Um Survey sobre a Pertinência e Relevância de Critérios de Decisão para Apoiar o Gerenciamento de Itens de Dívida Técnica

  • Leilane Ferreira Ribeiro UNIFACS / IFBA
  • Rodrigo Oliveira Spínola UNIFACS / UFBA


O termo dívida técnica (DT) é utilizado para descrever os custos de longo prazo decorrentes de atalhos tomados no desenvolvimento e evolução do software. As estratégias de gerenciamento da DT identificam itens da dívida e avaliam quando e se eles devem ser pagos. Utilizar critérios de decisão pode apoiar a escolha do momento mais adequado para pagamento desses itens. No entanto, pouco ainda se sabe sobre a aplicabilidade dos critérios que têm sido propostos na literatura técnica. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um survey que foi executado com o objetivo de caracterizar critérios de decisão identificados na literatura técnica com respeito à sua pertinência e relevância no apoio à gestão da DT. Ao total, 33 respostas foram obtidas e permitiram identificar o conjunto de critérios pertinentes, além de ordená-los pelos seus respectivos níveis de relevância.
Palavras-chave: Gerenciamento, Itens, Dívida


Al Mamun, M., Berger, C., Hansson, J. (2014) Explicating, Understanding and Managing Technical Debt from Self-Driving Miniature Car Projects, 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME).

Allman, E., (2012) Managing Technical Debt, Queue 10(3).

Alves, N.S.R., Mendes, T. S., de Mendonça, M. G., Spínola, R. O., Shull, F., & Seaman, C. (2016) Identification and management of technical debt: A systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology, 70, 100-121.

Alves, N.S.R., Ribeiro, L.F., Caires, V., Mendes, T.S., and Spínola, R.O, (2014) Towards an Ontology of Terms on Technical Debt. In: Sixth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, IEEE, 1-7.

Alves, N.S.R., Araújo, R.S., Spínola, R.O. (2015) A Collaborative Computational Infrastructure for Supporting Technical Debt Knowledge Sharing and Evolution. In: Americas Conference on Information Systems.

Brown, N., Cai, Y., Guo, Y., Kazman, R., Kim, M., Kruchten, P., Lim, E., MacCormack, A., Nord, R., Ozkaya, I., Sangwan, R., Seaman, C., Sullivan, K., Zazworka, N., (2010) Managing technical debt in software-reliant systems, Proceedings of the FSE/SDP Workshop on Future of Soft. Eng. research, ACM.

Buschmann, F., (2011) To Pay or Not to Pay Technical Debt, IEEE Software.

Dias Neto, A.C.; Travassos, G.H.. (2008) Surveying Model Based Testing Approaches Characterization Attributes. In: International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Kaiserslautern.

Griffith, I., Izurieta, C., Taffahi, H., Claudio, D., (2014) A simulation study of practical methods for technical debt management in agile software development, in Proceedings of the 2014 winter simulation conference, Piscataway, NJ, USA.

Guo, Y., Spínola, R.O., Seaman, C. (2014) “Exploring the costs of technical debt management – a case study,” Empirical Software Engineering, v. 1, p. 1-24.

Izurieta, C., Vetró, A., Zazworka, N., Cai, Y., Seaman, C., Shull, F. (2012) “Organizing the Technical Debt Landscape,” in 3rd International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-9.

Kruchten, P., et al., (2013) Technical debt: towards a crisper definition report on the 4th international workshop on managing technical debt, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes.

Kruchten, P., Nord, R. L., Ozkaya, I., (2012) Technical Debt: From metaphor to theory and practice, IEEE Software.

Lim, E., Taksande, N., Seaman, C., (2012) A Balancing Act: What Software Practitioners Have to Say About Technical Debt, Software, IEEE 29(6), 22-27.

Nord, R.; Ozkaya, I.; Kruchten, P. & Gonzalez-Rojas, M., (2012) In Search of a Metric for Managing Architectural Technical Debt, WICSA/ECSA 2012, IEEE CS.

Power, K. (2013), Understanding the impact of technical debt on the capacity and velocity of teams and organizations: Viewing team and organization capacity as a portfolio of real options, Managing Technical Debt (MTD).

Ramasubbu, N. & Kemerer, C.. (2014) Managing Technical Debt in Enterprise Software Packages, Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 40(8), 758-772.

Ribeiro, L., Farias, M., Mendonça, M., Spínola, R.O. (2016) Decision Criteria for the Payment of Technical Debt in Software Projects: A Systematic Mapping Study. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) Volume 1, pages 572-579.

Seaman, C. & Guo, Y. (2011), Measuring and Monitoring Technical Debt, Advances in. Computers, vol. 82.

Spínola, R.O. & Travassos, G.H. (2012) Towards a framework to characterize ubiquitous software projects, Information and Software Technology, Volume 54, Issue 7, Pages 759-785, ISSN 0950-5849,

Spínola, R.O., Zazworka, N., Vetró, A., Seaman, C., Shull, F. (2013) Investigating technical debt folklore: Shedding some light on technical debt opinion. In 4th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, 1-7.

Zazworka, N.; Shaw, M. A.; Shull, F., Seaman, C. (2011) Investigating the impact of design debt on software quality, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, Pages 17-23.
RIBEIRO, Leilane Ferreira; SPÍNOLA, Rodrigo Oliveira. Um Survey sobre a Pertinência e Relevância de Critérios de Decisão para Apoiar o Gerenciamento de Itens de Dívida Técnica. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE QUALIDADE DE SOFTWARE (SBQS), 15. , 2016, Maceió. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2016 . p. 256-270. DOI: