



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > constantsの意味・解説 > constantsに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 143

Understanding logical constants: a realist's account (1987), British Academy
ar prolate top (viz., in terms of rotational constants, A > B ≈ C).
A formal set of constants, along with recommended values, was defined
n practice, the variation of the calibration constants among manufacturers is considerably less tha
isotope separation, measurements of nuclear constants, and the Uranmaschine (uranium machine, i.e.
functions with private variables, functions, constants and types hidden within them.
g language which contains macro definitions, constants, and declarations of functions and types use
ve also been made to calculate it from other constants, and according to the author of one such cal
buttons can be predefined with mathematical constants and physical constants or custom values.
where a and b are positive constants and
erimental determinations of the astronomical constants and the tools used for these determinations
Physics handbook: Elementary constants and units, tables, formulae and diagrams, an
ra, that is, a collection of free variables, constants, and operators which may be freely combined.
hysics, experimental relativity, fundamental constants, and precision measurement experiments desig
two other drums - one contained 150 words of constants and the other contained 200 words of variabl
ies, since it depends only on known physical constants and the inverse cube of internuclear distanc
nstruction has two extra operands (typically constants), and the hardware would check that the inde
inued to publish on relativity, astronomical constants and time measurement, as well as collaborati
s, functions may normally also contain local constants, and types (in addition to local variables,
String constants are delimited by double quotes.
Equilibrium constants are defined in terms of fugacity.
The Stieltjes constants are given by the limit
For rotation and displacement, the constants are found using conditions dependent on the
In approximation theory, the Lebesgue constants are related to Fourier series.
Formally, variables and real constants are expressions, as any arithmetic operator
The anti-biasing constants are typically found in the appendices of tex
Those constants are well known and established: Force and Co
The changes and constants are highlighted, and the film attempts to sh
ansversely isotropic material, five material constants are needed to describe its stress-strain res
But once these constants are known, it is possible to evaluate all of
cepts of equality, comparison, variables and constants are also illustrated by a series of examples
optional to use a space in between if string constants are involved, but two variable names cannot
that we find our universe's present physical constants, as the current universe "selects" only thos
nge over the years but Sean and Kathryn were constants as the Equation went on to produce 4 albums:
se may print integers, characters, or string constants, as shown in these examples.
ow level specifications provide standardized constants as metadata.</li
hods has been used for estimation of binding constants, as for instance in lectin affinity electrop
blishment of "fundaments of nature" that are constants at this level, but variables elsewhere in a
of the difficulty of determining equilibrium constants before the glass electrode was invented.
we looked them up in our tables of physical constants, but the value of α remained the same, this
Tony Bruno and John Ziegler remained constants, but Sally Stricker left the band again, to
ge matrices with bounded restricted isometry constants, but many random matrices have been shown to
the necessity of correcting old astronomical constants by observations.
Figure 2: Measuring the Oort constants by fitting to large data sets
t is unusual (but not unique) among physical constants by having an exactly defined value rather th
This is the most general solution; the two constants C and D can be chosen based on two given ini
where the constants c and λj have to be determined so that the i
where the positive constants C and r can be determined by the requirement
are made or broken) since such dissociation constants can vary greatly.
Champernowne constants Cb
es do nothing to improve the cohesion of the Constants class, so static imports should not be consi
description language may include variables, constants, conditional statements, while loops and for
Dynamically-valued constants do not designate a variable as residing in a
iplications can be reduced by working on the constants e and d: the elliptic curve in the Jacobi fo
4. The acid dissociation constants for the vanadium and phosphorus series are r
The half time association/dissociation constants for YFP mutant range from 50ms (YFP-H148Q I1
which relates reaction rates to equilibrium constants for certain classes of organic reactions inv
o the difference of mobilities (or diffusion constants) for holes and electrons which combined with
tate property, it is necessary to know three constants for the species at hand: the critical temper
e first proton may be denoted as Ka1 and the constants for dissociation of successive protons as Ka
ulus symbols may represent either variables, constants, functions or predicates.
person being gossiped about), k1 and k2 are constants greater than 1 (Crawford gave the hypothetic
† The definitions of these derived constants have been taken from the references cited, b
Expressions for equilibrium constants in the gas phase then resemble the expressio
There are many physical constants in science, some of the most widely recogniz
Scheepers and Sinner have been constants in the heavy metal scene before the band was
ed so that the relative signs of hf coupling constants in crystals as well as separating overlappin
tibility is required in future releases, the constants interface must remain forever an interface (
pile-time tactical utility of implementing a constants interface, the incidental run-time artifacts
Night on Earth", the 8th of the series, with Constants, Irepress and Moving Mountains.
tic acids, calculating the acid dissociation constants is only marginally more difficult: the first
This set of constants is widely reproduced in publications such as
taining commonly used built-in functions and constants is 3K in size, although this can be deleted
fan, Colin, and Arrobas as the only relative constants joining Ivan.
nothing up my sleeve numbers: the four round constants k are 230 times the square roots of 2, 3, 5
The physical interpretation of the Avrami constants, k and n, is difficult and open to interpret
ted k(n); in fact there are two Grothendieck constants kR(n) and kC(n) for each n depending on whet
based on the 2006 CODATA evaluation; for the constants listed below, more than 90% of the uncertain
The constants may be used outside of the context of the en
lue-forming functions to value variables and constants; nevertheless, a few value-forming functions
ation, simply place two variables (or string constants) next to each other.
One of the constants of the festival during the 60s was its const
Main article: Stability constants of complexes
where f are the structure constants of the Lie algebra.
Statistical calculation of rate constants of nonadiabatic reactions.
where the γr are constants of integration subject to the energy conserv
finity for these receptors with dissociation constants of 2.8 nM and 3.2 nM, respectively.
f worlds are the values of the dimensionless constants of Nature.
James Jeans discovers that the dynamical constants of motion determine the distribution functio
difference separating the acid dissociation constants of strong acids from all other acids is so s
esis of dicarboxylic acids, the dissociation constants of acids and bases, and measured molecular w
search for the time variation of fundamental constants of nature .
The mismatches of lattice constants of the materials create tensions in the surf
The proper elements are related constants of motion that are thought to remain almost
um-chemical calculations for estimating rate constants of elementary processes and thermodynamic an
eriod of about 41,000 years, the same as the constants of the precession p of the equinoxes (althou
d the heliocentric theory by determining the constants of a geometric model for the heliocentric th
However, such studies of fundamental constants often drift into numerology.
For non-zero cosmological constants, on curved spacetimes quantum fields lose th
itors and both have nearly identical binding constants on the Na+ pump in neurons.
e to create animations of graphs by changing constants or rotating them in space.
is a predicate that takes only individual(s) constants or variables as argument(s).
(to add or subtract one), others might allow constants other than one.
a math formula with its variables linked to constants, properties, variables, parameters, and math
e reported bimolecular NO dioxygenation rate constants range from 2 x 107 M−1s−1 for cytoglobin to
nce all kH may be referred to as Henry's law constants, readers of the technical literature must be
used in compilers or in research often allow constants, records, tuples, multiargument functions, p
This declares the enum colors type; the int constants RED (whose value is 0), GREEN (whose value i
K and b are arbitrary constants representing time and displacement offsets r
k1 and k-1 are the forward and backward rate constants, respectively.
This is a list of mathematical constants sorted by their representations as continued
By convention, function constants start with an upper-case letter and end with
where α, γ are constants that control the evolution of the system.
56 uses 512-bit blocks and implements preset constants that change after each repetition.
Material constants that vary for each type of material are elim
where a and b are constants that dictate the level of curvature in the x
portions of the values of the other physical constants that define it.
where A and B are constants that depend only on known quantities such as
mbol and each ti is a tuple of variables and constants; the number of elements in ti is equal to th
ject or a boundary with different dielectric constants, the receiving antenna records variations in
several other people that would end up being constants through the Atari, Inc, Apple, Cyan Engineer
s higher quality spectra and allows coupling constants to be reliably extracted and used to help de
of literals: these should be coded as named constants, to improve readability and to avoid program
Grouping the constants together in a generalization/specialization
These second order Madelung constants turned out of having significant effects on
*** declare global constants, types and variables ***
eginning with the keyword INTERFACE, defines constants, types, variables, exceptions, and procedure
E, provides the actual code, and any further constants, types, or variables needed to implement the
The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty
abodies have been shown to have dissociation constants up to 40-fold lower than corresponding scFvs
The methods were revised and some of the constants updated by Parameswara in his DrggaNita (148
e-letter code denoting the type of numerical constants used.
e numbers of universes in which the physical constants vary widely.
// by keeping these constants, we can avoid the tiresome business
These constants were typeless, so that there were no type co
trust Abbas with the Palestinians' national constants which to him were the status of Jerusalem an
o narrow to include many common mathematical constants, while the set of transcendental numbers is
etic constant are other examples of physical constants whose values are fixed by the definitions of

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