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oving faster than the body's surface the bulges lag a short angle behind it.
Legacurry (from Irish: Lag a' Choire meaning "hollow of the cauldron") is
Basic Operators - Difference, Lag, Add, Subtract, scale, and time-reverse operato
nerable with his health, and the effects of jet lag after the U.S. Open meant he could not play on
"Because of the manipulations of Lag Agyal (the mother) of Gekhasa, the false reinca
gs) have a wood screw thread for use in wood or lag anchors.
turbocharger, which is designed to reduce turbo lag and create better throttle response.
genre, but its multiplayer mode was plagued by lag and inaccurate tracking of statistics.
save a game that is fraught with concept flaws, lag and bugs and unfinished elements."
Even the online action ofter suffered from lag and jitteriness and players "teleporting".
The primary controls on the damping and lag are the distance from the coast, and the hydrau
Hawks, to be sure, and the action does tend to lag at times, but the fine performances from Farmer
it has been speculated by some that lag b'omer shows very strong signs of being of pre-
Rabbi Gershenfeld (standing, center) at a Lag B'Omer picnic.
If these customs of Lag ba'Omer are not found in ancient Jewish literat
Lag Ba'omer is traditionally regarded as his Yahrze
sands of pilgrims visited his grave annually on Lag Ba'omer, his Yahrzeit (date of death).
A Lag BaOmer parade in front of Chabad headquarters a
The day of Lag BaOmer is also celebrated as the Hillula or yah
abbi Arie Zeev Raskin, Chief Rabbi of Cyprus in Lag Baomer 2008
The school does however continue to lag behind its neighbours in terms of Level 3 Conte
the current opportunities and African countries lag behind the flows of capital into other developi
s Jim Fregosi and Dean Chance, but continued to lag behind other Association members in attendance.
e 120s, Capri 120s, and Carlton 120s, but would lag behind Virginia Slims Luxury Lights 120s, intro
amaged aircraft, forced to lose altitude and to lag behind the formation, was aggressively attacked
that their cognitive and social development may lag behind their appearance.
nding filming schedule had caused production to lag behind early on.
effects immediately because there tends to be a lag between when commodity prices rise and when the
"There is a time lag between the achievement of supersaturation in a
the specified qualities with no hampering time lag between request and response.
ase this song-there would be over a year's time lag between Lightfoot's recording and its release.
of factories, length of supply chain (based on lag between production and use), changes in product
δ is phase lag between stress and strain.
The time lag between electrical field and polarization impli
ction of a king whose motto was: Land skall med lag byggas - "With law shall the land be built".
These causes of lag can be eliminated by pre-setting the exposure a
Anaphase lag describes the delayed movement during anaphase
dals attempt at humor, that due to major server lag didn't show up as being fixed by a bot.
cus is disabled and there is additional shutter lag due to the extra close/open at the beginning an
Due to this initial performance lag, dynamic compilation is undesirable in certain
hough the development in each area continues to lag far behind Anita's parallel journey.
en to the USA and Germany; the Soviets actually lag far behind either of these two countries in the
ake District work Marr came up with the idea of lag faulting to explain the topography of the Distr
labels such as Siltbreeze, Emperor Jones, Time Lag Feel Good All Over and Table of the Elements.
The full-length album Lag followed in 2005.
bs and a mystery virus and many experienced jet lag for the first time.
dule downtime for a production system, the time lag for testing / 3rd party support for application
st of four stages, eliminated team's one-minute lag from Norway, a unique achievement in history of
ng to a point closer to the cylinders, the time lag from air moving past the sensor to reaching the
artists such as Kevin Devine, Alec Empire, Jet Lag Gemini, Crash Romeo, The Dillinger Escape Plan,
the debut EP from New Jersey, Pop-Rock band Jet Lag Gemini,.
f ships in the demo, as well as netcode-related lag, hampered the multiplayer experience, and most
A game with inadequate lag handling may let players intentionally cause la
ctual construction of the spur has continued to lag, however, and the March 16, 2010 edition of Pro
Easter Sunday of 1724, he had performed Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4.
While the Union had shown some lag in profits, this was not the reason for its dem
The Grierson Baronetcy, of Lag in the County of Dumfries, is a dormant title i
hanical, however, and relatively brief, shutter lag in film cameras is often only noticeable (and o
1, whose primary purpose was to correct dynamic lag in the angular output data.
More stories were planned until a long lag in continuing Rocketeer adventures put the idea
time, the Digilux 1 boasted the lowest shutter lag in comparison to other cameras in its class, in
Relaxation in general is a delay or lag in the response of a linear system, and therefo
s perhaps a member of the family of Grierson of Lag in Dumfriesshire, was a student of the universi
ielectric relaxation is the momentary delay (or lag) in the dielectric constant of a material.
Velocity differential ( lag in information processing between situational d
Anaphase lag is responsible for aneuploidy.
Temperature lag is an important factor in diurnal temperature v
However, what many people consider shutter lag is in fact the time the camera takes to meter (
er criticism of the game seems to center around lag issues and lack of challenge for experienced ga
dan (1969), Haseena Maan Jayegi (1968), Aa Gale Lag Jaa (1973), Roti Kapda Aur Makan (1974), Chor M
Aa Gale Lag Jaa (1994)
The team became known as the "Jet Lag Kids", playing seven times away from home and t
Tides have an inherent lead or lag, known as the lunitidal interval, that is diffe
equations of higher order-that is, with a time lag longer than one period-can be solved, and their
One) was fragile and suffered from severe turbo lag, making it difficult to drive on tight circuits
command is likely to experience a small bit of lag, making it difficult to get or keep the elevato
Jet lag may intensify the post vacation blues.
Anangavajra (Sanskrit; Tibetan: yan lag med pa'i rdo rje)
s sign is a clinical sign in which there is lid lag of the lower eyelid on moving the eye upwards.
ins the index and is published with a two month lag on the last Tuesday of every month.
Mild extension lag, passively correctable
Moderate extension lag, passively correctable
The lag phase is not a physiological growth stage, but
erry growth of phase I slows this is termed the lag phase.
ks, whatever it is has made this problem(server lag) quite a pain in the butt lately.
Later, he signed with indie label LAG Records in June 2009 and began working on his o
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 2 is a protein that
Cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 1 also known as flam
face an embarrassing question: why does Africa lag so far behind the developed world in rates of m
Die zweite Kompanie lag, soviel mir bekannt ist direkt am Donez.
SLRs have slightly longer shutter lag than rangefinders, because of the need to lift
ed to be one of the reasons for the therapeutic lag that is commonly reported for most mainstream s
o be difficult to use,, suffered from on-screen lag that could interfere with song creation, and th
nd handling of the katamari as well as software lag that could cause the game to freeze.
olent crime: taking into account a 22-year time lag, the violent crime curve virtually tracks the l
This lag time is not observed, however, for a truncated
on of the N-terminal domain also eliminates the lag time while increasing the affinity for Phe by n
items, and disable features, in order to reduce lag time for users.
hly tracking index, Case-Shiller Index has long lag time.
is still delivered in the rest of the country, lag times can occur in interstate business transact
This is often complicated because the lead or lag varies during the course of the lunar month, as
ence significant crosshair (cursor) jerking and lag while BitDefender is installed.
ettelarm, weil sie von der vielen Kohle, die da lag, zu wenig nahm" ("She slept in the coal cellar,

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