The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) was founded in 1978 and was the first institution in Italy to promote post-graduate courses leading to a Doctor Philosophiae (or PhD) degree. A centre of excellence among Italian and international universities, the school has around 65 teachers, 100 post docs and 245 PhD students, and is located in Trieste, in a campus of more than 10 hectares with wonderful views over the Gulf of Trieste.
SISSA hosts a very high-ranking, large and multidisciplinary scientific research output. The scientific papers produced by its researchers are published in high impact factor, well-known international journals, and in many cases in the world's most prestigious scientific journals such as Nature and Science. Over 900 students have so far started their careers in the field of mathematics, physics and neuroscience research at SISSA.
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Response of a CMS HGCAL silicon-pad electromagnetic calorimeter prototype to 20–300 GeV positrons
CMS HGCAL collaboration, B. Acar, G. Adamov, C. Adloff, S. Afanasiev, N. Akchurin, B. Akgün, F.A. Khan, M. Alhusseini, J. Alison, A. Alpana, G. Altopp, M. Alyari, S. An, S. Anagul, I. Andreev, P. Aspell, I.O. Atakisi, O. Bach, A. Baden, G. Bakas, A. Bakshi, S. Bannerjee, P. Bargassa, D. Barney, F. Beaudette, F. Beaujean, E. Becheva, A. Becker, P. Behera, A. Belloni, T. Bergauer, M. Besancon, S. Bhattacharya, D. Bhowmik, B. Bilki, P. Bloch, A. Bodek, M. Bonanomi, A. Bonnemaison, S. Bonomally, J. Borg, F. Bouyjou, N. Bower, D. Braga, J. Brashear, E. Brondolin, P. Bryant, A. Buchot Perraguin, J. Bueghly, B. Burkle, A. Butler-Nalin, O. Bychkova, S. Callier, D. Calvet, X. Cao, A. Cappati, B. Caraway, S. Caregari, A. Cauchois, L. Ceard, Y.C. Cekmecelioglu, S. Cerci, G. Cerminara, M. Chadeeva, N. Charitonidis, R. Chatterjee, Y.M. Chen, Z. Chen, H.J. Cheng, K.y. Cheng, S. Chernichenko, H. Cheung, C.H. Chien, S. Choudhury, D. Čoko, G. Collura, F. Couderc, M. Danilov, D. Dannheim, W. Daoud, P. Dauncey, A. David, G. Davies, O. Davignon, E. Day, P. DeBarbaro, F. De Guio, C. de La Taille, M. De Silva, P. Debbins, M.M. Defranchis, E. Delagnes, J.M. Deltoro Berrio, G. Derylo, P.G. Dias de Almeida, D. Diaz, P. Dinaucourt, J. Dittmann, M. Dragicevic, S. Dugad, F. Dulucq, I. Dumanoglu, V. Dutta, S. Dutta, M. Dünser, J. Eckdahl, T.K. Edberg, M. El Berni, F. Elias, S.C. Eno, Y. Ershov, P. Everaerts, S. Extier, F. Fahim, C. Fallon, G. Fedi, B.A. Fontana Santos Alves, E. Frahm, G. Franzoni, J. Freeman, T. French, P. Gandhi, S. Ganjour, X. Gao, A. Garcia-Bellido, F. Gastaldi, Z. Gecse, Y. Geerebaert, H. Gerwig, O. Gevin, S. Ghosh, A. Gilbert, W. Gilbert, K. Gill, C. Gingu, S. Gninenko, A. Golunov, I. Golutvin, T. Gonzalez, N. Gorbounov, L. Gouskos, A.B. Gray, Y. Gu, F. Guilloux, Y. Guler, E. Gülmez, J. Guo, E. Gurpinar Guler, M. Hammer, H.M. Hassanshahi, K. Hatakeyama, A. Heering, V. Hegde, U. Heintz, N. Hinton, J. Hirschauer, J. Hoff, W.-S. Hou, X. Hou, H. Hua, J. Incandela, A. Irshad, C. Isik, S. Jain, H.R. Jheng, U. Joshi, V. Kachanov, A. Kalinin, L. Kalipoliti, A. Kaminskiy, A. Kapoor, O. Kara, A. Karneyeu, M. Kaya, O. Kaya, A. Kayis Topaksu, A. Khukhunaishvili, J. Kiesler, M. Kilpatrick, S. Kim, K. Koetz, T. Kolberg, O.K. Köseyan, A. Kristić, M. Krohn, K. Krüger, N. Kulagin, S. Kulis, S. Kunori, C.M. Kuo, V. Kuryatkov, S. Kyre, Y. Lai, K. Lamichhane, G. Landsberg, C. Lange, J. Langford, M.Y. Lee, A. Levin, A. Li, B. Li, J.H. Li, Y.Y. Li, H. Liao, D. Lincoln, L. Linssen, R. Lipton, Y. Liu, A. Lobanov, R.-S. Lu, M. Lupi, I. Lysova, A.-M. Magnan, F. Magniette, A. Mahjoub, A.A. Maier, A. Malakhov, S. Mallios, I. Mandjavize, M. Mannelli, J. Mans, A. Marchioro, A. Martelli, G. Martinez, P. Masterson, B. Meng, T. Mengke, A. Mestvirishvili, I. Mirza, S. Moccia, G.B. Mohanty, F. Monti, I. Morrissey, S. Murthy, J. Musić, Y. Musienko, S. Nabili, A. Nagar, M. Nguyen, A. Nikitenko, D. Noonan, M. Noy, K. Nurdan, C. Ochando, B. Odegard, N. Odell, H. Okawa, Y. Onel, W. Ortez, J. Ozegović, S. Ozkorucuklu, E. Paganis, D. Pagenkopf, V. Palladino, S. Pandey, F. Pantaleo, C. Papageorgakis, I. Papakrivopoulos, J. Parshook, N. Pastika, M. Paulini, P. Paulitsch, T. Peltola, R. Pereira Gomes, H. Perkins, P. Petiot, T. Pierre-Emile, F. Pitters, E. Popova, H. Prosper, M. Prvan, I. Puljak, H. Qu, T. Quast, R. Quinn, M. Quinnan, M.T. Ramos Garcia, K.K. Rao, K. Rapacz, L. Raux, G. Reichenbach, M. Reinecke, M. Revering, A. Roberts, T. Romanteau, A. Rose, M. Rovere, A. Roy, P. Rubinov, R. Rusack, V. Rusinov, V. Ryjov, O.M. Sahin, R. Salerno, A.M. Sanchez Rodriguez, R. Saradhy, T. Sarkar, M.A. Sarkisla, J.B. Sauvan, I. Schmidt, M. Schmitt, E. Scott, C. Seez, F. Sefkow, S. Sharma, I. Shein, A. Shenai, R. Shukla, E. Sicking, P. Sieberer, P. Silva, A.E. Simsek, Y. Sirois, V. Smirnov, U. Sozbilir, E. Spencer, A. Steen, J. Strait, N. Strobbe, J.W. Su, E. Sukhov, L. Sun, D. Sunar Cerci, C. Syal, B. Tali, C.L. Tan, J. Tao, I. Tastan, T. Tatli, R. Thaus, S. Tekten, D. Thienpont, E. Tiras, M. Titov, D. Tlisov, U.G. Tok, J. Troska, L.-S. Tsai, Z. Tsamalaidze, G. Tsipolitis, A. Tsirou, N. Tyurin, S. Undleeb, D. Urbanski, V. Ustinov, A. Uzunian, M. Van de Klundert, J. Varela, M. Velasco, O. Viazlo, M.V. Barreto Pinto, P. Vichoudis, T. Virdee, R. Vizinho de Oliveira, J. Voelker, E. Voirin, M. Vojinovic, A. Wade, C. Wang, F. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Wayne, S.N. Webb, A. Whitbeck, D. White, R. Wickwire, J.S. Wilson, D. Winter, H.y. Wu, L. Wu, M. Wulansatiti Nursanto, C.H. Yeh, R. Yohay, D. Yu, G.B. Yu, S.S. Yu, C. Yuan, F. Yumiceva, I. Yusuff, A. Zacharopoulou, N. Zamiatin, A. Zarubin, S. Zenz, A. Zghiche, H. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhang and Z. Zhang
The Compact Muon Solenoid collaboration is designing a new high-granularity endcap calorimeter, HGCAL, to be installed later this decade.
As part of this development work, a prototype system was built,
with an electromagnetic section consisting of 14 double-sided structures, providing 28 sampling layers. Each sampling layer has an hexagonal module, where a multipad large-area silicon sensor is glued between an electronics circuit board and a metal baseplate.
The sensor pads of approximately 1.1 cm2 are wire-bonded to the circuit board and are readout by custom integrated circuits.
The prototype was extensively tested with beams at CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron in 2018.
Based on the data collected with beams of positrons, with energies ranging from 20 to 300 GeV,
measurements of the energy resolution and linearity, the position and angular resolutions,
and the shower shapes are presented and compared to a detailed Geant4 simulation.
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