意味 | 例文 (4件) |
該当件数 : 4件
a loud noise made by the explosion of fuel in the manifold or exhaust of an internal combustion engine発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
そのため 一度の爆発でも合流部に排気ガスが到達する時間に差が生じ 単気筒エンジンでは発生しなかった排気パルスを意図的に発生させ 先に排出された排気ガスが他方の排気管の排気ガスを吸いだす効果を得て 結果 排気効率の向上を図ることが可能である。例文帳に追加
Thus, even in an explosion of one time, a difference is caused in time when exhaust gas reaches the confluent part, and the exhaust pulse ungenerated in the single cylinder engine is intentionally generated, and exhaust efficiency can be improved as a result of obtaining the effect of sucking out the exhaust gas of the other exhaust pipe by previously exhausted exhaust gas. - 特許庁
To provide a flammable/explosive gas extinguishment apparatus and a flammable/explosive gas extinguishment system, wherein a determined flammable/explosive gas generating from a gas generating source is guided to outside through a conduct line of exhaust gas to be decompose removed near to the generating source without being diffused into air so that a danger of gas explosion is diminished and an explosion accident is prevented beforehand. - 特許庁
To eliminate the probability of occurrence of explosion accident caused by intrusion of the outside air into an exhaust pipe conduit and to improve safety in an exhaust device for decompressing the inside of a vacuum heat treatment furnace by a vacuum pump. - 特許庁
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意味 | 例文 (4件) |
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