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Mobile Health Systems for Bipolar Disorder: The Relevance of Non-Functional Requirements in MONARCA Project

Mobile Health Systems for Bipolar Disorder: The Relevance of Non-Functional Requirements in MONARCA Project

Oscar Mayora, Mads Frost, Bert Arnrich, Franz Gravenhorst, Agnes Grunerbl, Amir Muaremi, Venet Osmani, Alessandro Puiatti, Nina Reichwaldt, Corinna Scharnweber, Gerhard Troster
Copyright: © 2014 |Volume: 5 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 12
ISSN: 1947-9158|EISSN: 1947-9166|EISBN13: 9781466654518|DOI: 10.4018/ijhcr.2014010101
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Mayora, Oscar, et al. "Mobile Health Systems for Bipolar Disorder: The Relevance of Non-Functional Requirements in MONARCA Project." IJHCR vol.5, no.1 2014: pp.1-12.


Mayora, O., Frost, M., Arnrich, B., Gravenhorst, F., Grunerbl, A., Muaremi, A., Osmani, V., Puiatti, A., Reichwaldt, N., Scharnweber, C., & Troster, G. (2014). Mobile Health Systems for Bipolar Disorder: The Relevance of Non-Functional Requirements in MONARCA Project. International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR), 5(1), 1-12.


Mayora, Oscar, et al. "Mobile Health Systems for Bipolar Disorder: The Relevance of Non-Functional Requirements in MONARCA Project," International Journal of Handheld Computing Research (IJHCR) 5, no.1: 1-12.

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This paper presents a series of challenges for developing mobile health solutions for mental health as a result of MONARCA project three-year activities. The lessons learnt on the design, development and evaluation of a mobile health system for supporting the treatment of bipolar disorder. The findings presented here are the result of over 3 years of activity within the MONARCA EU project. The challenges listed and detailed in this paper may be used in future research as a starting point for identifying important non-functional requirements involved in mobile health provisioning that are fundamental for the successful implementation of mobile health services in real life contexts.

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