が強要されるが、本願寺の勢力回復とともに有耶無耶となり、元のように順如が法嗣とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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