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Wiktionary英語版での「disownest」の意味 |
- (archaic) second-person singular simple present form of disown
- 1689, Richard Baxter, A Treatise of Knowledge and Love Compared. […], London: […] Tho. Parkhurst […], page 341:
- Therefore, O my soul, if men will not know thee, if thou were hated of all men for the cauſe of Chriſt and Righteouſneſs; If thine uprightneſs be imputed to thee as an odious crime; If thou be judged by the blind, malignant World, according to its gall and intereſt; If friends miſunderſtand thee; If Faction and every evil cauſe which thou diſowneſt, do revile thee, and riſe up againſt thee: It is enough, it is abſolutely enough, that thou art known of God: God is All; and All is nothing that is againſt him, or without him: If God be for thee who ſhall be againſt thee?
- a. 1712, John Norris, A Practical Treatise Concerning Humility. Design’d for the Furtherance and Improvement of That Great Christian Vertue, Both in the Minds and Lives of Men., fifth edition, London: […] Edmund Parker, […], published 1722, page 119:
- As much as to ſay, that one that is no Receiver, but owes all that he has to himſelf, can do no more than that, to glory in what he has; and therefore as thou art a Receiver and a Debtor, canſt not with any face pretend to any ſuch thing, ſo if thou doſt, thou thereby diſowneſt thy Benefactor, and ſetteſt up for thy ſelf.
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