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Aqueous solutions of ZnCl2 are acidic: a 6 M aqueous solution has a pH of 1.
While vaginal pH is normally acidic, a pH above 7.0 can indicate that the amniotic
oogle search shows that while a bee's sting is acidic a wasp sting has a ph of between 6-7.
Since azaleas prefer to be slightly acidic, a popular soil to grow them in is kanuma.
All begin with cooking sugar, and possibly an acidic agent and/or non-sucrose sugar product to avoi
Its methyl group is fairly acidic, allowing for condensations to occur at this p
fins by passing alcohols in a vapor phase over acidic alumina catalyst has been practiced periodical
ins (DP), a transactivation domain enriched in acidic amino acids, and a tumor suppressor protein as
DBP is a member of the PAR bZIP (Proline and Acidic amino acid-Rich basic leucine ZIPper) transcri
y this gene is an aminopeptidase which prefers acidic amino acids, and specifically favors aspartic
orkers prefer terpene resin as it is both less acidic and cheaper than balsam.
olution is very dangerous, being both strongly acidic and a strong oxidizer.
The resulting brown, acidic, and corrosive solution is used as a coagulant
nd on rock outcrops at forest margins, on both acidic and alkaline substrates (pH 3.8-8.0).
pH Zone Refining: Acidic and basic solvents are used to elute analytes
The hydrogen is slightly acidic, and it is often used as a primary standard fo
The fruit is astringent and acidic and is not palatable when raw.
The shallow soils are neutral or acidic and rich in organic matter.
The tree prefers moist, acidic and well-drained soils, disliking alkaline soi
Phenytoin, in both its acidic and sodium salt forms, is erratically bioavail
Because the anhydrous material is both acidic and hygroscopic (water seeking), it is used in
It is acidic and contains hydroxyproline, serine, alanine a
In aqueous solution it is strongly acidic and is easily oxidized in air.
ditions are exposed and sunny, and the soil is acidic and gravelly.
ree of stability, including resistance to both acidic and basic hydrolysis.
hout making Para Red, the solution will become acidic and basic.
d is a hemi-aminal that is unstable under both acidic and alkaline aqueous conditions and undergoes
s include clay, loam, sand, slightly alkaline, acidic, and well-drained soil.
ey then further fractionated the extract using acidic and basic pH and isolated two slightly differe
es that thrives in poor soil, able to tolerate acidic and alkaline conditions and drought.
ese proteins were found to be identical to the acidic and basic FGFs described by Gospodarowicz, et
kill biocide that easily hydrolyzes under both acidic and alkaline conditions.
A low pKa value indicates that the compound is acidic and will easily give up its proton to a base.
This particular family member binds acidic and basic fibroblast growth hormone and plays
e is a very stable functional group under both acidic and basic conditions.
The hydrated form is weakly acidic and dissolves in concentrated alkali to form s
rticularly cool, the wines can be aggressively acidic and lean but winemaking techniques such as mal
Muskeg is wet, acidic, and relatively infertile which prevents large
This is extremely acidic and dangerous.
Slightly acidic and neutral solutions of malvidin are characte
The grape is used to make mildly acidic and young white wines mostly suitable for earl
e out of the urine, if the urine is neutral or acidic, and form crystals or stones in the kidneys, u
Acidic and basic keratins bind each other to form aci
Where the proton is not particularly acidic, and, as such, the molecule does not give up i
This article is about inorganic acidic anhydrides.
or English natural ciders, uses predominantly acidic apples, rather than sweet or bittersweet.
onsequence, many of the tributaries are highly acidic as a result of atmospheric acidification.
better tolerated than the corresponding weakly acidic ascorbic acid.
thyl ketones, benzylidineacetone is moderately acidic at the alpha position, and it can be readily d
leading comedy review site Chortle 'his sharp, acidic barbs remain a rich delight'.
ng language provides, a number groups, such as ACiDic BBS modding, Cyberia, Demonic, DoRE, Vanguard,
It is found growing in acidic blackwater and is unique in that it is the onl
A zone of acidic bog vegetation consisting of: Purple Moor-gras
oor in nutrients, especially nitrogen, such as acidic bogs and rock outcroppings.:13
In acidic bogs are growing Drosera and Pinguicula.
yield of edible fruit is pleasantly sweet, yet acidic, but also containing a latex that some people
utilized carbohydrates in the medium producing acidic by-products and no red color change.
Deletion of the highly acidic carboxy-terminus of Spt16 (a common feature of
Benzenesulfonic acid is also used as an acidic catalyst in esterification and dehydration rea
ct with nucleophilic groups in the presence of acidic catalysts (phosphoramidite coupling reaction).
methyl group, this alcohol exhibits a stronger acidic character compared to ethanol.
fornia to provide backbone, due to its natural acidic character, for white "jug wine" blends.
aces the grassland displays a weakly-developed acidic character; common bent and sheep's fescue, Fes
ights exceeding one pound due to the naturally acidic chemistry of the water.
Praseodymium(III) chloride is Lewis acidic, classified as "hard" according to the HSAB co
sland habitat, and those in the Sierra grow in acidic clay soils with many rocky outcrops.
st delignification in sulfite pulping involves acidic cleavage of ether bonds, which connect many of
in a scrubber unit can selectively remove such acidic components as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and CO2 f
tions, acting as a weak base, then neutralizes acidic compounds dissolved in the solution to turn th
Under acidic conditions a Diels-Alder reaction of β-(dehydr
In other words, HMF is not stable under the acidic conditions required for its formation.
e tertiary alcohol is liable to dehydration in acidic conditions if the reaction temperature rises a
This reaction is based on heating in acidic conditions and gives rise to anthocyanidin pig
Dehydration of the first-formed alcohol under acidic conditions leads to the formation of fully aro
n humans arises from its poor solubility under acidic conditions after consumption of the jenkol bea
anhydride with two equivalents of phenol under acidic conditions (hence the name).
ue to the alcohol precursosr dehydrating under acidic conditions to produce both the diene and dieno
ving a carbocation intermediate under strongly acidic conditions in polar protic solvents like metha
It needs acidic conditions to prevent leaf burn.
Under acidic conditions it isomerizes into the cannabinoid
Under acidic conditions sugars tend to form furans such as
At a low pH ( acidic conditions), colored anthocyanidins are presen
olyzes in aqueous solution, particularly under acidic conditions, to sodium trimetaphosphate and sod
Then, under acidic conditions, this derivative of the terminal am
Under acidic conditions, geosmin decomposes into odorless s
Under acidic conditions, aluminium becomes more soluble and
In slightly acidic conditions, hydrogen tellurite ion, HTeO3−, is
tetrakis(dimethylamino)diboron with pinacol in acidic conditions.
cting formaldehyde with hydrogen cyanide under acidic conditions.
base, forming lead(II) ion, Pb2+, under weakly acidic conditions.
The entire colour change occurs in acidic conditions.
hydroxide, that is required to neutralize the acidic constituents in 1 g of sample.
ly comprise about 115 amino acids, are largely acidic, contain four conserved cysteine residues know
a one km-wide caldera that then filled with an acidic crater lake.
mpound into an amide group, and the subsequent acidic cyclization of the product into the desired gl
vided into the E1 and E2 domains, linked by an acidic domain (AcD); E1 contains two subdomains inclu
arrier of basic drugs (whereas albumin carries acidic drugs), steroids, and protease inhibitors.
sland and a mosaic of calcareous grassland and acidic dry dwarf-shrub heath.
The water of the lake became acidic due to destruction of the ecosystem around the
due to this reason a basic substance takes an acidic dye.
histological section has been stained with an acidic dye.
mount of cooking liquid that often includes an acidic element, such as tomatoes, beer, or wine, is a
the gallbladder are supposed to keep the bile acidic enough to prevent hardening.
very high pH of dog saliva, which prevents an acidic environment from forming and the subsequent de
efective bone resorption by osteoclasts, as an acidic environment is needed for dissociation of calc
ceives some protection from degradation by the acidic environment of the stomach through the use of
In acidic environment the lactone ring is broken, the ce
dide is added to the known amount of sample in acidic environment (pH < 4, the reaction is not compl
te the moderate nature of his district and the acidic environment for Republicans nationwide, Congre
animals which confers tissue protection in an acidic environment, such as in the stomach.
on of this era may have been marked by aqueous acidic environments and Tharsis-centric groundwater d
durability) of glasses in neutral, basic, and acidic environments, under simulated environmental co
This is particularly the case in acidic environments.
Protons on a molecule that are acidic, even only slightly, can be exchanged for a me
particular family member preferentially binds acidic fibroblast growth factor and, although its spe
substrate for heparin-binding growth factor 1 ( acidic fibroblast growth factor)-activated tyrosine k
The acid mantle is a very fine, slightly acidic film on the surface of the skin acting as a ba
The change in pH is especially pronounced with acidic fluid losses caused by problems like vomiting.
ds dairy products, certain spices, and "highly acidic foods like vinegars and white wines."
s susceptible to discoloration or pitting with acidic foods.
6-methoxy-4-methylquinoline 9 is sufficiently acidic for nucleophilic addition of its anion (by rea
It is too acidic for most end uses, and is corrosive to the ski
ed at 0.17 ± 0.02 at 20°C, which is remarkably acidic for a methane derivative.
re the soil is too poor in minerals and/or too acidic for most plants to survive.
ever, it is also synthesized by alkylating the acidic form of 2-methylthiophenothiazine -methylsulfo
In acidic form it is a highly reactive strong acid.
Teicoplanin is more acidic, forming water soluble salts, so it can be giv
it is very important to use the lemon or other acidic fruit like grapefruit.
is, and it holds a lot of potential to form an acidic, fruity, and full yield when it is ripened.
l: water is removed with phosphorus pentoxide, acidic gases by potassium or sodium hydroxide, and or
vegetation types, which have developed on the acidic glacial drift overlying magnesian limestone th
active site has 20 amino acids, including the acidic Glu-477 (contributes to the stability of the T
orption/ionization (MALDI) for the analysis of acidic glycans and glyco­peptides in negative ion mod
glycosaminoglycans of extracellular matrix or acidic glycoproteins in many types of mucus.
With very acidic grapes like Sangiovese this process will tempe
The habitat comprises mainly acidic grassland and heathland featuring a reduced va
of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for the acidic grassland and heathland interest, and wildlife
The hill is covered by acidic grassland, which provide a valuable breeding g
th much of the south of the area consisting of acidic grassland.
bonate rocks due to their solubility in dilute acidic groundwater.
ium carbonate from limestone bedrock by mildly acidic groundwater."
Scallan, The determination of strong and weak acidic groups in sulfite pulps, Svensk Paperstidn.
instrumental fare geared tunefully by a mean, acidic guitar interplay and essential upfront rhythms
TPP has an acidic H+ on its C2 that acts as the functional part
of kidney failure causing the blood to become acidic) has been proposed as one possibility, as has
Bogs are very acidic, have a low pH, and very specialized plants, i
e Folkestone Beds of Lower Greensand set among acidic heathland.
It is also more stable in acidic, high-temperature environments.
The chaperone protein SecB is a highly acidic homotetrameric protein that exists as a "dimer
Its common name suggests that it contains an acidic hydrogen atom, as in sodium hydrogen carbonate
acidic hydrogen atoms.
s, water, and any substance which possesses an acidic hydrogen.
The alcohol can later be restored readily by acidic hydrolysis with formation of 5-hydroxypentanal
In the final step the dipeptide is cleaved by acidic hydrolysis in two amino acid methyl esters whi
Acidic hydrolysis of the resulting product gives phen
They are slightly or moderately acidic in their natural state.
wn in acid conditions; hence vinegar and other acidic ingredients in fish recipes help reduce the mu
one by acid catalysis (either sulfuric acid or acidic ion exchange resins) followed by purificaiton
Alternately, an acidic ion exchange resin can be used as the catalyst
This amine combined with Lewis acidic iron centers makes the enzyme a bifunctional c
oxides can be generated by precipitation from acidic iron-salt solutions upon addition of appropria
Pectinesterases can however display acidic isoelectric points as detected in soluble frac
Because the dibutyl phosphate ligands are acidic, it will now be possible to extract uranium by
The defining features of the fizz are an acidic juice (such as lemon or lime juice) and carbon
is, Pica is famous for its small and unusually acidic lemons.
The region is known for its acidic, light bodied, red and white wines.
The pitcher fluid is notably acidic like that of N. gracilis, with pH values as lo
The acidic lime juice causes the cream-based Bailey's to
r engineering of Daptomycin, the only marketed acidic lipopeptide antibiotic up to date (Figure 8),
It prefers lighter,slightly acidic loamy soils and occurs in dry sclerophyll fore
Most of the type I keratins consist of acidic, low molecular weight proteins which in vivo a
blackwater river - its waters are clear, dark, acidic, low in nutrients, and tannin stained.
Its habitat includes acidic, low-nutrient freshwater bodies such as ponds,
g the right of way for a power line, receiving acidic, low-nutrient groundwater.
The strongly acidic macromolecular carbohydrates of mast cells and
Fuchsine acid is an acidic magenta dye with chemical formula C20H17N3Na2O
basic conditions but is stable in neutral and acidic media.
tric acid/ammonium buffer solution in a weakly acidic medium (pH≈3.5),
ents, causing them to crosslink, and sequester acidic membrane phospholipids such as PIP2.
Pregnant Leach Solution (PLS) is acidic metal-laden water generated from stockpile lea
In a solution becoming less acidic, methyl orange moves from red to orange and fi
F. acidophilum is generally found in acidic mine tailings, primarily those containing pyri
It is an acidic mineral that has a pH of less than 3 and is ha
The reagent is used in an acidic modification of the Hofmann rearrangement.
throughout the country in damp, shady areas in acidic, moist and boggy soil, beside streams in fores
It lives in acidic moist but well-drained sandy loam, and is usua
s in the suprapedal gland which produce weakly acidic mucopolysaccharides, neutral mucopolysaccharid
Structurally the protein consists of an acidic N-terminal domain of about 90 kDa separated fr
Because of its acidic nature, hydrogen chloride is corrosive, partic
It is stable in acidic, neutral, and alkaline solutions, and is consi
stabilizer, its major role is to eliminate the acidic nitrates and nitrogen oxides produced by gradu
cule, a buffer, to extract the proton from its acidic nitrogen.
stony sandy loam podzol which has developed on acidic, nutrient-poor quartzite till.
dy soils: plant communities distinct to sandy, acidic, nutrient-poor soils include the tropical heat
wn as the Anglars, who originated from Venom's acidic oceans.
It would rank as one of the most acidic of the carbon acids with an estimated Pka of -
The product is largely free of neutral and acidic or basic impurities.
K is stable under heat, even under moderately acidic or basic conditions, allowing it to be used in
at the substance will decompose at the typical acidic or basic conditions used in such extractions.
ver after the Para Red dye is made that may be acidic or basic, but if made correctly there are litt

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