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Wiktionary英語版での「leg art」の意味 |
leg art
- (informal) Suggestive pictures of scantily clad young women.
- 1948, Armed Forces Talk issue 230 (page 1)
- At about that time even the tabloid newspapers began to play down sex, crime, and leg art in favor of such great problems as labor and management, the cost of living, and the spread of fascism.
- 2013, Brett Kiser, The Pin-Up Girls of World War II
- The legendary filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille never asked his actresses to pose for purposeless leg art.
- 1948, Armed Forces Talk issue 230 (page 1)
- larget, tergal
「leg art」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 4件
a Chinese martial art which involves both arm and leg co-ordination発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
こぶしで突いたり,足で蹴ったりして格闘する中国の武術 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Recess holes 11 are formed in the sliding face 3b in leg part side of the fixed edge 3 and the sliding face 2b in leg [art side of the moving edge 2.例文帳に追加
固定刃3の脚部側摺接面3bと可動刃2の脚部側摺接面2bに夫々凹面穴11を形成する。 - 特許庁
To eliminate or reduce a plug welding step in the prior art by using free distal ends of RMC (refractory metal core) legs to cast closed leg ends of a cooling passageway.例文帳に追加
RMCの脚部の自由な先端を使用して冷却経路の脚部の閉じた端部を鋳造することにより、従来のプラグ溶接のステップを無くすかあるいは低減する。 - 特許庁
As a general art of handling, a person holds a chain in his right hand and kama in his left hand to take aim at the enemy's head, face, shank and forearm to hit with the weight, use the chain to knock off the enemy's weapon, entangle the chain with the enemy's wrist or leg while containing the movements of the enemy and then slashing the enemy with a blade of kama held in the left hand to kill him.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
一般的な操法として、右手に鎖、左手に鎌を持ち、敵の頭部・顔面・脛・小手の部分を狙って分銅を打ち付けたり、敵の武器を鎖で叩き落したり、敵の手首や足に鎖を絡めさせたりしながら、敵の動きを封じた後左手に持った鎌刃で斬りつけ止めを刺す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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