STEM ambassadors

Resources and websites to inspire young people interested in a future in chemistry

The Royal Society of Chemistry provides STEM Ambassadors with a range of resources to help plan and deliver activities to engage young people with chemistry careers and qualifications. If you are interested in becoming a STEM Ambassador please visit STEM Learning to find out more.

Adult with students running an activity

Source: Shutterstock

As a STEM Ambassador you play a vital role in helping young people explore chemistry.

Engaging young people with a career in chemistry, contains best practice and guidance on working with young people. There are ideas on how to engage students, an event planning checklist and case studies from other STEM Ambassadors.

The RSC also offers downloadable resources. Follow the link on the right to find activities and presentations to download.

In addition the RSC provides training for STEM Ambassadors. To find out more about training contact the education coordinator in your area. 

Print materials including career booklets, posters and postcards are available on request by emailing [email protected]

Teacher at whiteboard

Explaining the benefits of a chemistry career

Presentations and resources to help you advise young people about careers in chemistry