



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > dispenseの意味・解説 > dispenseに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 82

oned in the game, prinnies have been known to dispense a beverage known as prinny juice, which accor
He used these venues to dispense advice on how to rear children, especially in
it a determination on the part of the King to dispense altogether with parliamentary government.
displacement pipettes are micropipettes which dispense an adjustable volume of liquid from a disposa
f Opticianry, certifies opticians - those who dispense and work with spectacles.
ributed to the increasing use of gas pressure dispense and the introduction of keg beers.
re, while Palestinian and Israeli Pharmacists dispense basic medications to patients.
It is considered perfectly acceptable to dispense beer directly from the cask, as in pubs which
Pipettes that dispense between 1 and 1000 μl are termed micropipette
harmacists to choose, without penalty, not to dispense birth control pills.
me non-profit and were no longer permitted to dispense cannabis.
there's no mention of an explicit ability to dispense cash I'd guess prostitutes and gamblers in 19
Production and dispense cells: Once the FDG has been produced from th
leading British manufacturer of point of sale dispense equipment for the brewing industry.
Rare examples exist to dispense female condoms.
Most feeders can dispense flake, pellet, or freeze dried food.
is a hand-pumped insecticide sprayer used to dispense Flit, a brand-name insecticide widely used ag
quietly ordered his Gulf Oil gas stations to dispense free gas to the marchers.
on other Sundays of Lent, it is customary to dispense from the fast on Quadragesima, as Sundays are
aircutting is performed by students, who also dispense general health education and referrals for ho
rich that at potlatches at Shalalth he would dispense handfuls of nuggets to band members and guest
ube' is roughly cubical, there are trays that dispense hemispherical or cylindrical blocks.
Some have sponges or internal reservoirs that dispense holy water when shaken, while others must per
against a refrigerated trailer being used to dispense ice cream to the various vendor booths in the
express ideas rather than merely receive and dispense information.
The enthusiastic patrons merrily dispense into the store as the doors open at sunset.
l components, then mix them at the nozzle and dispense into desired location.
Gravity dispense is often used in beer festivals as well.
The enzyme helps the dividing cell dispense its genetic materials to its daughter cells.
It is used to dispense known amounts of a liquid reagent in experime
Burst charges are also used to dispense leaflets from leaflet bombs.
fashion went beyond the common royal power to dispense life and death.
vernment clinics and hospitals, which usually dispense life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) t
A gas syringe can also be used to measure and dispense liquids, especially where these liquids need
Smaller indoor ATMs dispense money inside convenience stores and other bus
in his deceased gran's house and plotting to dispense of Karl and win-over attractive Abby) and the
Vending machines often dispense packs containing 16 or 18 cigarettes, althoug
ld Regular ward bosses to enforce loyalty and dispense patronage, and to guarantee votes for himself
ited from their ability to turn out votes and dispense patronage.
ance, "Ellie Comes to Town", Ellie refuses to dispense pills to Emma Brand without a prescription.
duce, import, manufacture, compound, deal in, dispense, sell, distribute, or give away opium or coca
Pipettes are used to accurately measure and dispense small volumes of liquid.
ges are also conveniently used to measure and dispense solvents and other liquids.
ivately held company that supplies low volume dispense systems as well as complementary components a
The hydrogen fuel dispensers dispense the fuel by the kilogram.
o recommend another Target location that will dispense the medication.
An astronaut would dispense the carbonated drink of choice into a "Fluids
RV warhead, the post-boost (or bus) stage can dispense the warheads against multiple targets across
ssary to let off "steam" before attempting to dispense the beer.
included, in which the doctors' authority to dispense these drugs at will could be overrided.
ed the amount of relief they were entitled to dispense to the derserving poor and also on the govern
pper water bottle is a type of bottle used to dispense water for certain pets including rabbits, fer
It cannot dispense with the need for the grace of a Perfect Mast
So, can we dispense with this "citation required" when it refers
receipts from this source soon enabled him to dispense with taking pupils.
rable raise of salary and the club decided to dispense with his services.
acquire, own, maintain, operate, improve and dispense with portions of the base.
hat philosophy, logic, and mathematics should dispense with set theory.
subterfuge caused the British Army troops to dispense with their Phenate-Hexamine Goggle helmets af
, the local Thakeham Tiles company decided to dispense with their short narrow gauge railway in favo
The company opted to dispense with traditional repertory theatre in favour
hadwick decided to design a bomber that would dispense with defensive armament and rely on altitude
malaria and mycoplasma; these organisms often dispense with traits that are made unnecessary through
A lineage can also dispense with complexity when a particular complex tra
For example, a parasitic organism may dispense with the synthetic pathway of a metabolite wh
A number of theories of grammar dispense with the notion of phrase structure rules and
Defence cuts in the UK saw the Royal Navy dispense with its diesel-powered submarines to concent
on, the board of the club decided not only to dispense with Fullerton, but to do without a manager a
President Hoover decided to dispense with Mayflower as an economy measure, and she
exion to mix unobtrusively with Iraqis and to dispense with translators in his interviews (Massing).
s the first leading man in Yiddish theater to dispense with incidental music.
he trilogy one of the few works of fantasy to dispense with spiritual themes in favor of humanistic
ventual replacement Jimmy Armfield decided to dispense with Yorath's services in 1976, selling him t
“We have in effect undertaken to dispense with the forces which produced unforeseen res
y hamd to the popular romantic songs, or even dispense with the devotional content completely.
- at best on the single 'SexyBack' where they dispense with a chorus, leaving the song sustained by
Assembly of Alberta in a by-election held to dispense with the vacancy in the Peace River electoral
rmined that those provisions were intended to dispense with the requirement that a challenged law be
mount a gun with a forward firing arc was to dispense with a conventional fuselage, relocate the en
arable prerogative in the kings of England to dispense with penal laws in particular cases, and upon
ve bail on sureties, to allow the justices to dispense with the need for surieties if they felt that
g and a wooden forend, allowing the weapon to dispense with the rest, which was criticized for its f

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