sas 15(1): e4

Research Article

Patterns for self-adaptive systems: agent-based simulations

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  • @ARTICLE{10.4108/sas.1.1.e4,
        author={Mariachiara Puviani and Giacomo Cabri  and Franco Zambonelli},
        title={Patterns for self-adaptive systems: agent-based simulations},
        journal={EAI Endorsed Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems},
        keywords={Adaptation pattern, taxonomy, MAS, role},
  • Mariachiara Puviani
    Giacomo Cabri
    Franco Zambonelli
    Year: 2015
    Patterns for self-adaptive systems: agent-based simulations
    DOI: 10.4108/sas.1.1.e4
Mariachiara Puviani1,*, Giacomo Cabri 2, Franco Zambonelli3
  • 1: DIEF, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Vignolese 905/b, Modena, Italy
  • 2: FIM, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Campi 213/b, Modena, Italy
  • 3: DISMI, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Via Amendola 2, Reggio Emilia, Italy
*Contact email: [email protected]


Self-adaptive systems are distributed computing systems that can adapt their behavior and structure to different kinds of conditions. This adaptation does not concern the single components only, but the entire system. In a previous work we have identified several patterns for self-adaptation, classifying them by means of a taxonomy, which aims at being a support for developers of self-adaptive systems. Starting from that theoretical work, we have simulated the described self-adaptation patterns, in order to better understand the concrete and real features of each pattern. The contribution of this paper is to report about the simulation work of three patterns as examples, detailing how it was carried out, in order to provide a further support for the developers.