Inclusive J/ψ production has been studied with the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at the nucleon-nucleon center of mass energy \( \sqrt{{{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}}} \) = 5.02 TeV at the CERN LHC. The measurement is performed in the center of mass rapidity domains 2.03 < y cms < 3.53 and −4.46 < y cms < −2.96, down to zero transverse momentum, studying the μ + μ − decay mode. In this paper, the J/ψ production cross section and the nuclear modification factor R pPb for the rapidities under study are presented. While at forward rapidity, corresponding to the proton direction, a suppression of the J/ψ yield with respect to binary-scaled pp collisions is observed, in the backward region no suppression is present. The ratio of the forward and backward yields is also measured differentially in rapidity and transverse momentum. Theoretical predictions based on nuclear shadowing, as well as on models including, in addition, a contribution from partonic energy loss, are in fair agreement with the experimental results.

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Studies of J/ψ production at forward rapidity in Pb–Pb collisions at \( \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} \) = 5.02 TeV

Inclusive J/ψ production at forward and backward rapidity in p-Pb collisions at \( \sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=8.16 \) TeV

Inclusive J/ψ production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at \( \sqrt{s} \) = 5.02 TeV
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Centro Fermi - Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi”, Rome, Italy
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M. Bombara, A. Kravčáková & J. Vrláková
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
T. Alt, M. Bach, J. Bornschein, J. de Cuveland, D. Eschweiler, J. Gerhard, S. Gorbunov, H. Hartmann, D. Hutter, S. Kalcher, S. Kirsch, I. Kisel, T. Kollegger, M. Kretz, V. Lindenstruth, F. Painke, F. Rettig & D. Rohr
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Y. W. Baek, H. Jung, D. W. Kim, J. S. Kim, M. Kim, S. C. Lee & S. K. Oh
Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP), Helsinki, Finland
F. Krizek, E. H. O. Pohjoisaho & S. S. Räsänen
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
H. Sakaguchi, K. Shigaki, T. Sugitate & S. Yano
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT), Mumbai, India
N. K. Behera, S. Dash, S. Jena, G. Koyithatta Meethaleveedu, J. Kumar, B. K. Nandi, A. Nyatha, P. Pujahari & R. Varma
Indian Institute of Technology, Indore, India (IITI)
R. Mazumder, A. N. Mishra & R. Sahoo
Inha University, College of Natural Sciences, Incheon, South Korea
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Institut de Physique Nucleaire d’Orsay (IPNO), Universite Paris-Sud, CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France
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Institut für Informatik, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
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Institut für Kernphysik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
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Institut für Kernphysik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany
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Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Université de Strasbourg, CNRS-IN2P3, Strasbourg, France
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D. Finogeev, F. Guber, O. Karavichev, T. Karavicheva, E. Karpechev, A. Konevskikh, A. B. Kurepin, A. Kurepin, A. Maevskaya, I. Pshenichnov & A. Reshetin
Institute for Subatomic Physics of Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
R. A. Bertens, S. Bjelogrlic, A. Caliva, R. de Rooij, A. Dobrin, A. Dubla, A. Grelli, S. L. La Pointe, E. Leogrande, D. F. Lodato, G. Luparello, A. Mischke, G. Nooren, T. Peitzmann, M. Reicher, R. J. M. Snellings, D. Thomas, M. van Leeuwen, M. Veldhoen, M. Verweij, H. Yang & Y. Zhou
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia
A. Akindinov, S. Kiselev, D. Mal’Kevich, K. Mikhaylov, A. Nedosekin, R. Sultanov & K. Voloshin
Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice, Slovakia
J. Bán, P. Kaliňák, I. Králik, M. Krivda, L. Šándor & M. Vala
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
J. Mareš & P. Závada
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India
R. C. Baral, D. P. Mahapatra & P. K. Sahu
Institute of Space Science (ISS), Bucharest, Romania
A. Danu, D. Felea, M. Gheata, M. Haiduc, C. M. Mitu, M. Niculescu, A. Sevcenco, I. Stan & I. S. Zgura
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
E. Cuautle, R. T. Jimenez Bustamante, P. Ladron de Guevara, I. Maldonado Cervantes, G. Paić & X. Sanchez Castro
Instituto de Física, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico
E. Belmont-Moreno, A. Menchaca-Rocha, A. Sandoval & E. Serradilla
iThemba LABS, National Research Foundation, Somerset West, South Africa
F. Bossú, Z. Buthelezi, S. Foertsch, S. Murray, G. Steyn & Z. Vilakazi
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia
B. Batyunya, S. Grigoryan, L. Malinina, K. Mikhaylov, P. Nomokonov, E. Rogochaya, G. Shabratova, M. Vala, A. Vodopyanov & S. Zaporozhets
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Daejeon, South Korea
S. U. Ahn, S. A. Ahn, H. J. Jang & D. W. Kim
KTO Karatay University, Konya, Turkey
A. Karasu Uysal
Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire (LPC), Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, CNRS-IN2P3, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Y. W. Baek, V. Barret, N. Bastid, P. Crochet, P. Dupieux, S. Li, X. Lopez, F. Manso, M. Marchisone, S. Porteboeuf-Houssais, P. Rosnet, B. Vulpescu & X. Zhang
Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Université Joseph Fourier, CNRS-IN2P3, Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
N. Arbor, G. Conesa Balbastre, J. Faivre, C. Furget, R. Guernane, S. Kox, J. S. Real & C. Silvestre
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN, Frascati, Italy
N. Bianchi, A. Casanova Díaz, L. Cunqueiro, P. Di Nezza, A. Fantoni, P. Gianotti, V. Muccifora, A. R. Reolon, F. Ronchetti & S. Sakai
Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, INFN, Legnaro, Italy
R. A. Ricci & L. Vannucci
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, United States
F. Bock, M. R. Cosentino, D. R. Gangadharan, C. Loizides, P. M. Jacobs, M. Ploskon, S. Sakai, T. J. M. Symons & X. Zhang
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, United States
B. Abelev, I. Garishvili & R. Soltz
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Moscow, Russia
A. Bogdanov, V. Grigoriev, V. Kaplin, N. Kondratyeva, V. Loginov & A. Ter Minasyan
National Centre for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland
A. Deloff, T. Dobrowolski, I. Ilkiv, P. Kurashvili, K. Redlich, T. Siemiarczuk, G. Stefanek & G. Wilk
National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania
C. Andrei, I. Berceanu, A. Bercuci, V. Catanescu, A. Herghelegiu, M. Petris, M. Petrovici, A. Pop & C. Schiaua
National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar, India
B. Mohanty
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
I. G. Bearden, A. Bilandzic, H. Bøggild, M. Chojnacki, C. H. Christensen, J. J. Gaardhøje, K. Gulbrandsen, A. Hansen, B. S. Nielsen & V. Zaccolo
Nikhef, National Institute for Subatomic Physics, Amsterdam, Netherlands
M. Botje, P. Christakoglou, P. G. Kuijer, C. E. Pérez Lara & A. Rodriguez Manso
Nuclear Physics Group, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, United Kingdom
R. C. Lemmon
Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Řež u Prahy, Czech Republic
D. Adamová, J. Bielčíková, J. Ferencei, F. Krizek, V. Kučera, V. Kushpil, S. Kushpil, M. Šumbera & M. Vajzer
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States
T. C. Awes, P. Ganoti & D. Silvermyr
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia
Y. Berdnikov, V. Ivanov, A. Khanzadeev, E. Kryshen, M. Malaev, V. Nikulin, V. Samsonov & M. Zhalov
Physics Department, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, United States
M. Cherney & B. S. Nilsen
Physics Department, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
M. M. Aggarwal, A. K. Bhati & D. Rathee
Physics Department, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
E. Floratos, M. Spyropoulou-Stassinaki & M. Vasileiou
Physics Department, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
M. D. Azmi, J. Cleymans, T. Dietel & S. Murray
Physics Department, University of Jammu, Jammu, India
R. Bala, A. Bhasin, A. Gupta, R. Gupta, B. Potukuchi, S. Rohni, S. Sambyal, S. Sharma & R. Singh
Physics Department, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
V. Bairathi, S. Raniwala & R. Raniwala
Physikalisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
V. Anguelov, F. Bock, O. Busch, M. Fasel, P. Glässel, R. Grajcarek, N. Herrmann, J. Klein, M. J. Kweon, D. Lohner, X.-G. Lu, A. Maire, J. Mercado Pérez, H. Oeschler, K. Oyama, Y. Pachmayer, F. Reidt, K. Reygers, R. Schicker, J. Stachel, J. H. Stiller, M. A. Völkl, Y. Wang, J. Wilkinson, B. Windelband, M. Winn & A. Zimmermann
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
M. Agnello & I. Aimo
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
T. A. Browning, R. P. Scharenberg & B. K. Srivastava
Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea
S. U. Chung, J. Seo, J. Song, J. Yi & I.-K. Yoo
Research Division and ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
A. Andronic, I. C. Arsene, R. Averbeck, P. Braun-Munzinger, B. Dönigus, P. Foka, U. Frankenfeld, C. Garabatos, M. Ivanov, M. L. Knichel, M. K. Köhler, M. Krzewicki, M. Lenhardt, C. Lippmann, P. Malzacher, A. Marín, N. A. Martin, S. Masciocchi, D. Miskowiec, M. Nicassio, J. Onderwaater, J. Otwinowski, W. J. Park, C. Schmidt, K. Schwarz, K. Schweda, I. Selyuzhenkov, J. Thäder, D. Vranic & J. Wagner
Rudjer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
T. Antičić, M. Planinic & T. Susa
Russian Federal Nuclear Center (VNIIEF), Sarov, Russia
D. Budnikov, S. Filchagin, R. Ilkaev, A. Kuryakin, A. Mamonov, S. Nazarenko, V. Punin, A. Tumkin, Y. Vinogradov, A. Vyushin & N. Zaviyalov
Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
D. Aleksandrov, D. Blau, S. Fokin, M. Ippolitov, A. Kazantsev, Y. Kucheriaev, V. Manko, S. Nikolaev, S. Nikulin, A. Nyanin, D. Peresunko, E. Ryabinkin, Y. Sibiriak, A. Ter Minasyan, A. Vasiliev, A. Vinogradov, S. Yasnopolskiy & I. Yushmanov
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India
S. Chattopadhyay, K. Das, D. Das, A. K. Dutta Majumdar, P. Khan, B. Paul, P. Roy & T. Sinha
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
D. Alexandre, L. S. Barnby, D. Evans, L. D. Hanratty, P. G. Jones, A. Jusko, M. Krivda, G. R. Lee, R. Lietava, A. Palaha, P. Petrov, P. A. Scott & O. Villalobos Baillie
Sección Física, Departamento de Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru
E. Calvo Villar & A. Gago
Sezione INFN, Bari, Italy
G. de Cataldo, D. Elia, V. Lenti, V. Manzari, E. Nappi & V. Paticchio
Sezione INFN, Bologna, Italy
A. Alici, P. Antonioli, F. Cindolo, D. Hatzifotiadou, A. Margotti, R. Nania, F. Noferini, A. Pesci, O. Pinazza, R. Preghenella, E. Scapparone, M. C. S. Williams & C. Zampolli
Sezione INFN, Cagliari, Italy
C. Cicalo, A. Masoni & S. Siddhanta
Sezione INFN, Catania, Italy
A. Badalà, A. Palmeri & G. S. Pappalardo
Sezione INFN, Padova, Italy
F. Antinori, A. Dainese, D. Fabris, A. Toia & R. Turrisi
Sezione INFN, Rome, Italy
S. Di Liberto, M. A. Mazzoni & G. M. Urciuoli
Sezione INFN, Trieste, Italy
E. Fragiacomo, N. Grion, S. Piano & A. Rachevski
Sezione INFN, Turin, Italy
M. Agnello, I. Aimo, B. Alessandro, R. Arnaldi, E. Bruna, S. Bufalino, P. Cerello, N. De Marco, A. Feliciello, S. L. La Pointe, L. Manceau, C. Oppedisano, F. Prino, L. Riccati, A. Rivetti & E. Scomparin
SUBATECH, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Université de Nantes, CNRS-IN2P3, Nantes, France
L. Aphecetche, G. Batigne, A. A. E. Bergognon, M. Bregant, H. Delagrange, B. Erazmus, M. Estienne, M. Germain, A. Lardeux, G. Martínez García, J. Martin Blanco, A. Mas, L. Massacrier, P. Pillot, Y. Schutz, A. Shabetai & D. Stocco
Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
C. Kobdaj
Technical University of Split FESB, Split, Croatia
S. Gotovac, E. Mudnic & L. Vickovic
The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Poland
J. Bartke, J. Figiel, E. Gladysz-Dziadus, L. Goerlich, M. Kowalski, A. Matyja, A. Rybicki & I. Sputowska
The University of Texas at Austin, Physics Department, Austin, TX, United States
A. G. Knospe & C. Markert
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Culiacán, Mexico
R. Gomez, I. León Monzón & P. L. M. Podesta-Lerma
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil
C. Alves Garcia Prado, M. Bregant, M. R. Cosentino, A. Deppman, G. O. V. de Barros, D. Domenicis Gimenez, M. A. S. Figueredo, C. Jahnke, C. Lagana Fernandes, D. A. Moreira De Godoy, M. G. Munhoz, A. C. Oliveira Da Silva, E. Pereira De Oliveira Filho, A. A. P. Suaide & A. Szanto de Toledo
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil
D. D. Chinellato, A. Dash & J. Takahashi
University of Houston, Houston, Texas, United States
R. Bellwied, D. D. Chinellato, P. H. S. Y. Jayarathna, S. Jena, L. Pinsky, D. B. Piyarathna, A. R. Timmins & M. Weber
University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
B. Chang, D. J. Kim, J. Kral, A. Morreale, J. Rak, W. H. Trzaska & J. Viinikainen
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
M. A. S. Figueredo
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States
I. Martashvili, J. Mazer, C. Nattrass, K. F. Read, R. Scott & N. Sharma
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
T. Gunji, H. Hamagaki, S. Hayashi, Y. Hori, H. Torii, T. Tsuji & Y. Yamaguchi
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
J. Bhom, T. Chujo, S. Esumi, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, D. Sakata, M. Sano, D. Watanabe & K. Watanabe
University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
M. Planinic & G. Simatovic
Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, IPN-Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
C. Cheshkov, B. Cheynis, L. Ducroux, J.-Y. Grossiord, M. Guilbaud, R. Tieulent, A. Uras & Y. Zoccarato
V. Fock Institute for Physics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
I. Altsybeev, G. Feofilov, A. Kolojvari, V. Kondratiev, V. Kovalenko, V. Vechernin, L. Vinogradov, I. Vorobyev & A. Zarochentsev
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India
Z. Ahammed, S. Basu, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Choudhury, S. De, A. K. Dubey, P. Ghosh, S. Kar, S. A. Khan, B. Mohanty, S. Muhuri, M. Mukherjee, T. K. Nayak, S. K. Pal, J. Saini, D. Sarkar, R. Singaraju, S. Singha, V. Singhal, B. C. Sinha & Y. P. Viyogi
Vestfold University College, Tonsberg, Norway
R. Langoy & J. Lien
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
L. K. Graczykowski, M. A. Janik, A. Kisiel, J. Oleniacz, T. Pawlak, W. Peryt, J. Pluta, M. Szymanski & H. Zbroszczyk
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, United States
A. Borissov, T. M. Cormier, A. Dobrin, V. R. Loggins, J. Mlynarz, S. K. Prasad, C. A. Pruneau, P. Pujahari, J. Putschke, M. Verweij, S. A. Voloshin & C. G. Yaldo
Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
A. G. Agocs, G. G. Barnaföldi, G. Bencedi, D. Berenyi, L. Boldizsár, E. Dénes, G. Hamar, G. Kiss, P. Lévai, L. Olah & S. Pochybova
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
A. M. Adare, S. Aiola, T. Aronsson, H. Caines, M. E. Connors, J. W. Harris, B. Hicks, R. Ma, S. Oh, R. J. Reed, T. Schuster & N. Smirnov
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
J. H. Kang, T. Kim, B. Kim, M. Kim, Y. Kwon & M. Song
Zentrum für Technologietransfer und Telekommunikation (ZTT), Fachhochschule Worms, Worms, Germany
R. Keidel
M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, D.V.Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia
L. Malinina
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics and “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
J. Milosevic
Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
S. K. Oh
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland
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The ALICE collaboration., Abelev, B., Adam, J. et al. J/ψ production and nuclear effects in p-Pb collisions at \( \sqrt{{{{\mathrm{s}}_{\mathrm{NN}}}}} \) = 5.02 TeV. J. High Energ. Phys. 2014, 73 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP02(2014)073
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP02(2014)073
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