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該当件数 : 23件
To provide an environmental substance management system which can manage and provide collected environmental information as information to a specific area, by collecting environmental information on environmental substances affecting the environment through utilizing existing equipment, and utilize it as an information source useful for the environment. - 特許庁
To obtain a system capable of performing water operation management corresponding to a condition of an environment variation regardless of the construction of a new building or a duct construction in a district. - 特許庁
To provide a hybrid traffic system which can be constructed and maintained by spending only limited financial resources, imposes only low load thereon, and preserves the environment of a business district. - 特許庁
To provide a compound transportation system capable of being constructed and maintained with a limited fund, applying low load, and maintaining the environment of a commuter belt. - 特許庁
To provide a method for managing a mobility profile of a mobile node using a local mobility agent to manage a local mobility domain having a plurality of sub-nets where a mobile node moves in a mobile communication environment. - 特許庁
As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集
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該当件数 : 23件
As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集
As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集
As we increase our awareness that a holistic ecosystem approach to environmental resource assessment and management is necessary, we must also develop a clearer understanding of ecosystems and their regional patterns. - 英語論文検索例文集
To give a guidance of an energy use state of each building to an operation manager of each building in an easily understandable way and to attain energy saving and local environmental protection. - 特許庁
例えば、EU チリ協定では、環境協力の目的 は、環境の保護及び改善、天然資源と生態系の 汚染及び悪化の防止、持続的開発のための生態 系の有効活用であり、これに関連して、貧困と 環境の関係、経済活動の環境への影響、環境問 題と土地利用管理、チリの環境体制や政策を強 化するための試み、環境の標準・モデル・訓練・ 教育などの分野における情報・技術・経験の交 換、国民をより関与させるための環境教育や環 境訓練、技術支援や合同地域調査プログラムが 特に重要であるとしている。(第28条)例文帳に追加
For example, the EU-Chile Association Agreement provides that the aim of environmental cooperation is to encourage conservation and improvement of the environment, prevention of contamination and degradation of natural resources and ecosystems, and rational use of the ecosystem in the interest of sustainable development. The agreement further provides that the following are particularly significant: the relationship between poverty and the environment; the environmental impact of economic activities; environmental problems and land-use management; projects to reinforce Chile's environmental structure and policies; exchanges of information, technology and experience in areas including environmental standards and models, training and education;environmental education and training to involve citizens more; and technical assistance and joint regional research programmes (Article 28). - 経済産業省
In the midst of such changes in the economic and market environment both at home and abroad, in order for regional financial institutions to continue performing their financial intermediary functions properly, they need to conduct high-quality risk management under proper corporate governance; this, in turn, will help stabilize the financial system in their regions.発音を聞く - 金融庁
Graduate Schools using Honbu Konai : Graduate Schools of Letters, Education, Law, Economics, Engineering (Division of Physics), Energy Science, Informatics, (a part of) Asian and African Area Studies, Biostudies (the office department, and some laboratories), Hall of Global Environmental Research, School of Global Environmental Studies, Government, Graduate School of Management発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To integrally manage manufacturing infrastructures such as a copying machine or a printer set in a plurality of stores scattered in a region, and to construct a distributed output collection and delivery environment including the collection and delivery of manufactured products according to the order of a user for providing convenience including delivery to the user. - 特許庁
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