- 絞込み
- A
- AA
- AB
- AC
- AD
- AE
- AF
- AG
- AH
- AI
- AJ
- AK
- AL
- AM
- AN
- AO
- AP
- AQ
- AR
- AS
- AT
- AU
- AV
- AW
- AX
- AY
- AZ
- A(50音)
- A(タイ文字)
- A(数字)
- A(記号)
- A collection of example questions for a driver's license test
- A collection of example sentences
- A collection of logs
- A collection of messages
- A collection of phrases
- A collection of practice questions divided by level
- A Collection Of...
- A collective decision-making process for settlement involving the circulation of a document .
- A collectors edition
- A combined order
- A combo
- A comforting message
- A commemorative album
- A commit log
- A common occurrence
- A common purpose
- A common subject
- A common. . .
- A community pool will be opened from July, I am looking forward to it now
- A compact motherboard
- A company closes down
- a company formerly affiliated with my company
- A company listed with first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
- A company logo
- A company that spends more money on advertising than improving performance
- a company's development
- a company's performance
- a company's recreational facility
- A comparative investigation
- A comparative review
- a comparative study of .....
- A comparison between A and B
- A comparison between A versus B
- a comparison of …
- A comparison of ....
- A comparison of last month and last year
- A compatible person
- a compelling reason
- a competent senior
- A competition for the entire Kanto region
- a complete cake
- A complete farce
- A completed work
- a complicated conversation
- A computer built from scratch
- a computer game company with more than 100 years of history
- A computer recognizes something
- A concert will be held.
- A concert will be on.
- A concerted attack
- A conch shell
- A concise explanation
- A conclusion has not been reached concerning this matter.
- A concrete worker
- A condition improves.
- A condition like this
- A conference deals with miscellaneous issues.
- A confession booth
- A conman getting conned
- A connection connector
- A consent agreement
- a considerable amount of .....
- a considerable amount of information
- a considerable number of studies
- a considerable number of.....
- A consistent story
- a conspiracy of silence
- A constant
- A constant guest is never welcome.
- A construction schedule control chart
- a constructive opinion
- A consulting firm
- a contact to an absentee
- a contented mind is a perpetual feast
- A contented mind is a perpetual feast.
- A contract of fixed-term employment
- a convenient time
- a conversation
- A cool beauty
- A cool coined word
- A cool expression
- A cool four-word saying
- A cool guy
- A cool guy even by men’s standards
- a cool man
- A cool new word
- a cool person
- A cool surname
- A cool team name
- A cool way of speaking
- a coon's age
- a copycat
- A copyrighted picture
- A corner pipe
- a cornered rat will bite a cat
- A cornered rat will bite a cat.
- A correction phase has now started.
- A cosigned business
- A costume party
- A country open to free trade
- A country that is continuously doing dangerous experiments
- a country with a lot of good looking guys
- a country's land area
- a couple of
- A couples memories
- A courier
- A courier will come pick up my package
- a court in charge of an appeal
- A cover for a Japanese mattress
- A cover-up will sooner or later come to light.
- a cow's tail
- a coward
- A coward dies many deaths, a brave man but one.
- a cozy, old house
- a crack
- A crack appeared in the building due to the earthquake.
- A crane is a symbol of good omen as it is said that it lives for a thousand years
- a crawfish
- a crayfish
- a creaking door hangs longest
- A creaking door hangs longest.
- A creaking gate hangs longest.
- A credited auditor
- A crimped postcard
- A crimper
- A crimping machine
- A crimping tool
- A critical error
- A cross dressing male
- A cross section
- A crow's bath
- a crowd
- a crowd so huge you wonder where they all came from
- A CRT television
- a cry from the heart
- A cry of joy
- A cube of powdered cooking stock
- a cue
- A cuisine using only ingredients produced in one's country
- A cup
- a cup of
- a cup of coffee
- A cup of coffee in the morning affects stool health
- A cup of coffee, please.
- A curled cord
- A curled electrical cord
- a current
- A curse is lifted.
- a cushion
- a custard pudding with caramel from Glico
- A customer satisfaction survey
- A customer visit
- a cut above
- A cut of meat
- A cute person has been beautiful and different since he/she was a baby.
- A cute surname
- A cute voice
- A cutting angle
- A cutting mat
- a d j
- A Dangerous Woman
- A dark feeling
- a dark room
- A dark room
- a daruma doll made so as to right itself when knocked over
- A dashed line
- a database program
- a date
- A date
- A dating app
- a day
- A Day
- A day after the fair.
- A Day at the Beach
- A day at the beach.
- a day in February with light snowfall
- a day in the life
- A Day in the Life
- a day late and a dollar short
- A Day Late and a Dollar Short
- a day of the week
- a day sooner
- A day spa
- A day that is convenient
- a day to remember
- A Day to Remember
- a day trip by bus
- a dead season
- A deadline has not yet been set.
- A deal is a deal.
- a dear child
- A dear friend
- a death in the family
- A Death in the Family
- a debt of honor
- a decade
- A Decade
- a deceptive trailer
- a decision was made to .....
- A declaration
- A declaration of consumption tax
- a decrease in the population
- a dedicated person
- A deep voice
- A defect rate
- a defense
- a definite difference
- A definite no
- a deformed child
- a deformed fish
- a degree
- A degree adverb
- A dehumidifier for the bathroom
- a delegate/representative/player from England
- A delicate flavor
- A delicious smell
- A delivery payment invoice
- A delivery slip
- A delta fibre
- A demand for a reply
- A dental nerve
- A deodorizer
- A department transfer
- A deposit is needed.
- A deposit receipt
- A deposit request
- a depth of
- a deputy
- A designer rice cooker that I never would have expected to exist
- a desolate field
- A desperate situation
- A destructive invention
- A detail-oriented person and a rough-and-ready person
- a detailed study of .....
- a deterrent
- A devastating earthquake hit the state capital.
- a devil of a
- a devil of an enemy
- A Devil's Chaplain
- A diagram showing systems of traceability
- A dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations
- A dictionary of clinical terms
- A dictionary of colloquialisms
- A dictionary of idioms and sayings
- A dictionary of medical terms
- A dictionary of scientific terms
- A dictionary of synonyms
- A dictionary with guides to pronunciation
- a didgeridoo-playing panda shouldn't fix the microwave
- A difference in temperature
- A difference in values
- a different errand
- A different hairstyle would look better on you
- a different kettle of fish
- A different method
- a different place
- A different place
- A different product
- A different way
- A difficult person
- A difficult pronunciation
- A difficult time
- a dime a dozen
- a dime's worth
- A dimple key
- A diner
- A dining bar
- A director
- a director-employee
- A dirt ball
- A disaster prevention expert
- A disaster situation
- A disaster strikes when people do not expect it.
- A discount voucher
- a discussion in which the conclusion is already made
- A discussion will be held.
- A disease known is half cured.
- A disliked person
- A dispatch workers contract
- A display showing the number of events
- a disposable cellular phone
- A distance
- a distance close enough to smell someone's shampoo
- A distant time
- a distilled liquor flavored with sweet osmanthus flowers
- A distinct face
- a distinction without a difference
- A distorted society throwing away tons of leftovers
- A distributer
- A distribution warehouse
- a doctor that cooperates with the police
- A doctor will teach
- A doctor's office of internal medicine
- A document has arrived.
- A document has been delivered.
- A document of definitions
- a doddle
- A dog barks.
- a dog in the manger
- A dog is barking.
- A dog pooped.
- A dog whines.
- a dog's bark
- a dog's chance
- a dog-eat-dog world
- a doggie bag
- A doll
- A doll that will replace you and take over your problems
- a dolt
- a domestic corporation
- a donde vas
- A donde vas
- A door came off.
- A door mat
- A door must be either shut or open.
- A dosage guide
- a dose mixed in feed
- A dotted half-note
- a double dose of …
- A double ticket
- a dove
- A Dove
- A dove is a symbol of peace.
- a down to earth person
- A down-to-earth person
- A draft
- a drain on
- A drama
- A drama film
- A drama queen
- A draw latch
- A drawing board
- a dream
- A dream comes true.
- a dress long enough to trail
- a dress with sequins that looks like a stage outfit
- A dressing room
- A drink
- A drink please
- A drink to prevent a hangover
- A drive
- A drivers license
- A driving force
- a drop in the bucket
- A drop in the bucket.
- a drop in the ocean
- a drop of …
- A drowning man will catch at a straw.
- A drowning man will grasp at straws
- a drug on the market
- a drum
- A drunkard went on a rampage.
- a dry season
- a dubious job
- a duck that came carrying green onions
- a dullard
- a dunce
- A duration clause
- a dust man
- A duvet cover
- a dwarf azalea
- A dwarf on a giant's shoulder sees the farther of the two.
- a dwelling room
- a dynamic job
- A E Housman
- a e s t h e t i c
- A earthquake will strike
- A economy grows
- A end of semester test
- A energy efficiency rating
- a est!
- a fabric that attracts pet hair
- a fabrication
- a face
- a face I like
- a face that would stop a clock
- A facility tour
- A factory mold
- a faint sound
- A fair complexion
- A fair complexion hides all faults
- a fair crack of the whip
- A fair face cannot have a crabbed heart.
- A fair face is half a portion.
- a fair few
- a faithful man
- a family
- A family member is hospitalized
- A family that gets along well
- A family that moves around a lot due to job transfers
- A famous person
- A famous person I would like to meet
- A famous person is likely to have his/her photo taken secretly
- A famous poem
- A famous proverb
- A famous Shogi player
- a famous store that all locals know
- A fan who knows all about the celebrity’s career highlights
- A fancy dress party
- a far cry
- a fare
- A farewell
- a farewell bouquet
- A farewell email
- A farewell game
- A farewell match
- a farewell message
- a farewell party, a celebration for promotion
- a farewell to arms
- A Farewell to Arms
- a farm upstate
- A fashionable girl is attractive.
- a fashionable store
- A fast reply
- a faster pace than now
- a fat chance
- a fat lot
- A fat lot you care!
- a fate worse than death
- A fateful encounter between mustard and mayonnaise
- a father who had his daughter killed
- a fault confessed is half redressed
- A fault confessed is half redressed.
- A fault severity rate
- A favorable environment
- A favorite phrase
- A fear
- A fearless smile
- a feather in one's cap
- A featurette showing the making of a film
- A fee for sending money overseas
- A fee is charged.
- A feeling of capability
- A feeling of cleanliness
- A feeling of emptiness
- A feeling of uneasiness
- A fellow who was selling the stolen goods in flea market app was caught
- A female screw
- A female that is older than you
- A fence between makes love more keen.
- A feng shui master
- a few
- A few
- A few days after his cat disappeared, he was outwardly haggard looking
- A few days after the earthquake I finally had enough energy to clean up the damage in my house.
- a few days ago
- A few days ago
- A few days of working the day shift, a rest day, and then a few days of working the night shift
- a few decades
- a few hundred years
- a few minutes
- A few minutes
- a few people
- a few percent
- a few studies
- a few tens of seconds
- a few times a year
- a few years ago
- a few years since
- a few...
- A fiber
- a field of biology dealing with
- A field of rapeseed
- A fight one can't lose
- a figure
- A figurehead
- A filament
- A file password
- A file path
- A film from the past
- A final showdown
- A fine cutter
- a fine fare-thee-well
- A finished production
- a fire department
- A fire engine drove past
- a fire station
- A firm position
- A first step
- A first year middle school student
- A first-class student can be classified into a hard-worker type or a genius type
- a fish out of water
- A fish out of water.
- A fishy story
- A five pack
- a fixed
- A fixed amount of packet data
- a fixed date
- A fixed price
- a fixed-pitch font
- A flag flaps in the wind.
- A flagman
- A flagship hospital
- a flame
- a flat
- A flat screen notebook computer equivalent to an A4 size of paper
- A flat washer
- a flatmate
- A flatmate
- a flea in one's ear
- A flickering screen
- A floating market
- A floor guide
- a flower
- A Flower
- A flower shower
- a fluffy bunny
- a fly in the ointment
- a fly on the wall
- A flyer for a club
- A foam pillow
- A follower of evil
- A font that is easy to read
- a fool and his money are easily parted
- A fool and his money are soon parted.
- A fool and wealth cannot possess each other.
- A fool at forty is a fool indeed.
- A Fool for You
- a fool who thinks setting a pet free is good conduct
- A fool's bolt is soon shot
- A fool's bolt is soon shot.
- A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat.
- a foot
- A forced kindness deserves no thanks.
- a foreign currency denominated bond
- A foreign exchange certificate
- A foreign internship
- A foreign person
- A foreigner
- a foreigner wannabe