



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Pollinationの意味・解説 > Pollinationに関連した共起表現


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Examples include cleaner fish, pollination and seed dispersal, gut flora and nitrogen
The museum also focuses on issues such as pollination and the development of apple trees.
n) parts of a plant, largely for controlled pollination and breeding purposes, is also called emasc
f insects that perform valued services like pollination and pest control.
broad, maturing pale brown 5-7 months after pollination, and have stiff, rounded to bluntly pointed
rs commenced an intensive programme of hand pollination and seed collection of the remaining cultiv
young, maturing dark brown 5-7 months after pollination, and have stiff, smoothly rounded scales.
re from grape seeds which are the result of pollination and sexual propagation and thus more likely
s sold commercially for use in orchard crop pollination, and which can be attracted to nest in wood
phytophagy and by plant propagation through pollination and seed dispersal.:3
Good examples of gonochoric or dioecious pollination are hollies, and kiwifruit.
Among the olive cultivars used for pollination are the Bouteillan, Leccino, Lucques, Manza
rently being used as pollinators in managed pollination are honey bees, bumblebees, alfalfa leafcut
cus aculeatus) certainly does not need buzz pollination, as pollen grains are large, sticky and fre
cies, and again is not a candidate for buzz pollination, as pollen is freely dispensed.
The stalk does seem to play a role in pollination as plants without a stalk produced only hal
ion of roses through artificial, controlled pollination began with Josephine's horticulturalist And
is reproductively isolated from that by its pollination being a month to two months later in summer
This independence of the need for pollination between individuals is one reason why this
eekeepers and the growers who need bees for pollination billions of dollars in losses.
Information of pollination biology exists only for Erysimum baeticum b
from Durham University and also studied the pollination biology of the genus Primula for his PhD at
The emergent habit permits pollination by wind or by flying insects.
s such as cucurbits, which may exhibit poor pollination by fruit abortion, fruit deformity or poor
pose of these trichomes is; protection from pollination by way of "crawlers" (ants and other insect
face until they reach a female flower where pollination can occur.
m Pheromone in Order to Attract Hornets for Pollination, Current Biology, Volume 19, Issue 16, 1368
Berlin 1793), he was one of the founders of pollination ecology as a scientific discipline.
The Principles of Pollination Ecology.
r Blumen in Berlin, pioneering the study of pollination ecology.
vely at the apex at maturity one year after pollination, ejecting the two shiny black seeds up to 1
Type of pollination: entomophilous
After pollination, figs ripen quickly.
e the pollen; others are dependent on cross pollination from a genetically different source of viab
4 when a suitable method of mass controlled pollination had been devised .
Pollination has been attributed both to insects and win
Traditionally pollination has been done by shaking using electric vib
iness Southern Exposure Seed Exchange (open pollination, heirloom and traditional varieties ) and p
Hagerup, O. (1932) On Pollination in the extremely hot air at Timbuctu.
ch occurs only in Mexico, obviating natural pollination in other countries.
Pollination in which nectar or pollen (food resources)
Pollination is by evening- or night-flying insects.
Hand pollination is used with date palms to avoid wasting a
Pollination is performed by insects, usually by a scent
Pollination is in late spring, with the cones maturing
When pollination is needed on a large scale, such as for fie
As in most sedges, pollination is by wind, not insects, and the mature fru
duced by insecticides aimed at other pests, pollination is inhibited and crops don't appear.
Hand pollination is only an option on a small scale, but is
lous, yellowish in colour and 5-10 cm long; pollination is in early spring, before the leaves emerg
, and produced in clusters of two to seven; pollination is in early spring, before the leaves emerg
ic flowers which are small and scented, and pollination is therefore thought to be achieved by inse
The primary reason for hand pollination is lack of pollinators which may be due to
To ensure pollination it must be co-planted with another grape va
see pollination management
Forage is also significant for pollination management with other bee species.
nk corollas and golden anthers which, after pollination, mature into bright to dull red berrylike f
be a large grower and probably had all the pollination needed.
Pollinator decline or the concentrated pollination needs of monoculture may also be factors in
Cones mature and pollination occurs in March to June, with seeds ripenin
, Sprengel did considerable research on the pollination of plants and the interaction between flowe
It is unknown if it contributes to the pollination of the crop.
Bombus polaris has a major part in the pollination of vegetation in the Arctic.
Some of his early papers were about the pollination of certain species.
ed by the male sawfly in similar way to the pollination of Drakaea (the hammer Orchid).
nectar and pollen of Eucalypt blossoms, the pollination of which it is largely responsible.
eiton neighbor, and gamein to marry) is the pollination of a flower with the pollen from another fl
he United Kingdom between 1885 and 1906 for pollination of red clover.
ction is proof of the versatility and cross pollination of reggae and how widespread its influence
flowers and they seem to play a part in the pollination of certain plants.
hought to contribute very little toward the pollination of its host plant.
ly Graham crusade which resulted in a cross pollination of religious ideals from the United States
aspects of its life history, reproduction, pollination, population biology, fire ecology, genetics
developed in the Italy in the 1979s by open pollination PRI 2059-101 apples.
rsity fruit nutritionist who conducted open pollination research on his various orchards.
Beekeepers provide pollination services to horticulturists, which generate
y species are nectar robbers, performing no pollination services to a plant while still consuming n
Main article: Pollination syndrome
Plants fall into pollination syndromes that reflect the type of pollinat
r interactions, an uncritical acceptance of pollination syndromes as providing a framework for clas
With controlled pollination, the appearance of new cultivars grew expon
After pollination, the flower stem coils both directions, sta
When managed for pollination, the females are induced to nest in drinkin
During pollination, this generative cell divides and gives ris
ate herbicide) could be transmitted by wind pollination to resident plants of different Agrostis sp
termine the effectiveness of putative plant pollination vectors.
e mosquito spraying, the supply of bees for pollination was critically short for several years.
called ecology, and provided evidence that pollination was an organised process in which insects a
However, this may necessitate hand pollination when bloom starts.
It is thought that it resulted from random pollination when European Vitis vinifera grapes were at
ugust and September (about 40-60 days after pollination), when the valves of the dehiscent fruits (
Entomophily is a form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by insects, p
Pollination, which is typically very specialized in thi
e first to discover a method for artificial pollination, which made it possible to cultivate vanill

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