Deep Neural Network with Adaptive Parametric Rectified Linear Units and its Fast Learning


  • Yevgeniy Bodyanskiy
  • Anastasiia Deineko
  • Viktoria Skorik
  • Filip Brodetskyi



deep neural network, convolutional neural network, adaptive parametric rectified unit, activation function


The adaptive parametric rectified linear unit (AdPReLU) as an activation function of the deep neural network is proposed in the article. The main benefit of the proposed system is adjusted activation function whose parameters are tuning parallel with synaptic weights in online mode. The algorithm of the simultaneous learning of all neurons parameters with AdPReLU and the modified backpropagation procedure based on this algorithm is introduced. The approach under consideration permits to reduce volume of the training data set and increase tuning speed of the DNN with AdPReLU. The proposed approach could be applied in the deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) in conditions of the small value of training data sets and additional requirements for system performance. The main feature of DNN under consideration is possibility to tune not only synaptic weights but the parameters of activation function too. The effectiveness of this approach is proved by experimental modeling.


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How to Cite

Bodyanskiy, Y., Deineko, A., Skorik, V., & Brodetskyi, F. (2022). Deep Neural Network with Adaptive Parametric Rectified Linear Units and its Fast Learning. International Journal of Computing, 21(1), 11-18.


