EC-TEL 2021 Bozen/ Bolzano

Sixteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning

Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World

Online (Bozen-Bolzano, Italy), 20-24 September 2021

See you at EC-TEL 2022 in Toulouse, France!!

Here come the awards!!

Best paper award for:Recommendations for Orchestration of Formative Assessment Sequences: a Data-driven Approach”


Best poster award for: “Orchestrating an ubiquitous learning situation about Cultural Heritage with Casual Learn”


Best demo award for: “Including Students’ Voices in the Design of Blended Learning Lesson Plans”

Best paper candidates!

We would like to announce the three papers that were selected as best paper candidates.

Do not miss the presentations and the online closing session from Thursday 23 where the best paper award will be awarded!

The EC-TEL 2021 proceedings are now out!!!

We are very glad to announce that the EC-TEL 2021 proceedings are now published!!

The EC-TEL 2021 programme is now available!

We are very glad to announce that the EC-TEL 2021 programme is now published! We look forward to seeing you all this September for EC-TEL 2021.

The three keynote speakers are now confirmed!

We are very glad to announce the three keynote speakers for EC-TEL 2021, which will complement each other bringing together the perspectives from research, industry and policy making.

  • Inge Molenaar, Radboud University (The Netherlands) => Research
  • Dan Avida, Engageli (USA) => Industry
  • Georgi Dimitrov, European Commission => Policy making

The registration for EC-TEL 2021 is now open!

The registration for the ECTEL 2021 is now open. The conference will happen as a full online-conference. See the details about the registration fees and the registration application at the section Registration in the right side menu. At least one author of accepted papers must register before July 1. Early bird registration finishes on August 15.

EC-TEL 2021 is in the CORE!

The EC-TEL 2021 is indexed in the CORE21!

The CORE Conference Portal of the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia provides a ranking of conferences in computing and computer science arranged according to their quality. After several years pushing for the incorporation of EC-TEL in the CORE, we are very glad to announce that this year EC-TEL 2021 is indexed in the CORE (Rank B).

EC-TEL 2021 will be online!

Due to the pandemic of Covid-19 with travel restrictions and uncertainty of worldwide spread and convergence, and based on the results of the survey distributed to the community, the Steering Committee and Organizing Committee of EC-TEL 2021 have taken the decision to run the conference FULLY VIRTUALLY.

Although we will not have the pleasure of welcoming you in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) this year, we will do our best to provide you with a virtual EC-TEL 2021 experience and facilitate interactions in the current circumstances.

Keep an eye on the conference website for updated information on the necessary logistics.

We wish you to stay safe, healthy, and productive. We are looking forward to your contributions and participation at EC-TEL 2021!

Call for Papers for EC-TEL 2021!

The Call for Research papers, Posters, Demonstrations, Practice papers, Workshops, and Doctoral Consortium is now published!

Check the link.

You can submit your contributions to EasyChair (, where you can also find a summary of the Call for Papers.

We look forward to your contributions to EC-TEL 2021!