意味 | 例文 (6件) |
英訳・英語 account code
該当件数 : 6件
A slip database 40 stores a business code and an accounting heading code, and monetary for each slip. - 特許庁
To easily specify a significant system related with a financial report based on accounting data in terms of management, and to easily understand an influence degree and significance to an account title by a system code. - 特許庁
特に、物品管理区分コード(BKC) は、会計上の流動資産勘定科目に対応しているので、経理部門においても、この物品マスターファイル(8A)に記録されている物品マスターデータ(MDB) をそのまま使用できる。例文帳に追加
Since the goods management classification code (BKC) in particular corresponds to a floating assets item of accounts in terms of account, the good master data (MDB) recorded on this good master file (8A) can be used as they are even in an accounting division. - 特許庁
An interface part 2 gives a job code identifying the job activity of a company on transaction shown by transaction data and a form code identifying an account subject classified based on a cost element to inputted transaction data. - 特許庁
A storage device of a classification server 2 stores a string attaching element part 17 comprising procedure description contents including the budget items of the government accounting slips, and a conversion table 9 comprising a plurality of records 16 having a classification pattern part 18 linking the string attaching element part 17 with account transfer items for double-entry bookkeeping. - 特許庁
When the government accounting slip is issued from an operator's terminal, the classification server 2 searches and extracts the record 16 having the string attaching element part 17 agreed with or approximating to the procedure description contents including the budget item from the conversion table 9 and issues the account item classification slip based on data in the classification pattern part 18. - 特許庁
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