A hybrid knowledge discovery system for oil spillage risks pattern classification

Udoinyang Godwin Inyang, Oluwole Charles Akinyokun


The complexity and the dynamism of oil spillages make it difficult for planners and responders to produce robust plans towardstheir management. There is need for an understanding of the nature, sources, impact and responses required to prevent or controltheir occurrence. This paper develops an intelligent hybrid system driven by Sugeno-Type Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy InferenceSystem (ANFIS) for the identification, extraction and classification of oil spillage risk patterns. Dataset consisting of 1008records was used for training, validation and testing of the system. Result of sensitivity analysis shows that Cause, Locationand Type of spilled oil have cumulative significance of 85.1%. Optimal weights of Neural Network (NN) were determined viaGenetic Algorithm with hybrid encoding scheme. The Mean Squared Error (MSE) of NN training is 0.2405. NN training,validation and testing results yielded R > 0.839 in all cases indicating a strong linear relationship between each output andtarget data. Rule pruning was performed with support (15%) and confidence (10%) minimum thresholds and antecedent-size of3. The performance of the ANFIS was evaluated with eight different types of membership functions (MFs) and two learningalgorithms. The model with triangular MF gave the best performance among all other given models while hybrid-learningalgorithm performed better than back propagation algorithm. The ANFIS model reported in the paper adopted triangular MFand hybrid learning algorithm for the predication and classification of oil spillage risk patterns. Average training and testingMSE of the model is 0.414315 and 0.221402 respectively. The knowledge mining results show that ANFIS based systemsprovide satisfactory results in the prediction and classification of oil spillage risk patterns.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5430/air.v3n4p77


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Artificial Intelligence Research

ISSN 1927-6974 (Print)   ISSN 1927-6982 (Online)

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