- 絞込み
- T
- TA
- TB
- TC
- TD
- TE
- TF
- TG
- TH
- TI
- TJ
- TK
- TL
- TM
- TN
- TO
- TP
- TQ
- TR
- TS
- TT
- TU
- TV
- TW
- TX
- TY
- TZ
- T(50音)
- T(タイ文字)
- T(数字)
- T(記号)
- to a surfeit
- to a t
- to a T
- to a tee
- to a tittle
- to a turn
- To absolutely go
- To absorb moisture
- To absorb oneself in one's hobby or work to forget about unpleasant things
- To absorb water
- to abuse someone else's passbook
- To accept a commission
- To accept a gift
- to accept a job based on trust
- To accept a request
- To accept and opinion
- to accept one's opinion
- to accept orders
- To accept reality
- to accept to take
- To accidentally leave something at home
- to accomplish
- to account for
- to account for.....
- To accumulate spare change
- to achieve .....
- To achieve great success in a short time
- to acquire a client
- To acquire abilities
- to acquire knowledge
- to act
- To act as an agent
- to act as one unit
- to act before thinking
- To act like an artist you like
- To act whole-heartedly in order to fulfill one's need for approval
- to act with a purpose
- to adapt the topic to the audience
- To add a filter
- to add fuel to fire
- To add hot water
- to add to
- to add to taxable income
- To add to that just in case
- to address
- to address .....
- To address this problem
- To adjust a schedule
- to adjust the game settings
- to administer
- To admire a painting
- To admire a picture
- to admire celebrities
- To admire one's hair style
- to admire the love between two people from different social classes
- to adorn the end of one's career
- To advance a delivery date
- To advance a project
- To advance to
- To advance while hurting people
- to advantage
- to affect
- to affect the sense of security
- to age
- to agree on a story
- To aid in .....
- to aim at one’s weakness
- To aim for the top
- To air the futon
- to airport
- to alert
- To align the figures
- to all appearance
- to all appearances
- to all eternity
- to all intents and purposes
- to all outward appearances
- to alleviate a sense of security
- to alleviate pressure
- to allow euthanasia
- to allow leniency in time
- to almost lose one's cool
- To already have something
- To already own something
- To alter the day of arrival or payment
- to always forget something
- to always question the reason behind things
- to always search for an easy way out of
- to amend
- to an extent
- to an inch
- to and back
- to and fro
- to and fro motion
- To and fro type ropeways
- to and fros
- to anneal
- to announce something before being fully prepared
- to answer a request
- To answer a request
- To answer as follows
- to answer confidently
- To answer the needs of someone
- to apologize
- to appeal with love
- to appear
- to appear in a book
- to applaud
- To apply
- to apply a compress
- To apply a filter
- To apply an electrical current
- To apply force
- to apply pressure
- To apply sunscreen
- to apply to schools that are difficult to get into for the sake of creating memories
- to apply too much pressure
- To apply voltage
- To apply weight
- to apply zinc
- To appreciate paintings
- To approach a deadline
- To arc
- to arms
- To arms!
- to arouse maternal instinct
- to arrange the meeting
- to arrive
- To arrive
- to arrive at a safe place
- to as
- to ask
- To ask about someone's physical condition
- To ask for cooperation
- To ask for measurements
- to ask for something when they're in a good mood
- To ask how frequent something is
- To ask one's occupation
- To ask one's opinion
- To ask the frequency of something
- To ask the meaning of something
- To ask the professor to correct the thesis
- to assert
- to assign a number
- to assume
- To assume a role
- To assume ignorance
- To assume. . .
- to assure safety
- To attach a file
- to attach a strap
- to attach the printout to the notebook
- to attempt
- to attempt two tasks at once and complete neither
- to attend a trial
- to attract a large number of people
- To attract people
- to authorize
- To avoid a misunderstanding
- to avoid being mistaken as a dead mail
- To avoid bending your knees when doing a throwing technique
- to avoid confusion
- To avoid misunderstanding,…
- to avoid safety rules
- To back to normal
- to backfire
- to backspace
- To bake in an oven
- To band together
- to base
- to be
- To be a bad influence
- to be a burden on
- to be a candidate for her next boyfriend
- to be a coach for a club
- To be a huge help
- to be a step behind
- to be a villain
- to be able to adjust hemming die, and correct each inner and outer part individually if it has problems in hemming die
- to be able to apply ~ on top of one’s makeup
- to be able to do try-out, completion, and consultation as a supervisor
- to be able to find out what work should be done after try-out and do it/them
- to be able to get it at an affordable price
- To be able to put yourself in a salesperson’s shoes
- to be able to speak
- To be able to speak
- To be about dogs
- to be about to go crazy
- to be accelerated
- To be active without giving up until the results are out
- To be addicted to
- to be adjustable
- To be affected by the snow
- to be afraid of
- to be afraid of retaliation
- to be alive
- To Be Alive!
- to be almost unrecognizable without makeup on
- to be always alert/ready
- to be always sleepy
- to be amazed
- To be an athlete representing the country, you must not only have ability, but also dignity
- To be an error
- To be announced
- to be anxious
- to be apprehended
- To be appropriate
- to be arrested
- to be asked
- To be asleep in seconds
- to be assaulted by thugs
- To Be Assessed
- to be astonished
- To be at a disadvantage
- to be at a loss
- To be at a party
- to be attracted with someone because of the difference between his/her personality and looks
- to be aware
- To be based on
- To be based on a law
- To be based on the law
- to be behind in one's rent
- to be behind the times
- to be biased
- To be blind to one's own shortcomings
- To be blown away
- to be bound by a fixed idea
- to be brief
- To be bummed out
- to be busy helping with household chores right after getting home
- To be calculated from
- to be candid
- to be candid with you
- to be captured
- To be cared for
- to be careful
- to be caught
- to be cautious
- to be charged with fraud
- To be cheered up
- to be clumsy
- To be clumsy
- To be coming over to stay
- To be committed
- to be compatible, to get along well
- To be competitive
- to be completely unable to understand
- to be confirmed
- To Be Confirmed
- to be confused for a moment whether it's 6 o'clock in the morning or 6 o'clock in the evening
- to be consistent
- to be contacted at another occasion
- to be continued
- To be continued.
- to be continued...
- To Be Continued...
- to be contrary to each other
- to be coordinated separately
- To be counted on
- to be covered
- to be covered by the news
- to be cut into a U-shape.
- to be cut with chopsticks
- To be day dreaming
- to be decided
- To Be Decided
- to be deeply concerned
- to be deeply oppressed
- to be defamed
- to be delayed
- to be depressed
- To be depressed
- To be desperate
- to be determined
- To Be Determined
- to be diligent about freckle and skin spot prevention
- to be discharged
- To be discharged
- to be disgusted with people who blatantly approach those in power
- To be displayed
- to be distrustful of human beings
- To be divided in assessing something
- To be doable one way or another
- To be drawn
- To be driven by an urge
- to be dumped
- to be duplicated
- to be effective
- to be embarrassed
- To be encouraged
- To be engage in farming
- to be engaged
- to be enshrined
- to be equal to
- To be estimated
- to be exact
- to be excited
- To be excited
- To be excreted
- to be exhausted
- To be expecting success
- to be exposed
- to be expressed
- to be fair
- to be familiar
- To be far from the correct answer
- to be fastened
- to be fat in areas that cannot be seen
- To be filled with emotion
- to be filled with laughter
- To be filmed
- to be followed by paparazzi
- to be food poisoned
- to be frank
- to be frank with you
- To be freed from heavy pressure
- to be frightened
- to be full of stuff
- to be full of warm hospitality
- To be full/I'm full
- To be going too fast
- to be good at anticipating risks
- To be good at complimenting people
- To be good at flattery
- to be good at impersonations
- to be good at remembering people's faces
- To be good at using colors
- to be great
- to be half asleep
- To be half asleep
- To be having heaps of fun
- To be healed
- To be heavy handed
- to be held in suspense
- To be holding a ball
- to be honest
- To be honest
- to be honest with you
- To be honest, I also like it.
- To be honest, I wonder if these are actually currencies.
- To be hurrying too much
- to be in a bad mood
- To be in a bad mood
- To be in a big stage in one's life
- to be in a daze
- To be in a daze
- To be in a race
- To be in a tournament
- to be in an inconspicuous place
- To be in and out of hospital
- To be in charge of choreography
- To be in consultation
- to be in danger of
- to be in denial
- to be in love with love itself
- to be in the lead
- To be in too deep
- To be independent
- to be influenced by nature
- to be instructed separately
- to be insured from damages brought by earthquake
- To be interested in something
- to be interviewed
- To be interviewed
- to be into a flea market app
- to be into bowling
- to be invisible
- to be invited
- to be involved as an adviser
- to be job hunting
- To be joking
- To be just like oneself
- to be late
- To be late for class
- To be late in going
- To be later than scheduled
- To be leading
- to be left with an overwhelming impression
- to be liable to
- To be live
- to be looking for a boyfriend
- To be looking forward to something or someone coming
- To be loved by others, you have to love others first
- to be loved over the generations
- To be making a fool out of someone
- To be making fun of someone