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該当件数 : 31

The thorax is dark-brown and quite hairy.
e golden-brown ground color with a series of dark-brown and cream parallel longitudinal stripes.
rfly is mostly orange coloured with distinct dark-brown bars on the topside.
tly orange and yellow coloured with distinct dark-brown bars on the topside.
the abdomen are translucently yellow with a dark-brown basal colour.
The ref I found below explains that fuscus ( dark/brown) became luridus (yellow) in the 10th edition
burnished with burlap and linseed oil for a dark-brown color and finish.
ve above, with more or less distinct angular dark-brown, cross bands on the body ; an angular black
purified camphor on the cold finger, and the dark-brown crude product.
It is an odorless dark-brown crystalline powder which is nearly insoluble
Adults have dark-brown forewings.
The Speckled ground squirrel has dark-brown fur with white spots on the back and a short
Cleo Babbitt; a Gwen Munson look-a-like with dark-brown hair and a gap-toothed smile.
The coat is colored dark-brown in the dorsal area and silvery-white beneath
three-eights of an inch in length, black, or dark-brown, intensely hard.
The terminal line is well marked by dark-brown interneural dots.
[that] make the huntsman in the wood start a dark-brown maid, and hail her: 'whither away, wild beas
Coloring restrained, with a predominance of dark-brown, ocher, and blue tones.
.91 m) walls of the central unit are made of dark-brown sandstone, carefully hewn and laid in course
The Dark-Brown Serotine (Neoromicia brunneus) is a species
Students wear darkbrown socks or pantyhose and dark brown shoes.
head and hind limbs; a more or less defined dark-brown streak, white-edged above, on the side of th
head and hind limbs; a more or less defined dark-brown streak, white-edged above, on the side of th
The skin color is light brown or dark-brown to brownish yellow on the upper side and pal
Its colorings consist of a dark-brown upper body with darker-brown or black spots
The colour is yellow-fawn overlain by a dark-brown velvety network of thread-like filaments.
The fruit is dark-brown when mature.
The head and pronotum are dark-brown, while elytra are yellowish, with black dots
The female is dark-brown with dusky tawny bands.
Head, scutellum and elytra are dark-brown, with a thick and long tawny hair on elytra
The wings are mottled light and dark-brown, with hyaline patches on the front border ce

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