The Muon System of the LHCb experiment, after the ongoing upgrade, will be composed of 4 stations which comprise 1104 multi-wire-proportional-chambers (MWPC) with order of {105} readout channels. We are investigating the possibility of using the rates recorded on the Muon chambers to measure the luminosity. A first study in this direction was performed analyzing the rates measured during special runs taken in 2012 at instantaneous luminosities up to {1033 cm−2s−1} and correlating them to the calorimeter-based measurements. After the correction for the dead time of the electronics the results were very promising allowing to estimate the correct values of luminosity with a precision better than 1%. The same method was also applied to a new set of runs taken in 2018 with a different LHC filling scheme necessary to achieve even higher values of instantaneous luminosity. Both the analyses will be presented to explore the possibility of using the Muon system to monitor LHCb luminosity in future runs without the support of the calorimeter.