




該当件数 : 24

monoclinic mineral, with the chemical formula ( Fe3+, Al)24Si4O43(OH)2.
Small amounts of Fe3+ and Zr also may be isomorphous with Th.
Interestingly, NO can bind both to heme Fe3+ and to proximal Cys-60 ligand causing reversibl
verts iron(II) state, Fe2+, to iron(III) state, Fe3+, and mediates iron efflux most likely in cooper
s in plants the metallic nucleus is composed of Fe3+ and either Zn2+ or Mn2+.
of the octahedral sites and there will only be Fe3+ at the tetrahedral sites.
the iron as ferritin, which is accomplished by Fe3+ binding to apoferritin(in which case the iron w
The Zn2+ and Fe3+ cations share the same cite with typical respec
mixed valence compound, featuring both Fe2+ and Fe3+ centers, in 1:2 ratio.
his enzyme are dihydroquinone (QH2) and ferri- ( Fe3+) cytochrome c, whereas its 3 products are quino
iron will be in the ferric +3 oxidation state ( Fe3+), in insoluble mineral form.
), [Fe(NCS)(H2O)5]2+, indicates the presence of Fe3+ in solution
Includes Fe3+ ionic radius 64.5 pm.
To detect ferric ( Fe3+) iron, potassium ferrocyanide is used instead;
(7050) 1982 FE3 is a main-belt minor planet.
the structure and the B element, iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+), is split between the octahedral and tetrahedr
ctivity in this recent era, making the observed Fe3+ oxides volumetrically small, though pervasive a
oxidative processes including the formation of Fe3+ oxides that impart a reddish hue to the Martian
a stable, hexadentate, octahedral complex with Fe3+ preferentially compared to other naturally occu
Dietary iron must be reduced from Fe3+ to Fe2+ before being transported by DMT1.
ble of coverting iron from an insoluble ferric ( Fe3+) to a soluble ferrous (Fe2+) form.
nzoate coupled to the reduction of ferric iron ( Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+).
ductase enzyme which catalyzes the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in the process of iron absorption in th
trates of this enzyme are ferrocytochrome c and Fe3+, whereas its two products are ferricytochrome c

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