コンピュータによる言語処理を目的として開発が進められている「EDR電子化辞書」プロジェクトの日英対訳辞書です。 提供 情報通信研究機構 URL http://www2.nict.go.jp/out-promotio n/techtransfer/EDR/J_index.html |
EDR日英対訳辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- S
- SA
- SB
- SC
- SD
- SE
- SF
- SG
- SH
- SI
- SJ
- SK
- SL
- SM
- SN
- SO
- SP
- SQ
- SR
- SS
- ST
- SU
- SV
- SW
- SX
- SY
- SZ
- S(50音)
- S(タイ文字)
- S(数字)
- S(記号)
- swagger coat
- swallow
- swallowable
- swallowtail
- swamp
- swamp oak
- swamp white oak
- swan
- swank
- swaraj
- sward
- swarm
- swarthy
- swats
- sway
- Swaziland
- swear
- swearing
- sweat
- sweat gland
- sweat suit
- sweater
- sweating system
- sweaty
- Sweden
- Swedish massage
- Swedish movements
- sweep
- sweepback
- sweeper
- sweet chervil
- sweet corn
- sweet flag
- sweet pea
- sweet potato
- sweet spot
- sweet-and-sour
- sweetbag
- sweeten
- sweetener
- sweetleaf
- sweetness and light
- swell
- swelled head
- swelling
- swelter
- sweptwing
- swerve
- swidden
- swift
- swiftlet
- swiftly
- swiftness
- swim
- swimmer
- swimming pool
- swimsuit
- swindle
- swindler
- swine
- swine fever
- swing
- swing bridge
- swing-wing
- swingable
- swinging door
- swish
- Swiss chard
- Swiss cheese
- Swiss muslin
- Swiss steak
- switch
- switch box
- switch cane
- switch off
- switch to
- switch trading
- switch-hitter
- switchblade
- switchboard
- switcher
- switchman
- switchyard
- Switzerland
- swive
- swivel chair
- swizzle stick
- swoon
- sword arm
- sword cane
- sword dance
- sword fern
- sword knot
- swordcraft
- swordfish
- swordman
- swordsman