英訳・英語 permeate、sink in、percolate、filter、ooze、seep、show、show up
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Water filters through the sandy soil and into the well.発音を聞く - 研究社 新英和中辞典
If the word means 'the liquid coming out maintains it,' 'Heshiko' is a piece of ancient wisdom to prevent fish from rotting and to preserve them for a long time, while if the word means 'the liquid coming out creates it,' it can be understood as a means to create its unique flavor.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To prevent fat and water content oozing out from cooking food material from dropping to a charcoal burning chamber and ash from being whirled up. - 特許庁
The molten cream solder never oozes from the periphery of the metal foil, and hence a high-quality solder connection can be made to narrow-pitch terminal electrodes. - 特許庁
To provide an oily base agent used externally, having less the phenomenon of oozing liquid components over time (bleeding), which is a characteristic of the oils and fats base agent, as the base agent of a medical external agent, cosmetic and hygienic product. - 特許庁
Since the protection layer-forming liquid material injected into the hollow part 48a is dispersed axially along the surface of each of poles 124 by the surface tension thereof, the protection layer-forming liquid material oozes out uniformly toward the outside surface of the roller 48. - 特許庁
The lubrication oil is prevented from being pulled into the pressure mitigation chamber, a lubricating performance of a bearing is excellently maintained, and a phenomenon that the lubrication oil bleeds to the inside and outside of a vehicular main motor is prevented to contribute to reduction of maintenance work of the vehicular main motor. - 特許庁
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The deposition of the resist on the pressure rollers 10 and 11 is prevented from occurring by supplying an anti-resist deposition film 2 for transferring the resist bleeding from the end part 24 of the DFR film 22 during contact-bonding the DFR film 22 to the substrate 20. - 特許庁
To provide a coated aluminum plate for molding fabrication showing excellent lubrication at a low temperature and capable of preventing a lubricant oozing to a coating film surface during drying and baking the coating from accumulating on a mold of a press machine to cause fouling of a press molded product and producing a product not having a predetermined dimension. - 特許庁
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