Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- O
- OA
- OB
- OC
- OD
- OE
- OF
- OG
- OH
- OI
- OJ
- OK
- OL
- OM
- ON
- OO
- OP
- OQ
- OR
- OS
- OT
- OU
- OV
- OW
- OX
- OY
- OZ
- O(50音)
- O(タイ文字)
- O(数字)
- O(記号)
- open-loop control system
- open-loop frequency characteristics
- open-loop frequency response
- open-loop gain
- Open-loop gain
- open-loop gain characteristics
- open-loop mode
- open-loop system
- open-loop transfer function
- open-loop transmit
- open-loop unstable feedback system
- open-loop-feedback optimal control
- open-loop-feedback-optimal-method
- open-market operations
- open-minded
- open-mindedly
- open-mindedness
- open-mouthed
- open-necked
- open-phase protection
- open-phase relay
- Open-phase Relay
- open-pit mining
- open-plan
- open-plan classroom
- open-plan type elementary school
- open-pollinated
- open-pollinated variety
- open-pollination
- Open-reel type
- open-road
- open-shell
- Open-Short Inspection System
- open-side
- open-side planer
- open-side tool block
- open-sided milling machine
- open-sided planer
- open-source
- open-space-network
- open-spandrel arch
- open-stack reading room
- open-steam cure
- open-steam vulcanization
- open-tank process
- open-textured
- open-top car
- open-tube test
- open-type bearing
- open-type contact
- open-type control circuit contacts
- open-type mold
- open-washing
- open-web column
- open-web girder
- open-well method
- open-width washing machine
- open-wire carrier telephony
- open-wire line
- open-wire transmission line
- open-wired
- open-work
- Open-work
- open-work basket
- open-work frame
- Open....
- open.endedness
- Open/closed principle
- openable
- OpenBase
- openbill
- openbox
- Openbox
- openbsd
- OpenBSD
- openbus
- opencar
- opencast
- opencast mining
- openchain
- opencircuit
- opencore
- opencut
- opencv
- OpenCV
- opend
- OpenDoc
- opendocument
- OpenDocument
- opendrain
- opened
- opened and closed
- Opened cuttlefish and squid
- opened product
- opened seam
- opened system
- opener
- Opener
- opener crank
- opener link
- opener link pin
- opener muscle
- openers
- Openers
- openess
- Openfield
- Openfire
- openflame
- openform
- OpenFormula
- opengl
- OpenGL
- openhanded
- openhandedness
- openhearted
- openheartedly
- openheartedness
- openhouse
- opening
- Opening
- Opening a bank account
- Opening a book
- opening a crossing
- Opening a gate
- opening a shop
- Opening a shop
- opening act
- Opening act
- opening address
- opening address and closing address
- opening amperage
- opening and closing