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Title The HESR Stochastic Cooling System, Design, Construction and Test Experiments in COSY
  • R. Stassen, B. Breitkreutz, N. Shurkhno, H. Stockhorst
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  • L. Thorndahl
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Abstract The con­struc­tion phase of the sto­chas­tic cool­ing tanks for the HESR has started. Mean­while two pick­ups (PU) and one kicker (KI) are fab­ri­cated. One PU and one KI are in­stalled into the COSY ring for test­ing the new sto­chas­tic cool­ing sys­tem with real beam at var­i­ous mo­menta. Small test-struc­tures were al­ready suc­cess­fully op­er­ated at the Nu­clotron in Dubna for lon­gi­tu­di­nal fil­ter cool­ing but not for trans­verse cool­ing and as small PU in COSY. Dur­ing the last COSY beam-time in 2017 ad­di­tional trans­verse and ToF cool­ing were achieved. The first two se­ries high power am­pli­fiers were used for cool­ing and to test the tem­per­a­ture be­hav­ior of the com­biner-boards at the KI. The sys­tem lay­out in­cludes all com­po­nents as planned for the HESR like low noise am­pli­fier, switch­able de­lay-lines and op­ti­cal notch-fil­ter. The HESR needs fast trans­mis­sion-lines be­tween PU and KI. Be­side air-filled coax-lines, op­ti­cal hol­low fiber-lines are very at­trac­tive. First re­sults with such a fiber used for the trans­verse sig­nal path will be pre­sented.
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Conference COOL2017, Bonn, Germany
Series Workshop on Beam Cooling and Related Topics (11th)
Proceedings Link to full COOL2017 Proccedings
Session S-Cooling
Date 21-Sep-17   14:00–16:00
Main Classification Stochastic Cooling
Keywords ion, kicker, pick-up, experiment, simulation
Publisher JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
Editors Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany); Michaela Marx (DESY, Hamburg, Germany); Manuel Tilmont (SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
ISBN 978-3-95450-198-4
Published January 2018
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