Ryosuke Kobayashi
Rie Yamaguchi
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Behavioral Authentication, Impersonation, Location, Wi-Fi, Correlation.
In recent years, much research has been conducted on user authentication methods utilizing human behavioral information. It is known that human behavioral information represents their characteristics and can be utilized in user authentication as well as biometric information such as facial or fingerprints. Particularly, location information representing a person’s stay and movement history strongly reflects his/her characteristic and can achieve high accuracy in user authentication within behavioral authentication methods. On the other hand, location information is easily inferable by others and there is a concern that the inferred information could be exploited for impersonation. In user authentication methods utilizing location information, it is essential to enhance resistance to impersonation even when the location is inferred. However, there has been no research conducted on this aspect. In this paper, we aim to enhance forgery resistance by utilizing not only the location infor
mation collected by smartphones but also Wi-Fi information and the correlation between location and Wi-Fi data in the context of user authentication methods. These three modality were combined through the score fusion method. As a result, this approach successfully improved authentication accuracy and resistance to impersonation.