XXI International Conference "Dynamical System Modeling and Stability Investigations" (DSMSI-2025) will be held by the Faculty of Information Technology (Department of Program Systems and Technology), Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics (Department of Complex System Modeling), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Conference organized in cooperation with:
National Committee of Ukraine on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
S.P.Tymoshenko Institute of Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Kiev National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.
The first conferences "Dynamical Systems Modeling and Stability
Investigation" were embarrassed by narrow frames of stability theory and
dynamical processes under superconductivity conditions. But taking into account
the growing interest in the Conference, the Organizers extended the subject, which
consists of three topics:
1. Computer applied mathematics;
2. Computer applied mechanics;
3. Mathematical foundations of information technologies.
Working meeting of the Conference will be held in the form
of reports. Invited lecturers will be given 30 minutes, contributed
talks are 15 minutes. Each participant can present not more than 2 reports. All participants
are kindly encouraged to make their talks in English! The total amount of participants will be defined by the Program Committee, which consists of competent lectors and
scientists. Selection will be provided in way of a work review.
The official languages of the Conference are English and Ukrainian.
The working language of each section will be selected by the wishes of section
participants. The reporter chooses the language of the presentation at his discretion.
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