![]() ![]() 「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
- 絞込み
- L
- LA
- LB
- LC
- LD
- LE
- LF
- LG
- LH
- LI
- LJ
- LK
- LL
- LM
- LN
- LO
- LP
- LQ
- LR
- LS
- LT
- LU
- LV
- LW
- LX
- LY
- LZ
- L(50音)
- L(タイ文字)
- L(数字)
- L(記号)
- lay down the law
- lay eggs
- lay even with the ground
- lay face down
- lay face downward
- lay great store on
- lay hands on
- lay hold of
- lay in
- lay in a supply of articles
- lay in ashes
- lay in the dust
- lay information against
- lay it on thick
- lay level with the dust
- lay of the land
- lay on
- lay on his back
- lay on lashes
- lay on the table
- lay one upon another
- lay one's account with
- lay oneself down
- lay oneself open to
- lay open
- lay out
- lay out money
- lay siege to
- lay sister
- lay stress on
- lay the axe to the root of
- lay the case before
- lay the cloth
- lay the corner-stone
- lay the covers
- lay the keel
- lay the table
- lay their heads together
- lay to heart
- lay to one's charge
- lay to rest
- lay to sleep
- lay under a spell
- lay under an embargo
- lay under obligations
- lay up
- lay upside down
- lay violent hands on oneself
- lay wait for
- lay waste
- layer
- layette
- Laying eggs
- Laying heads together
- Laying in
- laying in stock
- Laying the cloth
- laying the corner-stone
- Laying the corner-stone
- layman
- lays its feathers
- lazaretto
- laze
- lazily
- laziness
- lazy
- Lazy
- lazy fellow
- lazy habit
- lazy-bones
- lead
- Lead
- lead a dissipated life
- lead a dissolute life
- lead a fast life
- lead a gay life
- lead a humble life
- lead a life
- lead a life of pleasure
- lead a new life
- lead a retired life
- lead a riotous life
- lead a solitary life
- lead a wandering life
- lead a wretched life
- lead about
- lead an idle life
- lead astray
- lead captive
- lead into error
- lead or send a punitive expedition against
- lead out
- lead pipe
- lead the van
- lead the way
- lead to
- lead to the altar
- Lead-poisoning
- leaden
- leaden sky