- 絞込み
- T
- TA
- TB
- TC
- TD
- TE
- TF
- TG
- TH
- TI
- TJ
- TK
- TL
- TM
- TN
- TO
- TP
- TQ
- TR
- TS
- TT
- TU
- TV
- TW
- TX
- TY
- TZ
- T(50音)
- T(タイ文字)
- T(数字)
- T(記号)
- that fellow
- That fellow
- that figures
- That figures.
- that girl
- That Girl
- That girl is really clingy, isn't she?
- That girl is really kind
- that guy
- That guy cut in line, so please be careful
- That guy from the sales department is swamped with work related to customer service and complaint handling
- That guy is sharp.
- That guy is useless
- That guy lacks self-awareness.
- That guy only cares about himself and doesn't pay attention to the people around him
- That guy would lie and make an excuse if we interrogate him ineptly.
- That hair style suits you.
- That hairstyle and clothing look good on you. How cute
- That hairstyle looks like the tip of an eggplant
- That hairstyle suits you.
- that has been configured
- That has nothing to do with it.
- That has nothing to do with me.
- That has nothing to do with you.
- That helped a lot.
- That helps and awful lot
- That home screen is so cute.
- That house is built of bricks.
- that hurts
- That hurts Mommy! Stop it!
- That hurts! Stop it!
- That hurts.
- That I do not know.
- that is
- That is
- That is a difficult thing to determine.
- That is a false accusation!
- That is a good idea.
- That is a good thing.
- That is a problem.
- That is a very delicate matter.
- That is a very extraordinary arrangement.
- That is a very good idea.
- That is a very good question.
- That is a very good thing.
- That is a very important issue.
- That is a very important point.
- That is a ~
- that is all
- That is all
- That is all for now
- That is all for now.
- That is all I have to report for now.
- That is all I have to say.
- That is all I know at present.
- That is all there is to it.
- That is all.
- That is amazing!
- That is amazing.
- That is an excellent idea!
- That is an important point.
- That is an objective fact.
- That is an old camera.
- That is another good candidate.
- That is as it should be
- That is at the opposite side.
- That is bad news.
- that is believed to …
- That is beside the question.
- that is better
- That is biased
- That is certainly true.
- that is cool
- That is cool.
- that is correct
- That is correct.
- That is different from what I wanted to say
- That is easy to use.
- That is enough.
- That is entirely not the case
- That is everything
- That is expired.
- that is for sure
- That is for sure.
- That is great.
- that is how
- That is how it will be performed, I believe.
- that is ie
- That is incorrect
- that is it
- that is just not on!
- That is kind of. . .
- that is like
- That is like
- That is lovely.
- That is mainly used by my daughter, but it is registered under my name.
- That is mine.
- That is my favorite animal.
- That is my frank opinion.
- That is my opinion.
- That is my thinking.
- That is my understanding.
- That is natural.
- That is no the only one.
- That is not a good idea.
- That is not all.
- That is not his girlfriend but his sister.
- That is not necessarily the case.
- that is not necessary.
- that is not needed.
- that is not on!
- that is not the case
- That is not the case.
- That is not true.
- That is not what I meant.
- That is nothing more than your impression.
- That is nothing to do with this.
- That is one possibility.
- That is our responsibility.
- that is plenty
- That is prejudiced
- That is quite obvious.
- That is rather convenient for me.
- That is reasonable.
- that is reflected in
- that is right
- That is right.
- That is so funny!
- That is so funny.
- That is something that cannot be seen through our eyes.
- That is surprising.
- that is that
- That is that
- That is the biggest key.
- that is the case
- That is the case in there, isn't it?
- That is the case.
- That is the course I envisage.
- That is the crux of the matter.
- That is the current situation for the time being.
- That is the discussion we had the other day.
- That is the feeling I get.
- That is the limit
- That is the most regrettable moment in my life
- that is the pot calling the kettle black
- That is the reality.
- that is the reason why...
- That is the reason.
- That is the response we have made thus far.
- That is the stage we are at right now.
- that is to say
- That is too bad.
- that is true
- That is true and correct.
- That is true.
- That is under coordination, of course.
- That is unimportant right now.
- That is very expensive!
- That is very expensive.
- That is very important.
- That is very pleasing for us.
- That is what has taken place up to now.
- That is what has taken place.
- That is what I have been repeatedly attempting to explain to you
- That is what I have resolved to do.
- That is what I hope to confirm.
- That is what I meant.
- That is what she is trying to get/aim.
- That is where you are wrong.
- that is why
- That is why ~ means a lot.
- That is why.
- That is why...
- That is wrong
- That is wrong.
- that is!
- that is.
- That isn't burnable waste or non-burnable waste, so it is recycling
- That isn't mine.
- That isn't mine?
- That isn't my job!
- That isn't my problem.
- That isn't true.
- That isn't what I wanted to know
- That issue really stumped me.
- that kind of
- That kind of serves should be returned forward rather than being received in the back
- That kind of thing doesn't bother me
- That kind of thing never happens.
- That laugh is so contagious. LOL
- That leaves nothing to be desired.
- that level
- that location
- That looks delicious, doesn't it
- That looks good on you.
- That looks good.
- That looks interesting.
- That looks like fun
- That looks really painful.
- That looks really tasty
- That looks really tasty.
- That looks tasty, doesn't it
- that makes aural function
- That makes it much easier.
- That makes me feel better.
- that makes me happy!
- That makes me happy.
- That makes me less motivated.
- That makes me so happy! I'm going to work harder.
- that makes sense
- That makes sense.
- That makes two of us.
- That makes you even more beautiful.
- That makes you feel good, right?
- that many
- that matter
- that means
- That means
- that means ~
- that means. . .
- that means~
- That menu is very popular and is sold out today
- That might be difficult.
- That might be inevitable.
- That might be the fastest ever!
- That mistake is so unlike you.
- That money is for you to spend freely, so buy anything you want with it.
- That mosquito buzz sound is really annoying, I can't see them but there are mosquitoes in this room
- That movie left me with a bitter taste in the mouth.
- That movie was extremely interesting!
- That movie was extremely interesting.
- that much
- That much
- that much.
- That must be read
- That must be the reason why...
- That must be tough.
- That must have been very tough
- That name is so appetizing.
- That never crossed my mind at all! LOL
- that night
- That night
- That Night
- that of
- that one
- That one
- that one does not understand
- that one likes
- that one never tires of
- That one!! How about this??
- That painting is very surreal.
- That particular visit was with my family...
- that period
- That period was the most enjoyable time in my life.
- That person always lends his/her hand casually.
- That person basically never speaks!
- That person doesn't even come close to being a XX
- That person gave me many fond memories.
- That person has a nerve to make such a request despite not even being the guest of honor.
- That person has no common sense, don’t you think?
- That person has nothing to do with this
- That person has what we can call a cool aura.
- That person is the player representing America
- That person jauntily left after giving me a hand when I fell over
- That person looks bored.
- That person might know.
- That person must have no feelings of affection.
- That person wasn't so great.
- That person who has been creating buzz on TV and in magazines lately
- That person's impersonation is funny.
- that place
- That place
- that point
- That poster in the storefront, could you give it to later?
- That product is sold in the store next door.
- That program cannot be watched in my house
- That project fizzled out in the end.
- That quarter
- that really helps
- That really helps.
- That reminds me of
- That reminds me.
- That represents the time
- that rings a bell
- That rings a bell.
- That risk was not recognized at the time
- that said
- That said...
- that same
- That seems tough
- that ship has sailed
- That shop has delicious gyoza.
- That shop has reasonably priced goods.
- that shop is still here
- That shot is the one and the only!
- that should
- That should help.
- That should not be a problem.
- That shouldn't happen.
- That smells good.
- That soon?
- that sort of
- That Sounds Good to Me
- That sounds good to me.
- That sounds good.
- That sounds good. I want to give it a try.
- that sounds great
- That sounds great.
- That sounds interesting.
- That sounds like a good idea.
- That sounds nice.
- That sounds very interesting.